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BREAKING NEWS: Terrorist In New Zealand With Massive Nazi Symbols Over His Guns, Magazines, And Social Media Goes On Slaughter At Mosque, Butchers Muslim People At Prayer Without Mercy And Then Shoots Their Bodies On Go-Pro Camera

A terrorist with National Socialist symbols all over his gun and magazines went into a mosque in New Zealand and committed a horrific massacre, slaughtering people of all ages without mercy while filming the entire horrifying ordeal on his Go-Pro camera. He posted the video online, but it was quickly taken down from his social […]

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Pope Francis Praises Catholics Who Were Butchered By Anti-Christian Terrorists In Spanish Civil War

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis praised Spanish Catholics who were butchered for their faith by anti-Christian terrorists in the Spanish Civil War, as we read in a report from Crux:  At a time of mounting anti-Christian persecution around the world, Pope Francis celebrated the memory Sunday of nine seminarians killed during the Spanish Civil War […]

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The Government Of Iowa Will Now Be Funding Sex Change Operations With Tax Dollars. America Is Now Becoming A Nation Of Sodom

By Theodore Shoebat The citizens of the republic of Sodom are at it again, this time getting government funding to bankroll “sex change” operations which is really just genital mutilation. One report from Christian News states: The Iowa Supreme Court has unanimously upheld a lower court ruling that determined the State must allow “sex change” […]

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It Looks Like The Blackout In Venezuela Is Part Of An American Cyber-attack To Get The Country To Revolt Against Maduro

By Theodore Shoebat Venezuela is going through a horrendous blackout. The US backed opposition leader, Juan Guaido, has already said that he will be declaring a “state of national emergency” in a special session of parliament on Monday. Over the weekend parts of Venezuela were stuck without power and 70% went through an outage last week. […]

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The Person Who Trump Has Chosen To Be In Charge Of Venezuela Is A Ruthless Mass Murderer

By Theodore Shoebat The Trump administration appointed Elliot Abrams to be in charge of US policy in Venezuela. Looking at Abrams’ history, it would not be adventuresome to say that Trump has appointed a war criminal and murderer. Elliot Abrams was chosen by the Reagan administration to be assistant secretary of state for human rights; […]

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Man And His Girlfriend Murder Three Women, Scrape Out Their Flesh, Put Their Flesh In Tamales And Eat Them. When The Judge Tells Them Of Their Crime, They Smile In Pride That They Ate Human Flesh

By Theodore Shoebat A man and his girlfriend in Mexico murdered three women, put their flesh in tamales and ate them. When the judge declared them guilty, the two demonic cannibals smiled. The murderer’s name is Juan Carlos Hernández, or as he is known in the media, “El monstruo”. He himself confessed that he has been a […]

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The Ukrainian Government Authorizes Nazi Party To Oversee Elections

By Theodore Shoebat Ukraine will be having its election on March 31st, 2019. If none of the candidates get an absolute majority, then a second vote (a run-off vote) will be held on April 21. But here is one thing that makes this election so bizarre (and truly this is a reflection of the inner […]

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Two Horrific Mass Graves Discovered In Iraq, Full Of Victims Slaughtered By Terrorists

By Theodore Shoebat Two horrific mass graves, from 2007 and 2015, were discovered in Iraq, full of the bodies of the victims murdered by terrorists. As we read in a report from Kurdistan 24: Iraqi authorities on Thursday uncovered two mass graves in the province of Salahuddin containing the remains of victims believed to have […]

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