Degeneracy takes many different forms, but none are as obvious as moral filth, for it is one thing that cannot be hidden, as it always surfaces, and while being evil, it is a consistent theme throughout history and is an insightful metric into the temperaments of a society in a most private and unspoken way.
The existence of it is one question, but the matter consumed and the audience to which such materials is directed is another. According to a recent report, a group of mothers in the UK is making pornography for the purpose of showing it to children, including their own:
Having found ordinary pornography insufficiently titillating, five women are producing a pornographic video that they want their children to watch in order to allay “toxic masculinity.”
The five women are part of a new show on the state-supported Channel 4 in the United Kingdom dubbed “Mums Make Porn” that will air this week.
The women, some of whom have children, watched pornographic videos as part of their research. According to the Daily Mail, one of them vomited when she viewed some of the horrifying material and another mother was disgusted by the rapes she saw in the videos. The five mums viewed scenes of violence, submission, and denigration.
While the five women do not appear in the video they directed and produced, they reportedly sought to produce pornography they believe will promote their attitudes toward sex. At the end of the program, the women showed the pornographic video to their children.
The three-part series follows Anita, Emma, Sarah Louise, and Sarah as they made their pornographic video.
Sarah Louise said the video features both heterosexual and homosexual acts. “It’s unusual in the porn world, as you don’t normally combine them,” she said. “We wanted to show you could have the same chemistry with different couples.”
Commenting on the news was conservative author Rod Dreher. “This is not a fringe thing. This is mainstream now. It wasn’t too long ago that parents introducing their children to pornography would have drawn the attention of the police. Now parents make it for them as an enlightened act of liberal charity, and get a celebrated television show about it … ” he wrote.
“There is no saving a culture as degenerate as this one, only withdrawing from it, and building up small communities within which to live out the faith (and moral sanity) while it destroys itself. I’m telling you, get started on this right now. Something big is coming. You feel it as well as I do,” Dreher warned. (source, source)
People talk about “saving the West” and “Western civilization,” but when the speak of it, is this what they want to save?
People may say “No, this is not what we want,” but then a supermajority of the same individuals will come and support the LGBT and sodom.
The sin of Sodom is a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance and is a sign of manifest decay in any society, as it represents the willing embrace of sin.
Why then, should it be a surprise that a group of mothers would make pornography for the purpose of showing it to children?
To be surprised at this would be to be surprised at a beam in a house collapsing that has a major termite infestation that has been known about but the inhabitants refused to do anything because they like termites.
Choices have consequences, and consequences can be severe depending on the actions in question.
For example, in a recent story out of the UK for comparison, a Sudanese immigrant and sodomite went to a sodomite bar in Newcastle, UK and tried to force another man there to sodomize him. At his trial, his defense was that he thought it was OK because the immorality was everywhere:
A Sudanese shepherd granted asylum in the UK has claimed that “immorality” in Newcastle encouraged him to sexually assault a man in the city centre.
Zain Osman, 25, who arrived in the country on a lorry, thrust his hands down the victim’s trousers and tried to force him to perform oral sex on him in the street.
He also bit the man on his back and shoulder and sent him tumbling into a roadworks ditch during the 20-minute attack last September.
The attack was halted by a taxi driver who saw what was happening and intervened, Newcastle Crown Court heard.
Osman, of Gerald Street, Newcastle, admitted sexual assault and was jailed for 15 months. He was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and his name will appear on the sex offenders register for the same period.
But Jamie Adams, defending Osman, said his client carried out the sexual assault because he had “never experienced the kind of immorality” he witnessed in Newcastle and that his behaviour was not violent but showed “clumsy drunken persistence”.
“He is an uneducated man. He was a shepherd in his own country, the Sudan,” said Mr Adams.
“He had never experienced the kind of immorality he experienced in coming here and was evident in this particular area of Newcastle.
“But it was quite wrong to have made his advances when it was evident the man didn’t want anything from him. (source, source)
People will criticize the migrants in Europe, and there is much rightly that can be said about them which deserves criticism. However, his statement brings up a fundamental point that I have consistently made- that Europe is steeped in immorality and has defined itself by such for some time.
Was the migrant wrong for attempting to get sex the way that he did, or was he simply attempting to imitate what he saw around him, and in that way was being genuine in his actions?
I emphasize I am not trying to defend his actions or sodomite behavior, but to point out an uncomfortable reality that this migrant is bringing up, which is that the modern concept of “freedom,” just as how it was during the French Revolution, is defined by moral license instead of moral truth.
Islam is an evil religion, but there are many Muslim people of good will who in spite of the evils of Islam genuinely believe it to be true and attempt to follow it. In Europe, Christianity is scarcely practiced, and for far too many the practice of Christianity is synonymous with national identity. There are true Christians, but they are few and difficult to find save in select pockets, and they are finding themselves in increasingly difficult circumstances with their own governments, who are even going so far to persecute them for speaking critically of the LGBT.
Governments are a reflection of the people, for they are made of the members of society. If the government is acting in a particularly evil way over a noted period of time, then perhaps the problem is not the “government,” but the people of the society whose actions are bearing their inevitable consequences in the halls and offices of government.
One therefore must ask then who is the true savage- the “refugees” who engage in disordered behavior, or the society and people who now define themselves by objectively savage behavior and refuse morality and order yet will point to the “refugees” as the problem?
Again, this is not to say the “refugees” are without blame. However, it was not as though the “refugees” just walked into Europe on their own and started invading, for they were brought by the government intentionally as we have consistently stated (here and here) for the purpose of causing instability to engender a sense of nationalism that can be translated to militarism.
In Matthew 23, Jesus states to the Pharisees:
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You cleanse the outside of cup and dish, but inside they are full of plunder and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may be clean. (Matthew 23:25-26)
Judgement begins with the self, and self-examination, which is something that many in the Western world do not want to do because they have embraced and love the evils they commit, yet are also the source of many of their problems.
It should not be a surprise that she is in the state that she is, for by embracing all the evils of Sodom, she is but only bearing the consequences of her actions, just as a tree is known by the fruit it bears.
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