My thoughts:

My thoughts:
There is a common belief online that America will lie to justify a direct war with Russia. The fact that Biden has said that it looks like the missile did not come from Russia and three US officials have said that it came from Ukraine, tells me that the US is not willing to lie […]
Three US officials have said that the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukraine, as we read in the Daily Beast: Seemingly confirming Biden’s suspicions, three U.S. officials speaking to the AP on the condition of anonymity suggested it was Ukraine that fired the missile, citing assessments that indicated the missile was fired by […]
Biden just recently stated that it was unlikely that the missiles came from Russia. BREAKING: Biden says the missile that hit Poland is unlikely to have come from Russia — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 16, 2022 As we read in the Hill: President Biden on Tuesday said it initially appears unlikely that a […]
Sky News is saying that its possible that Russia hit Poland on purpose to test NATO: There may be an innocent explanation. Russian fired more than 85 missiles during the day. Precision-guided, but they can malfunction. But for nine months Russia has managed to avoid hitting Ukraine’s neighbours. Was it a coincidence this happened when […]
Russian missiles (reportedly) striking Poland will test NATO’s reliability: Reports are coming out stating that two Russian missiles strayed into Poland, killing two people. This happened amidst a major attack in which Russia launched hundred missiles towards Ukraine. One of the targets was the city of Lviv, which is right near the Polish border, and […]
Pope Francis recently stated that he nominated Mariana Mazzucato, a pro-choice professor, to the Pontifical Academy of Life, to “bring some humanity” to the Academy, implying that the pro-Life Christians have no humanity. As we read in wPolityce: While returning to Rome from an apostolic pilgrimage in Bahrain, journalists on board the plane asked Francis […]
In this video I talk about a possible scenario that would lead to the downfall of NATO: Russia attacks a NATO member, America does not do military intervention, and NATO loses all credibility:
My thoughts on Stephen Cohen’s book, Rethinking the Soviet Experience:
There has been talk about Iran attack Saudi Arabia. Some people think this won’t happen, but looking at the thick hatred against the Saudis within Iran, violence is inevitable:
We have been hearing about America going to war with Russia, but how could this happen when America got sick of war after Afghanistan and Iraq?
The internal struggle with Stalinism within the Soviet Union:
Some more of my thoughts on Ukraine’s nationalist problem:
My thoughts on the rising animosity against Jewish people:
My thoughts on the rise of hatred against Jews:
My thoughts on people who are ardently pro-Ukraine: