Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

What Is Exactly Happening With “Meth 2.0”?

Meth has been a problem in the US for years, but now it has reached a new level after a new type of meth, in what authorities are calling “Meth 2.0”, has been discovered in California and South Carolina according to reports. Primarily imported from Mexico by major drug traffickers, “meth 2.0” is stronger, cheaper […]

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Tribes And Cities Begin Asserting That “Mother Nature” Has “Rights” And “Legal” Protections

People speak of “mother earth” as though she were a living thing, a concept that in the US is most associated with the American Indians and their animistic beliefs. But does the Earth- meaning “mother nature” herself -actually have legally defendable or assertable “rights”? That is an issue that is now being discussed by tribes […]

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Oral Cancer Rates Skyrocket, Scientists Declare Link To Sodomite Behavior

The wage of sin is death, and sodomite behavior is a sin that as the Bible declares “cries out to Heaven for vengeance”, and as a result brings the fruits of death. has discussed how the sins of sodom have resulted in significant increases in disease as well as cancer of all types. Now […]

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Farmers Are Not Welfare Junkies- They Are Just As Much Victims Of US Foreign Policy As Are The Illegals

A recent report came out saying that 40% of US farmers are essentially “welfare recipients”, as that is the percent of their income that comes from government subsidy and government-backed crop insurance. The Agriculture Department projects that farm incomes will reach $88 billion in 2019 but nearly 40% of that — $33 billion — will […]

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Hindu Liars Declare That Christians Are Safe In India

Recently, India’s Minister for Minority Affairs, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, met with the U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, Samuel Brownback. During that meeting, Minister Naqvi told Ambassador Brownback that the rights of minorities were absolutely safe in India and are being protected by the BJP-led government. According to reports, Minister Naqvi told Ambassador Brownback that […]

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Is Russia Putting The Final Nail For A Future Collapse In Her Own Coffin?

All nations are known for being “two faced,” as there is one side they will present or emphasize before the world, and another side of them- usually a far less admirable one -that is ignored or hidden away. America has a long history of moral corruption that she is very open about. However, she tries […]

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Vile Sodomite Exposes His Genitals To Underage Children And Nobody Stops Him

Many children are correctly taught that if an adult takes off his clothes or shows his genitalia, or tries to touch him or her, to run and tell an adult immediately. This is because there are a lot of sick perverts in the world, and these people, aside from the fact that they need at […]

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Serial Murderers Walk Among Us

A sick man named Russ McKamey runs a “haunted house” that is just a torture house where he can indulge in fantasies of serial murder under the cover of legality, as is what some are saying according to recent reports: An online petition with the goal of shutting down a haunted house challenge in Tennessee has […]

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Jewish Yeshiva Leader Steals Over Three Million Dollars Of Money Meant To Help Poor Hungry Children And Spends It On Lavish Parties For Himself And His Friends

A Jewish Yeshiva leader was fined $150,000, sentenced to two years in prison, and the school he worked has was forced to repay over three million dollars in funds that he stole by defrauding government programs meant to feed poor, hungry children, which he spend on lavish parties for himself and his friends according to […]

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Court Says “Too Bad” To Innocent Man Whose House Was Utterly Destroyed By Colorado Police While In Standoff With A Criminal On The Run

The Constitution says that no man shall be forced to partake in an “unreasonable search and seizure”, but what does this mean today, where through court rulings and laws the idea has been reduced to practically define “unreasonable” as “whatever” the government wants at that time and without any standards at all. Recently a man’s […]

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Japan Is A Nation Defined By Degeneracy And Filled With The Sickest Perversions Imaginable And Is Why They Will Return To War

Japan is a fascinating culture because she has always been very nationalistic, very ethnocentric, very racist, and at the same time very unique in her approaches as much as very closed off to the outside world. Japan presents one image for the world to see, and then zealously guards her private image away from the […]

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Are We On The Edge Of Another Great “Burning Of The Library Of Alexandria”?

In the year 48 BC during Caesar Augustus’ wars with Egypt, he accidentally set fire to the library of Alexandria. While many manuscripts were saved, it was considered a catastrophic event because so much knowledge was destroyed in the fire from the ancient world. A similar event happened in 1258 AD, when Mongol hordes during […]

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Nick Fuentes Is Just Another Talking Head, He Is No Different From Charlie Kirk

The American conservative movement has a clear history of elevating public figures to represent their cause with the purpose of destroying and replacing the same individuals later with others. The liberal movement has done similar, but tends to have people engaged for the long term who are not as immediately famous but endure for many […]

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The Economic Crisis Of 2008 Never Ended, It Just Changed Form

Immediately following the great crash of 2008, people began writing articles on the Internet attempting to explain what happened that lead up to the event. It was not difficult to understand, for a combination of heavy indebtedness, wages beginning to stagnate or decline, the continued outsourcing of work as well as the deliberate disenfranchisement of […]

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Catholic Priest Denies Communion To Former Vice President Joe Biden Because Of His Support Of The Willful Murder Of The Innocent

A Catholic priest has made the news after he denied communion to former Vice President Joe Biden because of his support of the willful murder of the innocent. Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church. […]

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Six-Year-Old Tribal Boy Sentenced To Be Ritually Sacrificed And Eaten In Cannibalistic Ritual Escapes, He Grows Up And Becomes A Christian, He Forgives His Tribe And Returns To Them To Preach The Gospel

In 2006, a then six-year-old boy was condemned to be ritually sacrificed and eaten in a cannibalistic ritual because he was accused of being a witch. This boy escaped with the help of a regional guide, and now at twenty and a Christian, he returned to his tribe to forgive them and teach them not […]

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