Archive | 2017

Devil Worshippers Take Christian Man And His Wife And Demand They Renounce Christ, The Christians Say No, They Tie Them Up And Submerge Them For Over 17 Hours In Freezing Water

In a story out of India, a couple abandoned the blood-sacrificing pagan religion of their tribe and embraced Christ. Their tribesmen were furious with them and after years of harassment, threats, and assault, they tied up the couple and demanded they renounce their faith. When they said no, they threw them into a freezing cold […]

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Muslims Start Having Horrible Visions After Mutilating And Murdering Christian Girl, They Go And Beg Her Father For Forgiveness And He Tells Them That Only Jesus Can Heal Them, They All Renounce Islam And Become Christians

This is the third time we have reported on this story about that missionary’s daughter who was kidnapped by Muslims and then died but saw Jesus, and He healed and restored her to life. In another miraculous development, the four Muslims who did the crime have now not on only apologized for their crimes, but […]

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The Antichrist One World Religion Is Coming, He Will Mix Islam With Christianity And Order All Christians To Follow This False Religion, All Those Who Refuse Will Be Beheaded

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, Part 7, continuation of Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6) Skeptics of the Bible always shed doubt while they demand proof. We reply, there are two millennia worth of proof generated from the skeptic’s own rebellious history. Here, let me explain 8000 words worth of amazing detail loaded with proof.  In the […]

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Make No Mistake About It, Japan Is Still An Enemy Of The Western World, It Is Still An Enemy Of Christendom, Japan Will Join The Antichrist Forces In The Future When The Great Future World War Erupts

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump praised the US-Japanese alliance yesterday, calling Japan a “important, steadfast ally.” Trump also thanked Japan for “hosting” the U.S. military and exalted “the bond between our two nations and the friendship between our two peoples runs very, very deep.” The commitment between Japan and the United States, no matter how […]

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Christian Girl Mutilated And Murdered By Muslims Visits Heaven, Is Miraculously Healed by Jesus And Brought Back to Life

UPDATE: This story was brought to my attention after it was posted by Andrew and I find no credibility to it. After investigating the source, it came originally from Bibles For Mideast operated by Paul Ciniraj. It wasn’t just this story, but I found that all of Ciniraj’s stories from India to be completely unverifiable. I checked every story by Ciniraj and […]

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Christian Pastor, Doctor, And AIDS Expert Fired By The State Of Georgia For Preaching Against LGBT Wins Big In Religious Discrimination Lawsuit

Several months ago, we covered how Dr. Eric Walsh, an African-American Christian Pastor known for his passionate sermons against homosexuality and who is also HIV/AIDS expert and a member of former President Obama’s Advisory Council for AIDS was fired from his job with the state of Georgia because of his sermons. After a lengthy battle […]

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Islamic Terrorists Take Christian Man And Crucify Him, They Then Put A Sign On The Cross That Says: ‘We Have Crucified This Man Because He Believed In Jesus Christ.’

By Theodore Shoebat Islamic terrorists in Syria, members of the Jabhat al-Nusra jihadist organization, crucified a Christian man and put a sign on the cross that said that the man was crucified because he believed in Jesus Christ. This is just one of numerous stories reported by Christians who survived the savage anti-Christian persecution in […]

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‘Calling The Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group Will Cause More Terrorist Attacks’ CIA Threatens To Use Muslim Terrorists Against President Trump

While Christians are being slaughtered throughout the Muslim world at the hands of Islamic terrorists, the “elephant in the room” is the fact that it could not have happened without the CIA. As many media outlets have reported, the CIA and US Special Operations working with both Turkey and Saudi Arabia among other nations gave […]

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Austria Prepares To Send Troops To Its Borders, Joins All Of Eastern Europe In Shutting Down Balkan Route For Muslim Arrivals

The fight over the mass importation of Muslims into Europe is splitting along East-West lines. We have followed how all of Eastern Europe would eventually seal themselves off from the West, but that Austria would be an exception. While it is a Western European nation, Austria is the most “eastern” of them and historically will […]

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Donald Trump Vows To Defeat The Mexican Drug Cartel, And Makes This Declaration To All Americans: ‘We will break the backs of criminal cartels that have spread across our nation.’

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump just signed an executive order vowing to crush criminal activity by Mexican drug cartels in the United States, making this declaration to all Americans: “I am directing DOJ and DHS to take all necessary action to break the backs of criminal cartels that have spread across our nation.”  He also has […]

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Muslim Police Finally Admit That Christian Girl Who Was Found Drugged, Raped, And Murdered In A Canal Did Not ‘Commit Suicide’

We covered this story a few days ago when it first came out. After much pressure from the family and Christian Groups, Pakistani Police admit that a Christian girl found drugged, raped, and murdered did not ‘commit suicide,’ but was the victim of an actual crime: Police in Pakistan have accepted that a twelve year […]

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In The History Of Christendom, There Were Many Japanese Samurai Who Rejected The Buddhist Religion And Accepted Jesus Christ As Their Savior, They Became Great Warriors For The Faith. Read About Them Today And Learn Of True Warrior Spirit Of Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Church in Japan will be beatifying a Samurai warrior named Takayama Ukon who left the degenerate pagan religion of his country and became Catholic Christian. Ukon was a great warrior for the Faith, and fought against the pagans of Japan in valiant Holy War. As we read in one report on […]

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Major Leader Of The Catholic Church Declares To All Those Protesting Against Donald Trump: ‘Where Were You When Muslim Terrorists Were Slaughtering And Persecuting Christians?’

By Theodore Shoebat Major leader of the Catholic Church, Catholic Archbishop of Erbil, has declared to all those protestors against Donald Trump: Where were you when ISIS was terrorizing and persecuting Christians in Iraq? He made this question in a recent interview, as we read in one report: The Catholic Archbishop of Erbil has denounced the […]

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Homosexual Soldier Pays Pedophile To Rape Very Young Boy So That He Can Watch The Boy Being Sodomized, The Pedophile Takes A Very Small Child And Brutally Rapes Him

By Theodore Shoebat A homosexual soldier in the UK paid a pedophile to rape a young boy so that he could watch the horrific evil being done. The pedophile took a very small boy and sodomized him. The horrific story shows the danger of allowing homosexuals in the military. I did a whole video on […]

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Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Young Girls And Take Turns Raping Them, One Brave Woman Rises Up, Takes A Rifle And A Double Barrel Shotgun And Is Now Hunting The Terrorists Down And Rescuing The Girls

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists in Nigeria, all members of the Boko Haram group, have kidnapped innumerable girls, woman, men and children, for slaves. Girls, of course, are kept to be raped by the Muslim militants. Well, one woman named Aisha Gombi Bakari, founded her own militia to kill off the terrorists and rescue their […]

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Islamic Violence Is So Out Of Control That People Are Illegally Buying Military Grade Weapons To Protect Themselves

In a recent story, the situation with Muslims and Islamic violence has become so bad that your average citizens are illegally purchasing guns and military weaponry to protect themselves from attacks: Germans have been arming themselves with illegal guns and grenades to protect themselves from migrants. A website calling itself Migrant Fright was discreetly selling […]

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