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Syrian And Russian Governments Both Report That The Chemical Attack That Injured Over 100 People Was Done By Rebels

By Theodore Shoebat The governments of Syria and Russia have reported that the chemical attack that injured over 100 people was done by rebels. As we read from the Huffington Post: Syria accused insurgents of wounding more than 100 people in a suspected toxic gas attack in Aleppo, which a health official described as the […]

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Major Jewish Groups Declare: ‘The New Testament Is Anti-Semitic. We Need A New Version Of The New Testament To Combat Anti-Semitism.’

By Theodore Shoebat A conference of major Jewish groups recently took place in Brussels in which they expressed concern about “anti-semitic” passages in the New Testament and talked about how a new version of the New Testament should be made to combat anti-semitism: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going

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Iran Now Wants To Sell Its Own Fighter Jet And Has Already Made Agreements With Russia, China And Indonesia

The Iranian government has said that it is now ready to export its own fighter jet. Here is a report from Press TV, which states that Iran has already made deals with Russia, China and Indonesia: Iran says it is ready to export domestically built fighter jets after showcasing them to potential buyers during an […]

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Stop Idealizing Political Systems. All Political Systems Can Be Used For Evil, And Are Used For Evil

By Theodore Shoebat A lot of people like to put too much focus on political systems, as if they are the answer. They will say that we need is democracy, what we need is a republic, or even a monarchy or dictatorship. No political system is the solution because all political systems can be used […]

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Muslims Attack The Prime Minister Of Pakistan For Saying That Jesus Did Not Exist

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan are attacking Prime Minister Imran Khan for stating that Christ did not exist. According to a report from RT: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan decided to share an unexpected historical insight: Jesus Christ apparently never existed. Predictably, this landed him in hot water. To make matters worse, Khan made […]

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The Government Of Tijuana Declares: ‘We Will Not Pay For Migrants From Central America.’

The mayor of Tijuana has declared that his government will not pay for migrants from Central America. As we read in a report from RT: The mayor of Tijuana blasted the government for leaving the city helpless as it struggles to cover the needs of some 5,000 caravan migrants. The city’s resources are stretched to […]

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Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Attempt To Ban Asylum For Migrants Who Cross The Border, And Says That We Must Follow The Rule Of Law

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump tried to ban asylum seekers from requesting asylum after crossing the border not through a point of entry. This plan was struck down by a federal judge. Judge Jon S. Tigar of the United States District Court in San Francisco stated that: “Whatever the scope of the president’s authority, he may […]

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