Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

Pope Francis Is Preparing The Way For The Antichrist- Is Your Soul Ready?

***AUTHOR’S NOTE: This piece does NOT suggest that the Pope is the Antichrist or the false prophet or that the Catholic Church is not the one, true Church. To the contrary, it is meant to highlight and point out certain very dangerous trends of notable spiritual significance that are taking place under the current pope.  We at […]

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Islam Is Just A Social Variety Of Kaposi’s Sarcoma- You Can Only Contract It If You Have No Moral Immune System

Kaposi’s Sarcoma is a defining disease for HIV patients. In other words, if a person in known to have HIV and contracts KS, then medically speaking he has made the transition from being infected with the HIV virus to having full-blown AIDS. What makes KS such a signature disease is that it is only able to […]

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“Prepare For War” Sweden’s Top General Releases Internal Memo Saying Military Conflict Is Unavoidable

Alluding to internal threats from Muslim “refugees” who will not integrate and territorial disputes with Russia, Sweden’s top military general Anders Branstrom answered questions about an internal military document made public  that he expects Sweden will find herself “unavoidably” in a war that may be both civil and external. From the Aftonbladet and Expressen with thanks […]

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Google Proves Widespread Muslim Pedophilia- A Exclusive

Afghan Muslim pedophile with his “bacha bazi” boy, or “toy boy.” Such children are sexually abused in horrendous ways beginning at a very young age. It is no secret that wherever Muslims go massive sexual abuse follows, and especially with homosexuality and pedophilia. While there are homosexuals and pedophiles in every culture in the world, […]

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BOMBSHELL: US Government Planned And Funded A Failed Muslim Conquest Of Russia As Far Back As The 1950s

Last week I wrote about how open-source documents expose that the CIA worked directly with Saudi princes to create ISIS. In another bombshell revelation, former Top Secret Intelligence Bulletins uncovered by journalist Wayne Madsen reveal that the CIA has been backing Muslim terrorists since the 1950s and even attempted to use them in a failed […]

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Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Proof the CIA Helped Create ISIS

Shaykh Al-Sulayman, who worked with the CIA to create ISIS Truth is stranger than fiction, and at last an open source link has been established that the CIA had a direct invovlement in the creation of ISIS. Via Zero Hedge: Thanks to the resurrection of “J Pierpont Morgan”, these doubts and questions are no longer […]

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Heretical Bishop of Rome bows to Mecca but won’t kneel before GOD HIMSELF

In a shocking and never before seen or documented display of impiety by a Pope, Pope Francis took off his shoes and bowed towards Mecca before going into a mosque in the Central African Republic but when he went to say mass, as the Catholic journalist Antonio Socci pointed out, he refused to genuflect before […]

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