There was a lot of talk about the UK leaving the EU. After much voting and arguments, it is now official- the UK has left the EU. With little fanfare, Britain left the European Union on Friday after 47 years of membership, taking a leap into the unknown in a historic blow to the bloc. […]
Archive | 2020
Pompeo Declares The US Will ‘Fully Supply’ Belarus With Oil
American geostrategy with Russia seems to involve two main points- securing a multiplicity of oil resources flowing into Europe so as to ensure that the Russians do not revive a (historically speaking, temporary) peace agreement with Germany so as to bring about the way for a revival of Germanic militarism. Part of this means interfering […]
Moscow Rolls Out Chinese-Style Facial Recognition Technology In Public
Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition technologies are two major things that I have predicted would increase dramatically in the coming years with the new advanced in computers and the desire to revive the ‘surveillance state’ concept of the past but with the tools of the modern age. China and London have been two examples of […]
Connecticut Woman In Custody After Running Down Security Barriers At Mar-A-Lago
A lot of people do not like President Trump, and while disagreements are normal, some people respond to their disagreements in dangerous or unbalanced ways. Such was the unfortunate case of what happened at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort where a Connecticut woman was arrested and taken into custody after running down security barriers at the location. […]
The Boomer Demographic Catastrophe Will Worsen A Financial Catastrophe
The refusal of the Boomers to have children at or above replacement rate levels in combination with the massive expansion of debt and the evisceration of jobs across all sectors leading to forced socioeconomic stratification for the younger generations with no serious, viable, long-term solution to the problem are not separate but integrated issues. What […]
President Trump Lifts Landmine Use Restrictions
Landmines are very horrible things, because while they can be effective in a war, mines also sit underground for many years undetected and have a history of killing or mutilating innocent people, especially children, who step on them unaware of their presence in an area, sometimes decades after conflict in an area. During Obama’s presidency, […]
Virginia Lieutenant Governor Excommunicates Himself With Casting Deciding Vote On Increasing Access To Abortion
The Catholic Church teaches that one can be excommunicated by two major ways. The first way of doing this is by a declaration, and the other is by actions that are of a very grave nature. For example, a bishop or Pope could issue a declaration excommunicating somebody. A person also could apostatize, enter into […]
Allegations Surface That The Chinese Government Is Secretly Burning Virus-Infected Corpses
The coronavirus epidemic has caused a near complete shutdown of China as people are very scared of the illness and the potential consequences, which are yet to be clearly ascertained. Measures are being taken to control the illness, but nobody is clear as to exactly what is happening or not due to persistent attempts by […]
US Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency
Pay attention closely to the stock markets because the chaos being caused by the coronavirus is going to shake markets and potentially create a window for investment, as stocks will likely drop in value due to the fear of sickness. This is going to be important to watch as HHS Secretary Alex Azar has declared […]
Will There Be A ‘Chicken Virus Epidemic’ In The US?
Animals get sick and die, and the deaths of livestock often times is directly related to policy issues. For example, there is reason to surmise that the proliferation of African swine fever in 2019 that is still continuing today is directly related to US geopolitical aims against the Chinese, who rely on the meat to […]
Many Americans Think The Coronavirus Has To Do With Corona Beer
Corona beer is a famous light Mexican beer beloved by many Americans. Americans are also infamous for having poor knowledge of geography and generally not researching critical topics of current interest too deeply so that strange ideas are easily formed while also seriously influencing public discourse. One of such items is that the coronavirus currently […]
President Of Extremely Un-Humanitarian State To Her Own Citizens Releases Israeli-American Drug Trafficker On “Humanitarian” Grounds
Russia does not have a history of being a ‘humanitarian’ oriented nation, for with her long prison sentences for even small cases of drug trafficking or other offenses, Russia ranks with the US in the top five nations with the largest prison population, and a long-established prison culture. Foreign citizens who are arrested in Russia […]
Anti-Virus Company Avast Busted Stealing People’s Personal Web Search Histories And SELLING It To Major Corporations
Anti-virus companies love to present themselves as helping people protect their computers from ‘hackers’, but the reality is that most anti-virus is not only useless and tends to slow down a computer as well as is expensive to upkeep, but creates a vulnerability because the program acts as a ‘filter’ through which ones personal searches […]
Thousands Of Birds Are Dead On The Caspian Sea Shores Of Iran And Nobody Knows Why
Ecological disasters many times precipitate other natural or man-made disasters, and they can be signs of coming political instability. This is very important at a time when the coronavirus from China is devastating human populations and locust plagues as well as droughts are causing severe environmental problems in eastern and southern Africa respectively. According to […]

There Are So Many Catholic Priests Who Have Abused Boys That A New Database Documenting Clerical Sexual Molesters Has Almost 5,800 Priests Listed So Far
By Theodore Shoebat There are so many Catholic priests who have abused boys that a new database documenting clerical molesters has 5,800 priests listed. According to a report from Crux Now: A new, independent database listing nearly 6,000 priests accused of abuse was launched this week, marking what some observers say is a sign of a […]
Four Workers For Christian Humanitarian Group Disappear In Iraq
Four workers for a Christian humanitarian aid group, SOS Christians, three who are French and one Iraqi, have disappeared amid fears that they have been kidnapped. This comes at a time of heightened social tension as violence begins to return to that which was experienced in 2007 during the buildup to the genocide of Christians […]