Archive | August 23, 2019

Priest Steals $100K And Spends It On Himself And Other Sodomites He Met On Grindr

The issue of the sodomite infestation in the Church is an ongoing problem that due to the extent of the infestation, will take a long time to deal with effectively. Great problems do not happen from nothing, and when they do happen take even longer to fix. Fortunately, the tenacity of the Catholic Faithful has […]

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Massive Wildfires Consume Western Turkey Near Izmir

Major wildfires have scorched the globe in 2019. There was the massive fire in the Siberian Taiga in Russia, then the massive Brazilian wildfire in the rainforest, as well as reports of fires throughout southern and central Europe. Now massive fires are in western Turkey near Izmir according to reports: Forest fires have consumed some […]

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Parents Harass Christian Preacher For Confronting Jewish Sodomite Pervert Grooming Children

A Christian preacher was harassed by parents at a “drag queen story time” event for confronting an admitted Jewish sodomite attempting to transmit his perversions to children: The Drag Queen Story Time’s question-and-answer session didn’t go as planned. After this event at Westcliffe Community Centre in Ottawa on Saturday afternoon, Evangelical street preacher Dorre Love […]

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