By Walid Shoebat Christian Estrosi is a French sportsman, politician and Christian Minister. He currently serves as the Mayor of Nice, and as President of the Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur in France. He is now taking a harder stance against Muslims in soccer games who bow to Allah during a game. He is also trying […]
Author Archive | Walid Shoebat
Erdogan Of Turkey Wants To Establish A Caliphate Muslim League And A Muslim One World Government
By Walid Shoebat Turkey’s changes to the constitution is causing quite a stir in Turkey. Parliament’s constitutional committee was meeting to discuss a government-backed proposal to strip MPs of their immunity broke into violence. Erdogan is preparing the people for a Caliphate system. An opinion poll, conducted by “Mac” Foundation now shows an overwhelming majority (89%) want to […]
More Americans Have Already Flocked In Support For Donald Trump Than Muslims Have Flocked To Worship Allah At Mecca
By Walid Shoebat It is estimated that 2 million Muslim pilgrims flocked to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage to worship Allah. That number (2 million) was the number for only the difference so far in voters who flocked to The Donald over Mitt Romney’s record in 2012. Even democratic strategists realize it; Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton like […]
Thousands Of ISIS Coming From US-Mexico Borders: True Or False?
By Walid Shoebat There are reports from Judicial Watch about Mexican drug traffickers helping thousands of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico some of which supposedly even crossed into the United States to explore targets for future attacks, information supposedly forwarded to Judicial Watch by a “high-ranking Homeland Security official” in a border state. The claim […]
Massive Die Off In Seagrass In The Florida Bay And Scientists Reveal That Sea Grasses Had Declined By 29% In All Sea Oceans. Is Tribulation Upon Us?
By Walid Shoebat Everglades experts think that what they are experiencing is a “serious environmental breakdown.” Much attention has been paid to the loss of coral reefs, but now scientists are reporting seagrass ecosystems are equally in trouble. In a study in 2009, scientists found the grasses globally had declined by 29 percent since the late […]
The French Government Unites With Russia To Go Against The Evil European Union
By Walid Shoebat With the E.U and the U.S. it is “the Turk we love but Russia we hated”. However, many righteous French being the prickly pears that they are, thorny and stubborn, they just like Russia. The French MPs have voted in favor of a resolution to lift the EU-imposed sanctions initially slapped on […]
Protestants Are Joining The Muslim Antichrist To Work Together To Destroy The Catholic Church And The Orthodox Church, Protestant Germany Is Already Working With Turkey To Control And Dominate Europe With Money And Power And By Prosecuting Free Speech
Protestants Are Joining The Muslim Antichrist To Work Together To Destroy The Catholic Church And The Orthodox Church, Protestant Germany Is Already Working With Turkey To Control And Dominate Europe With Money And Power And By Prosecuting Free Speech. By Walid Shoebat Solomon the wise once said “there is nothing new under the sun”. It […]
Europe’s Future Axis Of Evil Is Arising: Germany And Turkey Are Uniting Together, France And All Of Christendom Will Arise, God Will Divide Europe Sheep From Goats And Christians Will Be Victorious
By Walid Shoebat Germany’s right wing party wants to split the E.U. saying: “France and southern EU states – Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece among them – to be banished from Eurozone, as they lack “cultures of stability” like Germany’s.” Few examine prophecies that predict a split in Europe (explained here in detail). There are prophecies that speak of […]
Do Christians Really Hear Messages From Jesus?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) A lady named Maria Valtorta is an enigma that defies categorization since she claims that Jesus personally spoke to her from 1943 until 1951 writing thousands of pages that she labeled “The Gospel According To Me”. Reading the gospel according to Valtorta divides readers where some consider it the work of fiction […]
Watch Muslim Turks Taking Garbage Bags Wanting To Suffocate American Soldiers Stationed In Turkey While They Sell Churches To Be Converted To Stables
By Walid Shoebat “Turkey is a U.S ally” is what you hear from every filthy politician in the U.S. Watch how Turks want to take garbage bags and suffocate every American soldier stationed in Turkey. Here, watch how they attack one American soldier at a US air base in Turkey, attempting to put a garbage bag over […]
The Government Of Turkey Is Now Confiscating Christian Churches And Will Be Demolishing Them. Antichrist Empire Of Turkey Is Also Planning To Slaughter All Christians
By Walid Shoebat Turkey’s ancient church buildings –some of which pre-date Islam– have been managed, historically, by church foundations. Erdogan just confiscated them to redesign them into Muslim Ottoman style mosques. Erdogan last week also just took control of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation from Egypt which represents the body of 57 Muslim states. He called […]
The Amazing Story Of A Woman Who Saw Jesus And Was Taken In A Time Tunnel To Biblical Times To Witness Christ’s Life Story In Great Detail
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) For two decades being a Christian I never once believed anyone who said “God told me” until this week when a priest told me of a woman who claimed “Jesus told me”. In the early 1940’s during World War II, she claimed Jesus appeared to her and walked her through […]
Make No Mistake About It, Catholic Priests Have The Authority To Forgive Sins And To Heal People From Horrific Diseases
By Walid Shoebat Catholic priests when they give the last rights, they do not only intercede for healing, but they also give absolution for sins as clearly instructed in the New Testament. Emma Beville first visited her doctor complaining of a sore throat and was told she had an infection. She was rushed to hospital and admitted to […]
The Blood Moons Have Been Finally Unlocked And They Reveal The Coming War Between Christians And Muslims
By Walid Shoebat Much have been said about “Blood Moons” these days linking biblical verses to the fall of the stock market and a U.S. collapse with much date setting that never happened. But perhaps analyzing the biblical verses is much simpler than most like to do where they love to use a calculator with stock […]
The Sun Is Heating Up Seven Times Hotter Destroying The Moon As Noah’s Ark Finally Is Revealed For The Battle of Armageddon
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Show me a single chapter in scripture and I will show you how prophetically packed it really is! We live in a time where we see a skirmish erupting in Armenia’s Christian Nagorno Karabakh with Muslim Azerbaijan and since we cannot pronounce Nagorno Karabakh we skip reading the news, all the […]
Erdogan Is Pressuring The Christian World To Accept His Muslim Caliphate And Wants To Rule From The United Nations
By Walid Shoebat Erdogan is pressuring the Christian world, once again, by repeating his famous words “the world is bigger than five,” referring to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council which he said does not represent the world. There needs to be a “sixth” according to Erdogan. This “sixth” seat must represent the […]