By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Reading the papers is reading authors of confusion. They say “Saudi top cleric blasts al-Qaida and ISIS as ‘enemy No. 1’ of Islam” in a statement issued in Riyadh. “The ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism … have nothing to do with Islam and (their proponents) are the enemy number one […]
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Russian Government Gets Sick Of Muslim Violence, And Has Police Officers Search Any Veiled Women And Islamic Schools
By Theodore Shoebat Russia, being fed up with Muslim violence, will be passing a law, by 2015, that will prohibit certain Islamic literature deemed as extremist and dangerous to society. As of now, Russian police are already searching Muslim schools (madrases) and stopping veiled Muslim women to interrogate them in Crimea. It is the Russian […]
Muslims Capture Teenagers And Force Them To Murder Their Own Parents
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, all members of Boko Haram, have increased the level of their cruelty and sadism, by stealing teenagers and forcing them to kill their parents, in their strategy to recruit and make them members of their jihadist group. Yan St. Pierre, the CEO of the Berlin-based security consulting firm MOSECON, explained the […]
Muslims “boast and gloat about the necessity of killing Christians”
By Theodore Shoebat A Chaldean Christian named Ben Kalasho is working to shut down ISIS recruitment online. He has managed to have several ISIS Instagram and Facebook accounts terminated. In talking about the depravity of these accounts, Ben said that ISIS would “boast and gloat about the necessity of killing Christians”, and also said that […]
Muslims Take Christians And Slit Their Throats, Hang Their Bodies On Crosses, And Rape Christian Girls In Front Of Their Parents
By Theodore Shoebat In a recent conference, Christian leaders exposed the gruesome murders that happened to Christians in Mosul, which went unreported by the mainstream news. The exposition included a recounting of how ISIS Muslims cut the throats of Christians and hung their bodies on crosses, and also how Christian women were raped in front […]
Persecuted Christian Woman Sends Out This Message To America: “Please, tell the world what is happening… Please tell the world we just want to go home. We just want to live, we just want to be safe.”
By Theodore Shoebat An elderly Christian woman, named Munira Aziz, who fled her village when ISIS took over, had this message for America: Please, tell the world what is happening… Please tell the world we just want to go home. We just want to live, we just want to be safe. The rest of her […]
Muslims Turn Christian Women Into “War Booty Slaves” And Force Them To Have Sex With “ISIS princes.”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq have turned captured Christian women into “war booty slaves”, and have forced them to have sex with “ISIS princes.” As we read from one report: A spokesman from the Kurdish forces said ISIS has kidnapped Yazidi and Christian women to be turned as “Sabaya” or “war booty slaves.” He […]
The Demonic Turkish Iranian Alliance Just Begun in the Land of Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Reports from the Middle East covered what is probably considered one of the most important events for Turkey’s advancement into the Muslim world during the three days (July 17 to 19) which was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul. The impressive initiative was carried out by the religious affairs […]
The Muslim Brotherhood Declares “Turkey is the Capital of the Islamic Caliphate” (Prophecy is being Fulfilled)
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Listen up folks. The most prominent spiritual leader for the Muslim Brotherhood is none other than Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi and this Sunday he declared that Turkey is where the Caliphate will be established. In an interview with TV Turkia Qaradawi declared that: “We came to Turkey to assess the Fourth Assembly […]
Why The World Must Focus On Buddhism As A Future Threat And Ally Of The Antichrist
By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In the future Buddhism, through Japan, will be an ally of the Antichrist nation of Turkey. Japan and Russia, though not obviously seen, are enemies. Russia fought two major wars against Japan, and fought in many battles against Ottoman Turkey. Both Japan and Turkey are going to arise and attempt […]
The Antichrist Nation is not ROME but TURKEY. Get ready for the End Times.
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Many students of Bible Prophecy insist that the Antichrist stems from a revived Roman Empire centered in Rome, a model that positions the end-times beast kingdom in Europe. But current news out of the Middle East provides some damning evidence that debunks such theory. The “Europe” model for an Antichrist kingdom became prominent during […]
Muslims Take Numerous Christian Men, Chop Their Heads Off And Place Their Heads On Display
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims entered a Christian village in Iraq, chopped off their heads, and placed their heads on display on the hoods of cars. The murders of these Christians was recounted by a Christian woman of their village, and can be heard on this video: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE […]
Muslims Create Full Scale Massacre And Slaughter Seven Hundred People
By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Muslims in Syria, all members of ISIS, have butchered 700 people. The victims were members of native tribes who are a threat to ISIS’ dominance. obtained a video of just some of the corpses of the victims, illustrating the sheer brutality and cruelty of these Muslim devils: One report […]
Edward Snowden’s Pro-Muslim Brotherhood, Homosexual Reporter Implies Jews to Blame for Ferguson Riots
Openly homosexual UK Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald – who achieved notoriety by by providing a platform for Edward Snowden – implied in one of his re-tweets that Israel had a hand in the Ferguson riots. To be clear, re-tweets should not automatically be considered an endorsement of the original tweet. In the case of Greenwald, […]
Muslims Mass Slaughter 300 People, And Capture 3,500 Women And Children For Sex And Slavery
By Theodore Shoebat Here is yet another story that should be headline news. ISIS Muslims just slaughtered three hundred people and captured 3,500 women (some as young a 10) and children for sex and slavery. In one area they butchered 300 people, including men and elderly, and then seized 1000 women and children, and included […]
Nigerian Government Ambushes Islamic Camp And Kills Seventeen Muslim Jihadists
By Theodore Shoebat Nigerian government troops ambushed an Islamic camp belonging to Boko Haram and killed seven jihadists in a well organized raid. According to a Nigerian report: The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) has said troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), in a pre-dawn raid at the weekend, cleared a terrorist camp in Buduram, […]