By Theodore Shoebat The European Union is supporting the nationalist Catalan separatist movement. This is evinced by the fact that the EU finances a major pro-Catalan separatist think-tank called, the Maurits Coppieters Center, and that it was Germany (the leading country of the European Union) who twisted Spain’s arm not to charge the leading figure […]
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The Fulfillment Of Major Biblical Prophecy On The Antichrist Draws Near As Jesuits In The Vatican Openly Conspire To ABOLISH The Eucharist
Many different anti-Catholic groups and individuals enjoy creating elaborate theories and schemes to justify their particular beliefs as to why the Church is the “anti-Christ.” Whether it is ridiculous claims over dubious theological ideas, cults of personality, or both inane and insane theories rooted in historical fiction and personal fancy, there is scarcely an untouched […]
The Illuminati And Jordan Peterson
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the Illuminati cult of Adam Weishaupt and how his strategy reminds me of Jordan Peterson: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE
Kurdish Nationalists Are Killing Assyrians While The West Praises The Kurds As Our Allies
By Theodore Shoebat While Western political and media outlets want you to think of the Kurdish nationalists are our friends, what they never talk about is how Kurdish militants are murdering Christians. As we read in a report from Anadolu: Despite the continued killing of Assyrian Christians in Syria, journalists, writers and politicians continue to […]
Intense Fighting In Syria As Syrian Forces Kill Scores Of Terrorists In Big Mission To Purge Syria Of Rebel Forces
By Theodore Shoebat Syrian military forces have reportedly eliminated scores of terrorists as part of a major mission to purge Syria of terrorism, as read from a report in Sana: Army units operating in Hama northern countryside inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists in the personnel and equipment in retaliation to their frequent breaches of the […]
Israel Fires Shells Into Syria
By Theodore Shoebat Israel just recently fired shells into Syria, as we read in a recent report from the Jerusalem Post: IDF forces shelled the Druze town of Hader in the Syrian province of Quneitra, Syrian media reported on Sunday night. Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted that the IDF had struck positions […]
Major Syrian Politician Reveals: The United States Government Is Still Backing Terrorists To Continue Violence In Syria
By Theodore Shoebat A major Syrian politician, Bashar al-Jaafari, recently revealed that the United States is still backing terrorists in Syria to continue violence in the region. As we read in a report from Sana: Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that Western states, particularly the United States, are working to prolong […]
The Most Dangerous Countries In The World
By Theodore Shoebat My observations on what constitutes the most dangerous countries in the world: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE
Indian Government Admits That They Knew The Terrorist Attack In which 40 Indians Were Slaughtered And Which Sparked Conflict Between India And Pakistan Was Going To Happen
By Theodore Shoebat The Indian government recently admitted that the terrorist attack in which 40 Indians were slaughtered and which helped spark the conflict between India and Pakistan, was due to an “intelligence failure.” As we read in a report from India Today: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday said the terror attack […]
Internet Trolls From India And Pakistan Are Praising War Between Their Two Countries
By Theodore Shoebat The internet trolls of India and Pakistan are barking for war on the internet, and some of them are not nobodies online. One famous Indian actor, Ajay Devgn, recently went onto Twitter to express favor of war against Pakistan, saying: “Mess with the best, die like the rest”. Mess with the best, die like […]
Islamic Terrorists In India Are Recruiting Tens Of Thousands Of Islamists To Fight Against The Indian Government And Declare: “We Muslims will set India on fire. We will kill them and blow them up.”
By Theodore Shoebat Islamist terrorists in India, members of the Jamaat-e-Islami jihadist organization, are recruiting Islamists to fight against the Indian government. One recruit even declared: “We Muslims will set India on fire … We will kill them and blow them up. I hope we will win this fight InshaAllah.” As we read in a […]
India And Pakistan Are At War, With Pakistani And Indian Forces Now Shelling Each Other. Civilians And Soldiers Have Already Been Killed
By Theodore Shoebat India and Pakistan are at war (again), with both forces shelling each other. Civilians have already died. As RT reports: Just a day after an Indian pilot was freed from Pakistani captivity, offering hope for de-escalation, the two countries resumed shelling in Kashmir, killing a number of civilians on both sides, according […]
Texas Senators And Representatives Declare That Trump’s “National Emergency” Declaration Has No Basis
By Theodore Shoebat Texas senators and representatives have declared that Trump’s “national emergency” declaration has no basis. As we read in a report from the Texas Tribune: Texas’ U.S. senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, have not been as enthusiastic. Cornyn has expressed deep reservations, and Cruz has asserted there are ways for the Trump administration to do […]
Iran And India Both Threaten Action Against Pakistan For Terrorism
By Walid Shoebat Iran and India recently threatened action against Pakistan on charges of terrorism. There is a report on that came from Global News: Pakistan is facing accusations of harbouring terrorists from western neighbour Iran as well as eastern foe India after dozens of soldiers were killed in separate suicide attacks in the two countries. […]
The Strategy Of Mass Murder: Create Want And Dictate Opinion
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the strategy of create want and dictate opinion, which goes back to the 18th century, and how you can see it in the major political shifts taking place today: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE
You Want Serious Power Over Politicians? Ignore Them
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the dynamics of political power: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE