Ashley Hinson (left) is one of the American officials defending the life of unborn children with Down syndrome
By Theodore Shoebat
84 American officials (two Republican lawmakers leading 18 members of the U.S. Senate and 64 members of the U.S. House of Representatives) are making a stand for unborn babies with Down Syndrome (who are murdered in huge numbers) and want to overturn a lower court ruling Arkansas that allows for the abortion of disabled fetuses. As we read in Fox News:
Two Republicanlawmakers are leading 18 members of the U.S. Senate and 64 members of the U.S. House of Representatives in filing an amicus brief at the Supreme Court against selective abortions based on a fetal Down syndrome diagnosis.
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, are leading over 80 of their colleagues in a brief defending an Arkansas law designed to protect the unborn with Down syndrome from “invidious discrimination,” according to the court filing exclusively obtained by Fox News.
The bicameral group of lawmakers is asking the court to overturn a lower court ruling that made abortions based on Down syndrome diagnoses legal, warning that the ruling could send the nation down the dark path of eugenics – the practice of selectively breeding people for desired traits.
The lower court ruling upheld an injunction on a 2019 Arkansas law that outlawed aborting a fetus based on a Down syndrome diagnosis. This ruling means that, currently, women in Arkansas can legally abort their child if it has been diagnosed with the chromosomal disorder.
“Every life is valuable and has dignity and our laws should reflect that,” Hinson told Fox News. “I am proud to lead this brief with Sen. Cotton to ensure that abortions are never performed based on a Down syndrome diagnosis.”
“I will always defend the most vulnerable and stand up for the unborn,” she added.
Cotton told Fox News that America must protect the unborn, including those with disabilities.
“Our society has an obligation to protect the most vulnerable, including unborn children with disabilities,” the Arkansas senator said. “Arkansas’ law seeks to protect babies with Down syndrome from modern-day eugenicists who want to end their lives, simply because of their disability.”
here are organizations that claim to be helping kids with Down syndrome, to which many are duped to donate money. But the reality is, these very organizations are killing kids with Down syndrome. What you are about to read has never been exposed before.
The world is riddled with people pointing to one problem to justify another evil. They point to a problem to justify support for an evil cause. Everywhere you turn, you see those who cry about one unfortunate phenomena, to garner support for a sinister machination. We call this pretense propaganda, or the craft of pointing to one misfortune to cover up an evil plan.
We see this with charities like Global Down Syndrome and its partner, the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome. While they talk about helping people with Down Syndrome, and they may even do some good things, they support insidious and murderous people and activities.
While Global Down Syndrome claims to want to help children with down syndrome, they have some very nefarious people in their organization.
Michelle Sie Whitten is the CEO of the organization, and she is the daughter of Anna and John J. Sie, the founders of the Anna and John J. Sie Foundation. While portraying herself as a defender of people with Down syndrome, Michelle once said: “I’m not shy—and maybe I should be—about saying I’m pro-choice.”
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation consists of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, founded by Linda Crnic, to which it gives much of its funds. One of the main researchers for the Linda Crnic Institute is Kathleen Gardiner who, while claiming to want to help people with Down Syndrome, does not mind experimenting on unborn babies, some of whom include embryos with Down Syndrome.
In 1995, Gardiner took part in an experiment in which was used a “fetal brain, whole fetus, and adult testes, thymus, liver and spleen.”
Gardiner took part in a 2008 experiment in which was used “fetal hippocampus specimens, that were generated from the frozen brain samples” and the same report records: “Total RNA was isolated from frozen human fetal hippocampus and heart control and DS [Down syndrome] specimens using Trizol (Invitrogen).” The same document says that in the experiment was used “fetal DS [Down syndrome] brain and heart specimens.” The document states from where Gardiner and her fellow researchers got the fetal tissue:
“Human fetal hippocampus (HIPP) and heart samples, age- and sex-matched controls (n=3–5) and DS [Down syndrome] (n=3–5), were obtained from the Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders, University of Maryland at Baltimore in contract with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.”
The Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders is a giant collection of human tissues, much of which are bodies and parts of aborted human embryos, and its directed by one H. Ronald Zielke. The Brain and Tissue Bank is funded by the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) and the NIH (National Institutes of Health). In an official 1992 document from the National Health Institute, it reads:
Specific tissues to be collected will include the following: brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, blood and serum, peripheral nerves, liver, kidney, pancreas, lungs, spleen, adrenal, skeletal muscles, heart, skin, thyroid, lymph nodes, and gonads. Tissues would be obtained premortem, postmortem, and from abortions.
In fact the name of the human gore bank is properly known as the NIH Brain and Tissue Bank or the NICHD Brain and Tissue Bank. Both of these are directed by Diana Bianchi, who has helped developed mechanisms by which to detect Down syndrome in a baby before its born. When journalist Bonnie Rochman asked Bianchi if her goal was to decrease the rate of abortions of Down syndrome children, she said that wether parents want to abort their child is simply their business. Rochman recounts:
When I asked Bianchi if her real goal is to decrease the rate of abortion for fetuses with Down syndrome, she deflected the question. “Our goal is to hopefully improve neurocognition and, in doing so, provide expectant couples with a message of hope,” she says. “What people decide to do with that information is their business.”
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s CEO, Michelle Sie Whitten, praised Bianchi in 2016, saying:
“Global looks forward to continuing to work with the NIH and NICHD under Dr. Bianchi’s leadership to advance high-impact research that will improve the lives of people with Down syndrome and all who are differently-abled … Bianchi brings an impressive record of scientific achievement to her role at NICHD. Over the past two decades, her lab has advanced our community’s understanding of reproductive genetics and prenatal genomics.”
All of this should really be of no surprise, given the fact that in 2017 Global Down Syndrome funded an experiment by Csaba Galambos in which he used the lungs of human embryos who had Down syndrome. In July of 2017, Global Down Syndrome posted a report on an experiment done by Csaba Galambos in which he used fetal lungs of Down syndrome embryos from the NIH Brain and Tissue Bank. The report posted by Global Down Syndrome reads:
“Using banked lung tissue samples, Dr. Galambos and colleagues created a number of different models to re-create angiogenesis and observe the effects of its impairment.
‘We measured the messenger RNA expression levels of 84 angiogenesisrelated genes in Down syndrome fetal lung samples and typical controls, and we also looked at microscopic signs of impaired lung vascular growth,’ Dr. Galambos said.”
We found the document on the experiment written by Galambos, and it reads: “Human fetal lung tissue from DS [Down syndrome] and non-DS subjects were obtained from a biorepository.” It further reads that Galambos used “Human lung tissue obtained from the University of Maryland, Baltimore through its NICHD Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders”, the very bank that Global Down Syndrome praises.
Kathleen Gardiner, one of the main researchers at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, also doesn’t mind referencing to studies in which the brains of babies with Down syndrome were used in experiments. In one document that she authored, Gardiner writes:
“Recently, several groups have contributed to progress in this area, by screening microarrays with RNA from brains of human fetuses with Down syndrome … Mao et al. [6] screened two Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays (containing probes for approximately 12,000 and 22,000 human genes) with RNA from age-matched Down-syndrome and euploid control fetuses at 17-20 weeks gestation”
The “Mao” that Gardiner is here referring to is Rong Mao, the section chief of the molecular genetics section at ARUP Laboratories. Kathleen Gardiner has worked with Mao, having organized a 2004 conference on Down syndrome in which Mao was a speaker. On the committee for this same conference was Linda Crnic, the founder of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome. Mao has partnered several times with H. Ronald Zielke, the director of the NIH Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders, using the flesh of murdered embryos.
In a 2005 research document, Mao and her team wrote on using many aborted human embryos who had Down syndrome. The document shows that in the experiment was used “the cerebral cortex of a human TS21 [Down syndrome] fetus” and they also used the hearts of these unborn murdered Down syndrome children, since the document refers to “TS21 fetal hearts”. The document also says that “cerebella were dissected from frozen fetal brains.” When writing on the source of the “materials” for the experiment, the document says:
“All human tissues were obtained from the Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders at the University of Maryland with informed consent using Institutional Review Board-approved protocols.”
At the end of the document, Mao and her team give their acknowledgments: “We thank H Ronald Zielke (Brain and Tissue Bank, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA) and Robert Vigorito (Brain and Tissue Bank, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA) for supplying fetal tissue and cell lines.”
The document provides a chart showing information for each of the human embryos used in the experiment, providing their race, gender, how old they were, and which parts of their bodies that were used in the experiment. These unborn babies ranged from 17 to 20 weeks in development, which is very developed.
On the advisory board of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, is Thomas Cech. Cech was the postdoctoral adviser for Jennifer Doudna, one of the pioneers behind the gene editing of embryos (Crisper-Cas9).
In her work on Crispr, Doudna worked directly with Emmanuelle Charpentier, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology. This is very interesting, given the Max Planck Institute’s Nazi roots and its actual human experiments on unborn children, murdered through abortion. On April of 2017, in the National Cancer Institute conference, Thomas Cech shared a platform with Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Max Planck Institute.
Doudna’s work in gene editing captured the interest of Silicon Valley in 2014, when a Silicon Valley entrepreneur contacted Sam Sternberg, a biochemist who was then working in Doudna’s lab. Sternberg had a meeting at a cafe in Berkley with this entrepreneur who told him that she was very interested in Crispr and desired to have the first gene edited baby.
So here we have further evidence of a network between the Max Planck Institute and Silicon Valley. Doudna’s partner, Emmanuelle Charpentier, is one of the founders of Crispr Therapeutics, which was established in that bank of a nation called Switzerland and commenced operations in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In a report authored by Doudna and Charpentier, it really gives us the link between Charpentier, the German government, and the German state institution that has very deep roots in Nazism and activities in eugenics (we are speaking of the German Research Foundation). The report reads that Charpentier “is supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the Helmholtz Association, the German Research Foundation, the Göran Gustafsson Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the Kempe Foundation, and Umeå University.”
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is another eugenist institution that worked with the Nazis as a propaganda group advancing race science. Today, it receives most of its money from the German government, getting 34.9% of its funds from Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, and 50.8% from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
One of the leaders of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is Yitzhak Apeloig, the former president of Technion which, according to one report, “is widely recognized as a world leader in embryonic stem cell research.”
The German Research Foundation, another major funder of Charpentier’s work, is a scientific establishment that, as we have shown in parts 3 and 4 of our series on the Max Planck Institute (see part 3 and part 4), was an organization that worked directly with the Nazis in their eugenist activities.
When the British government permitted Crispr, or gene editing, to be experimented on human embryos in 2016, Doudna said that the ruling was “appropriate” and went on to say: “If we want to make sure that the technology is safe, then this is the type of testing that has to be carried out”.
Looking at the fact that the British authorized for experiments on human embryos with Doudna’s Crispr enterprise, we cannot help but be reminded of something we wrote on in one of our past articles on the German government’s Max Planck Institute, in which we, shedding light in the powerful international eugenics network, described the bloody work of the Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR), which is ran by Britain’s Medical Research Council and belongs to the Wellcome Trust.
Going past its technical title, HDBR is a literal human gore bank in which the murdered bodies of human embryos are kept for experiments, and many of them are the corpses of unborn children who had abnormalities such as Down Syndrome (no doubt the reason why they were slaughtered in the womb), the very children that the Global Down Syndrome Foundation has vowed to protect.
According to her bio, Doudna is a member of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (the very institute that her postdoctoral adviser, Thomas Cech, was president of from the years 2000 to 2009), and this institute works directly with the human embryo collector, HDBR.
HDBR and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have a planned project together entitled, “Characterizing mosaicism and developmental abnormalities in human embryos with sex chromosome aneuploidies.” An aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, which is what a physical handicap like Down syndrome would entail, and given the fact that HDBR is a collector of murdered unborn children with abnormalities, this is a dead giveaway that such a project is for nothing orthodox.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Gates Foundation also funds Doudna.
Thomas Cech, from 2009, has been an independent researcher for the major American pharmaceutical company, Merck & Co., which — also in 2009 — merged with Schering-Plough Biopharma which was originally DNAX Research Institute, which was founded by eugenist Alejandro Zaffaroni, who we have written on in the past. Zaffaroni worked with Planned Parenthood and founded several biotech companies in Silicon Valley. In the 1970s, Zaffaroni invented a “Device for suppressing fertility,” or a device used to administer a poison into the uterus to murder a baby in the womb.
Reading all of this information, one can see further the network of eugenists, of the sinister cult of science that does not see human beings beyond their utility. Reading on these movements, we find connections with the Max Planck Institute, Germany’s scientific establishment, and as we have shown, it has Nazi roots and like the rest of these deceptive medical groups, are continuing the Nazi aspiration for human experimentation under the guise of bettering humanity.
But how is this different from the Nazis of old, who as well used the pretense of bettering humanity as a cover for their horrors? The world watched this deception unfold, and a genocide was the consequence. What does the future have in store for us? American eugenics inspired German Nazis, and what German frankenstein will be reborn with the US technocracy? History is a mirror, pointing to the face of the future, and its reflection shows its darkness, with the light of Christian saints having to arise yet again to jump to the fray against evil.