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The Mass Crucifixions Of Christians: The Holy Bible Reveals The Most Fascinating Hidden Prophecy Predicting Muslims Becoming Evolutionists Will Genocide Christians Worldwide

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) They stood at the foot of the cross mocking Christ saying: “We came into being by chance” (Wisdom 2:2). For thousands of years the Bible predicted the rise of eugenics, but how could Bible scholars miss this? They missed it because it did not make sense, that during the time of Christ there […]

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Germany And Turkey Are Creating The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom. In The End The Muslim Ottoman Empire Will Unite With Protestants To Butcher Catholics And Orthodox Christians

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Turkey butchered millions in the early twentieth century. But so did Germany! And I am not speaking about the Jewish Holocaust, but what is sidelined in Holocaust memorials and Hollywood movies, the millions of Catholic Poles butchered at the hands of Germany. In this essay, history reveals what today […]

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Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That They Are “The Beast Rising Out Of The Dead”

By Walid Shoebat When I read the news from Erdogan’s demonic mouthpiece these days, the words seem to jump right out of prophecy, right out of scripture and without a doubt, what we will show here is prophecy fulfilling right before your very eyes. They even speak literally of Erdogan visiting the graves and reviving […]

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Absolutely Amazing Prophecy Fulfilling: Erdogan Of Turkey Brings Back The Ottoman Scepter That Signifies The Tenth Horn Prophesied In The Book Of The Apocalypse

By Walid Shoebat After Erdogan won his referendum to have complete control over Turkey, the first thing he did was to return and unveil the Ottoman scepter that should not have departed from the first Ottoman Sultan until Erdogan had come. Erdogan is mimicking a Messiah. To Erdogan, the Muslim messiah, he is whom this scepter rightfully belongs. To […]

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Shockingly Unbelievable: Erdogan’s Referendum Victory Is Now Calling On All Turks To Worship Erdogan As “God”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Special in Advance) While Turkey decided to resurrect its Ottoman hegemony on Resurrection Sunday by giving Erdogan unlimited powers, Erdogan’s main mouthpiece Yeni Safak now declared that all must (literally) obey Erdogan as “God the Holy Spirit” and “Caliph”. And while protests erupted from the opposition rejecting the referendum, U.S. President, Donald Trump, […]

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Tomorrow You Get To Watch “The Beast Rising Out Of The Earth With Two Horns Like A Lamb And It Spoke Like A Dragon”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Sunday, tomorrow, while you remember the resurrection of our Lord, there in Pergamum, the seat of Satan in Asia Minor, satan will attempt to resurrect his wounded beast. It is going to be the day for the entire sleepy world to behold the near century-old Turkish secular republic, that was […]

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INCREDIBLE RESEARCH: Exposed Secret US Documents Reveal How The United States Government Is Designing The Plan That Is Moving The World Towards Armageddon

By Theodore Shoebat We are going down the rabbit hole, To see how far these elites will go, To bring the world to hell In the name of freedom Nations will be riled, Pride will be stirred. Armies against armies, Oceans of blood will be formed. And in the end, when we look back to […]

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The Hidden Apocalypse That Few Read Which Reveals How The U.S. And Russia Will Soon Destroy The Islamic Empire That Will Soon Arise In Asia

By Trevor & Walid (Shoebat Sunday Special) 2 Esdras holds interesting keys in unravelling prophecy that focus on “Asia” (Turkey). Today, the U.S. by its attack on Syria and its persistence to remove Bashar Al-Assad, a protector of Christians. When such events happen I always get the naive comment that this is fulfillment of prophecy since Isaiah […]

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What The Media Is Not Telling You About Who Is Behind The Chemical Attack: Muslim Rebels Were Behind The Chemical Attack And Now The Us Government Is Using It To Justify Bombing Syria

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) So what is the truth behind this chemical attack that never circulates the western media? Lets examine footage never seen before in the West and the evidence regarding the latest chemical attack narrative from Syria to see who really is behind these alleged ‘chemical attacks’. Firstly, lets start with the politics. It […]

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Erdogan Wants To Revive The Islamic Empire Of The Antichrist On Easter Sunday, The Day That Jesus Christ Resurrected From The Dead. Many Christians Will Be Deceived And Will Join The Antichrist As He Sits In The Temple Of God And Makes War Against Christendom

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) “All the leaders of the EU countries went to the Vatican and listened to the pope submissively. Do you now understand why they have not been taking Turkey into the EU for 54 years? The situation is quite loud and clear, it is a Crusader Alliance. April 16 will […]

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Erdogan Is Planning To Convert Hagia Sophia To A Mosque Declaring A War Between The Crescent And The Cross

  By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special in advance) In a speech last week, President Erdoğan said that a recent decision by the European Court of Justice just sparked the war between the Cross and the Crescent. To send a message of this war reports reveal that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan could be planning to punish […]

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Erdogan Has Just Declared He Intends To Have Muslims Invade Christian Europe In The Future And That Turkey Will Build Nuclear Bombs To Soon Attack The Christian West To Subjugate The Church

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) We hear of Turkey’s Mufti calling for Turkey to go nuclear. Erdogan is also sounding some alarm warning Europe regarding its Muslim headscarf ban that the day of Europe’s reckoning with Turkey will soon come to pass. Erdogan is reacting to the ban of headscarfs and to Israel banning […]

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BOMBSHELL — Newly Discovered Evidence Reveals What The Media Will Never Expose: There Is A Major Islamic Conspiracy Being Done By Extremely Powerful And Wealthy Globalist Elites To Create A Muslim Nazi Empire And Destroy All Of Christianity And Enact A Huge Genocide Of All Christians Around The World

By Theodore And Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, in advance) In this absolute bombshell, you get to watch an American ‘conservative’ leading activist suggest that some hotel in Turkey has become the new Builderberger Hotel. His remarks are not the conspiracy theories you’re used to reading about some shadowy world government looking to impose its will across the globe. Here […]

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What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Greatest Threat To America Coming From Turkey Who Is Working With The American Left To Usher In An Islamic Empire

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) What is the greatest threat to America? ISIS? The Muslim Immigrants? Obamacare? Political Correctness? Multiculturalism? The Arab Spring? While these indeed are threats to America, a greater threat is confusion. Take for example the Arab Spring; was it the greatest threat? It was the greatest confusion of our time. Yet the […]

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The Muslim Antichrist Is Rising Up, Major Muslim Leaders Are Declaring The Coming Of A Divine Leader Who Will Lead An Islamic Empire, The Islamic Antichrist Will Declare Himself To Be God And War Against Christendom

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) As the date of the Turkish constitutional referendum to make Erdoğan supreme ruler approaches, each day continues to come with surprises. This time its a prophecy predicted by MP Şevki Yılmaz, a columnist for Erdoğan’s pro-government mouthpiece Yeni Akit TV. It caused quite a stir amongst secularists watching Yilmaz switch from a politician/columnist to false prophet uttering some strange aberrations. “Whatever […]

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Pope Francis Declares This Warning To The Whole World: ‘The End Times Are Near, Be Prepared To See The Signs For End.’

By Walid Shoebat In an impassioned address Friday the Pope declared: These are signs of the times that we need to recognize in order to act. We have lost valuable time: time when we did not pay enough attention to these processes, time when we did not resolve these destructive realities. Thus the processes of dehumanization accelerate. The […]

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