Author Archive | Shoebat


President of the Supreme Judicial Council In Egypt Demands Implementation of Sharia

By Theodore Shoebat Everyday Egypt is getting closer and closer into becoming Sharia state, and it is an obligation for us to search out the signs which is foreshadow the future Islamic government of Egypt, and any other country of the world. This further reveals the coming full-scale persecution and massacre of the Coptic Christians […]

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Mohamed ElBaradei’s Party Demands Sharia In Egypt

By Theodore Shoebat Mohamed ElBaradei has been seen as the face of the Egyptian revolution, and also as a major moderate voice. He is even a Nobel Peace Prize winner. During the revolution he had given us words which could only appease modern ears, such as this: The priority for me is to — is […]

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Video Shows Eltayeb Mustafa’s Support For Embassy Riot

By Theodore Shoebat A video released this week shows Sudanese rioters in a rage against the Western embassies which they attacked. The first man that appears expresses his contempt for any security for the American embassy in Sudan: The security is suppose to be protecting the people, not the American embassy, because the people are […]

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Indonesia Not A Moderate Country

By Theodore Shoebat “What happened in Libya can be imitated,” said convicted Indonesia terrorist Abu Bakar Bashir, in trying to provoke riotous attacks on the U.S. embassy in Jakarta. He continued to say: “If it is defaming God [Allah] and the Prophet [Muhammad], the punishment should be death. [There are] no other considerations.” And this: […]

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Egypt’s Sinister Ties With North Sudan

By Theodore Shoebat Omar al-Bashir’s visit to Egypt is only a sign of the sinisterism of the new Egyptian revolutionary government of Mohammad Mursi. Omar al-Bashir is a most horrid tyrant, a mass murderer and a Hitler of our time. The fact that al-Bashir was behind the recent attacks on the German and British embassies, […]

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Theodore ‘Ted’ Shoebat Finds Oldest Reference To Allah

From World Net Daily: A research article posted on the website of terrorist-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat contends the oldest known references to the Islamic deity Allah are not in Arabian records but in Babylonian artifacts. Ancient tablets describe “Alla” as a deity of “violence and revolution.” “This link sheds new light since for many years we […]

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The Left Will Be The Implementers Of Sharia

By Theodore Shoebat It is not the Muslims in America who will bring the Sharia code of Islam into American courts, but the Left. They have more knowledge of the American system, more influence, and intellectual authority. They demand that criticizing Islam should be made punishable under the courts, and thus attack the First Amendment […]

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The Middle East Chaos Just Like We Predicted it

By Walid and Theodore Shoebat Its the Middle East chaos just like we predicted it. On September 11th, we exposed the culprits and the countries they focused on attacking (U.S, Germany and Great Britain). Today, these embassies are exactly what were attacked in Sudan and elsewhere. Dar Al-Hekma is that main culprit and these two […]

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