Archive | June 3, 2024

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Germany Declares That It Wants To Deploy Troops Into Gaza

Germany has made it clear that it wants to send soldiers into Gaza as a peacekeeping force, as we read in Euractiv: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) is considering the possibility of her country participating in an international protection force for Gaza, as previously called for by the Arab League. In mid-May, the Arab […]

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German Intelligence Warns: ‘Hatred To The Jews Used To Be Done In The Dark, Now It Is More In The Open.’

German intelligence has been warning that while hatred to Jews used to be something more hidden, it is more and more becoming open, as we read in Haaretz: The coronavirus pandemic, the Hamas attack on Israel and the 2023 Israel-Gaza war have led to an increase in public antisemitism in Germany in recent years, Germany’s […]

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