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Muslims Make Bombs Out Of Gasoline, And Throw Them Into Shops Because The Owners Are Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Egypt made homemade bombs out of gasoline and then tossed them into local shops in the village of el-Mahameed because their owners were Christians. According to one report: A mob of angry Islamists set fire to Christian-owned shops near the ancient city of Luxor in southern Egypt on Monday. An […]

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Muslims Enter Church And Slaughter Nine Christians In Sheer Cold Blooded Cruelty

Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Abuja, Nigeria, entered a church and slaughtered nine Christians in an attack that can be described as sheer malice. A local Christians described what the event: As we were holding service, we started hearing gunshots and everybody fled, some through the windows, and ran into bush Another report states: Suspected Islamic […]

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Antichrist Will Soon Enter The Temple of God (Pay Close Attention)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Hagia Sophia, or Ayasofya in Turkish, is officially a museum: Turkey’s most-visited monument, whose formally neutral status symbolizes the secular nature of the modern Turkish state. But this status is changing when tens of thousands of Muslims have been gathering there on Saturday to pray demanding it will again be […]

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Muslim Snipers Take Aim On Two Christian Teenagers And Shoot Them All To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim snipers in Syria took aim on two Christian teenagers and opened fire on them, killing them both. As our Middle East correspondent, Sister Hatune Dogan, wrote to us: On May 28 two Christen teenagers were shot by a sniper as they were riding their motorcycle, returning from the village of Tel […]

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Father Of Soldier Who Obama Released, Declares Muslim Victory Call, And Obama Smiles As Soon As He Hears The War Cry Of Allah

By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat (A Shoebat Exclusive) JUST WAIT TILL YOU READ ALL THE EVIDENCE WE ACCUMULATED ON THIS SUPPOSED RESCUE OPERATION. FIRST THINGS FIRST While the Obama administration is proudly touting how it was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, what no one picked is the […]

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Muslims Murder 102 Year Old Man, And Burn His Relatives To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims entered a town in Syria called Zanuba and murdered a 102 year old man just because he was of the Alawite sect. They also murdered four of his relatives, burning a number of them alive while they were asleep. As one report tells us: Jihadists belonging to the Islamic State of […]

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Muslims Murder 90 Year Old Grandmother And Three Children, And Then Heroic And Courageous Militia Takes Up Arms And Drive Out Muslim Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat A heroic and courageous militia has risen up in Nigeria, called the Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), and they have been successful in driving out Boko Haram Muslim jihadists in numerous instances. The group is also known as the Borno Youth Association of Peace and Justice, and it was founded in the […]

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Red Alert! Benghazi Select Committee COMPROMISED

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** What every American must know as the Benghazi investigation is about to begin involves what happened after the first 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act, was drafted in direct response to attacks on the United States perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist agents on 9/11/01. How is it […]

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Hindu Savages Gang Rape Two Girls And Hang Them On A Tree

By Theodore Shoebat Hindu savages in India raped two girls, ages 15 and 14, and both cousins, and hung them on a mango tree. The girls were part the lowest stage of the Hindu caste system, called Dalits, or “untouchables”, and the superintendent of police said, “We now believe the girls were assaulted for their […]

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Young 15 Year Old Girl Gets Gang Raped By 38 Muslim Men For Several Hours

By Theodore Shoebat A young 15 year old girl in Malaysia was gang raped by 38 Muslim men, with each man taking turns for several hours. Police have arrested 15 men and are looking for the remaining ones as the investigation is going under way. According to several media outlets, police chief Azham Otham said […]

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Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Mecca is the central focus of Lucifer worship. The investigation becomes monumental since Mecca fits every Scriptural verse pertaining to Lucifer and the Harlot city (Revelation 17) While some insist that some of the Biblical descriptions of the Last-Days Harlot city may bear some similarities to Rome (in which they […]

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Why Turkey Will Not Join The EU

In this column, Emma Bonino, former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and former European Commissioner, argues that 21st century Turkey is a regional power to be reckoned with but that its accession to the European Union depends largely on it resuming democratisation. ROME, May 30 2014 (IPS) – Since 2004, the Independent Commission on Turkey […]

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Muslim Man: “I killed my wife”

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man named Mohammad Ibqal murdered his wife so that he could then marry Farzana Parveen, a woman who in turn was recently murdered by her father and brothers, as reported. Ibqal said: I wanted to send a proposal to Farzana, so I killed my wife Ibqal was arrested but […]

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Muslims Take Christians And Keep Them As Slaves For Twenty Five Years Straight

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in Pakistan was kept as slaves for twenty five years straight in a brick kiln. They lived without any basic comforts, such as toilets. As one report states: There were no reports of arrests, with police allegedly reluctant to further investigate the case. In statements obtained by BosNewsLife, Christians […]

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Conservative Politicians Want To Throw Antichrist Nation of Turkey Out Of The E.U.

For two decades we have argued that the likelihood of Turkey joining the E.U is slim for the simple reason that John in Revelation never saw a European nation, but a Leopard (Greco/Turkey) and a Bear (Persia/Iran) united in their evil. (See Revelation 13, Zechariah 9) If our interpretation is correct, Turkey cannot join and […]

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Christianity Is Not A Religion Of Peace! It Is A Religion Of War And Combat

By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not a religion of peace! It is a religion of war and combat. This will be illustrated by a very recent event that took place in Central Africa, and then proven through a theological discourse by myself. Muslims in Bangui, Central Africa, attacked a church on Wednesday, called the Church […]

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