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What The US Is Doing In Venezuela Is What It Has Been Doing In The Middle East. Do Not Be Surprised If There Is A Major Migrant Crises Coming To The US From Venezuela If Violence Erupts In Latin America

By Theodore Shoebat As the United States is sanctioning Venezuela, and as there has been talk about US intervention into Venezuela for regime change, there is a parallel that I cannot resist to make, and that is the one between what is being done to Venezuela and what the US did to Iran back in […]

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Abortion Doctor Holds Up Decapitated Head Of Baby And Declares That He Has Happy That He Has Done The Abortion

By Theodore Shoebat An abortionist, after slaughtering a baby, held up its head and declared that he is happy that he has helped the mother. As we read in a report from Live Action (from Life Site News): In a disturbing and heartbreaking video shared to Facebook by In His Image Ministries, an abortionist can be seen siphoning […]

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Conservative Youtuber: A Man Sodomizing A Sixteen Year Old Boy Is “Better” Than Sodomizing A Twelve Year Old Boy

By Theodore Shoebat Today I debated with a conservative Youtuber named Dean Esmay, in which he said that sodomizing a 16 year old boy is “better” 12 year old boy, as though there is some sort of moral distinction between the two. They are both sodom and antichrist:   Click Here To Donate To Keep […]

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Major Expert On Venezuelan Politics Warns: ‘What The United States Is Doing In Venezuela Is Very Dangerous.’

By Theodore Shoebat A major expert on the politics of Venezuela, Eva Golinger, recently warned that what the United States is doing in Venezuela is very dangerous. By declaring someone president without a democratic process is making a state within a state in Venezuela, and this will only lead to polarizing and increase the prospect for […]

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The CIA Is Working For Regime Change In Venezuela

By Theodore Shoebat Although there are not reports being shown to the public about CIA agents working and conspiring in Venezuela, we know for a fact that Mike Pompeo, when he was the head of the CIA, talked about doing regime change in that country. As we read from a report from the Independent: The head […]

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The Trump Administration Is Orchestrating Regime Change In Venezuela

The Trump administration is orchestrating regime change in Venezuela, which goes contrary to the persona of being against regime change policy that Trump was projecting during his campaign. An interesting report from Common Dreams discusses this: As U.S. lawmakers, civil society leaders, and Latin America experts continue to warn against American intervention in Venezuela’s internal political affairs, the Wall […]

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We Are Currently Witnessing A Trump Backed Revolution In Venezuela

By Theodore Shoebat The Trump backed rebel politician in Venezuela, Juan Guaido, is now calling for support from the military, to support his opposition to the government. “Come to the side of the Venezuelan people,” Juan Guaido said in a message aimed at the armed forces, in a speech to a crowd at a public square in Caracas. […]

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Discovery Of Centuries Worth Of Seven Rare Earth Elements On Disputed Island Chain Portends Conflict Between Japan And Russia

  It is often times said that it is never the big things in life that pose a threat to man, an endeavor, or a thing, but the little things. For example, when hiking in the woods, many people worry about being attacked by a bear or a wolf, or getting lost and dying for […]

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Major Right-Wing Political Organization Declares That They Are Awaiting For The Coming Of The Kingdom Of The Antichrist And Want To Wipe Out All Of Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat As tensions between Greeks and Macedonians continue to intensify, there is a nationalist force working to capitalize on the situation for its own popularity, the Golden Dawn party in Greece. While this party is deceptively portraying themselves as pro-Christianity, they are in reality a sinister group with satanist and […]

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We Are Mememing Our Way To Destruction

By Theodore Shoebat On the internet there is a tremendous amount of tribalism; flame wars between ideological groups, between nationalities even. A good example of this are the internet wars between Greeks and Macedonians that have lasted for years. From comment battles on youtube videos of Macedonian music, the virtual reality has now manifested into […]

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The State Of New York Rules That Women Can Get Late Term Abortions For Any Reason, And That Killing An Unborn Child Is Not Murder

By Theodore Shoebat The state of New York just ruled that late term abortions can be done for essentially any reason. Michele Sterlace-Accorsi has given an insightful commentary, writing: Despite the fact that New York law already permits abortion for any reason during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy and the fact that an overturned Roe […]

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Japan Has One Of The Highest Suicide Rates On Earth, And This Is A Sign That Its Ready For The Kamikazes Again

By Theodore Shoebat Japan has one of the highest suicide rates on earth, with tens of thousands of Japanese people murdering themselves each year. As mass shooters are willing to kill others and themselves, so is Japan ready to kill others and destroy itself in war: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going

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