By Theodore Shoebat Hillary Clinton recently stated that if you are a Conservative Christian who is against Islam and homosexuality, then you are not American. Her exact words were: “You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Right? They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.… Now some […]
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Showdown Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Is Here: Mass Chaos And Demonic Possession Is Taking Over The Middle East, Muslims Are Now Ushering In The Coming Of The Antichrist And World War III Is Near
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Wahhabist Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz responding to Iran’s handling of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca has declared that Iranians are no longer Muslim. His fatwa came in response to Iran that regards Wahhabist Saudi Arabia as their “enemy”. The Iranians, he says, are “Zoroastrians, an ancient pre-Islamic Iranian religion.” So its time to […]
The Alt-Right Is Absolutely Evil, It Is A Movement That Is Advancing Homosexuality And The Spirit Of Antichrist
By Theodore Shoebat The Alt-Right is an absolutely evil movement that is advancing homosexuality and the spirit of the Antichrist. It is an ideology of Social Darwinism and perversity. I did a very detailed video on this: To Learn More About Christianity’s War Against Islam And The Antichrist, Get Our New 2-Disk Dvd Special […]
It Is Happening. Israel, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia … Are All Making Major Peace Treaty And It Is Time Westerners Understand What All This Means Prophetically
By Walid Shoebat It is time to learn and understand, to wake up, and not to slumber, to have oil in your lamps and not be caught in the dark. IT IS FINISHED. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today on Wednesday signed the reconciliation deal with Israel into law. At the same rate Saudi Arabia has been […]
Christianity Is The Only True Faith, All Other Religions Are Of The Devil, Islam Is The Religion Of Antichrist, Christianity Will Destroy Islam In The End And Christ Will Be Victorious
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Here is a scholarly essay, difficult to refute evidences, rarely if ever used, powerful, packed with references, that you can use when witnessing to everyone who rejects Christianity to aid the Church to win souls and defeat the devil. The mission of the Christian is to win […]
No You Dumbbell. Nazis Were NOT Right Wing Evangelicals; Hitler Was NOT A Roman Catholic; God Did NOT Destroy Sodom And Gomorrah For Simply Being Uncharitable But Because They Were Homosexuals
By Walid And Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) To say that cowards show no courage is a myth. Cowards always show courage, but only when exposing the dead Hitler, while always complimenting the living Hitler, and at the same time labeling the ones who don’t by yelling “HITLER“! Today such cowards are advancing at an alarming rate. This is becoming very noticed these […]
THE KEY TO UNLOCKING THE SECRET IMAGE OF GUADALUPE: A First Of Its Kind Research In History Revealing Hidden Code In The Image That Will End Islam
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) The crescent curse is upon us but God has already announced the victory in one fascinating image. Our research provided here is not only the first of its kind in history, but it also reveals hidden codes, not just in regards to the Aztecs of Mexico but hidden messages that Muslims […]
The Nation Of Japan Will Pledge Allegiance To The Antichrist, It Will Become One Of The Most Evil Nations On Earth, And It Will Build Nuclear Weapons
By Theodore Shoebat In 1959, the infamous soldier of the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, visited Japan with the objective of making trade deals for Cuban sugar. In a meeting, Che told Japan’s foreign trade minister that Japan could purchase sugar above the current quota in yen, and that the money would remain in Japan and […]
Hillary Is Busted: Read The Real Booklet Hillary’s Man Was Carrying For Years. It Was The Muslim Shari’ah Constitution And NOT The U.S Constitution
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Khizr Muazzam Khan’s photo carrying a booklet of the U.S. Constitution made him a celebrity to millions of bleeding liberal hearts. While Khan never once wrote complementing the U.S. Constitution until Trump, instead, in his booklet, The Sharia Explained (we copied shocking excerpts) of what the media failed to vet: Khan’s real booklet clearly […]
What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration policy of limiting Muslim immigration into the […]
Christendom Is The Only Force That Will Destroy Islam. Secularism Or Conservatism Will Always Fail.
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYONE Trying to please everyone is by far the worst disease the West contracted. Today, critiquing any other religion besides Christianity is considered a sin while mocking Christianity is applauded. I argue that anyone who tries to combat anything without using biblical concepts is an idiot […]
Everything You Need To Know About The Muslim Kamikaze EgyptAir’s Flight 804 Pilot And Why He Drowned The Plane In The Sea
By Walid Shoebat More evidence is arising to show that the pilot of Flight 804 went suicide. People ask: if indeed the pilot went suicide ‘Muslim Kamikaze style’, why plunge the aircraft loaded with mostly Muslim passengers into the sea and how does that make any sense from an Islamic perspective on Jihadi martyrdom? Answer: everything. But allow me […]
BREAKING: Muslim Pilot Of Flight 804 Converted The Plane Into A Portable Mosque And Said Farewell Before He Crashed The Plane And Slaughtered Everyone
By Walid Shoebat More evidence is arising to show that the pilot of Flight 804 went suicide. He did some bizarre things. He converted the plane into a makeshift mosque, used the equipment to tell passengers the direction of Mecca. Had a last supper and said “farewell” as if ‘we who are about to die […]
Donald Trump You Need To Build That Wall. Watch The New Documentary That Just Came Out That Reveals The Most Horrific Massacres And Atrocities Being Done In Mexico And How Terrorists Are Infiltrating The United States And Slaughtering Americans
If you doubt that masses of human beings are being ritually sacrificed as we speak on the altar of Mesoamerican gods, then watch this just released documentary. Behold, the human slaughterhouses in Mexico and the United States. The compelling, shocking and eye opening documentary makes it impossible to deny; a quarter million people (and rising), butchered. This is a holocaust […]
This Is Great For Trump: Iran Is Flexing Its Muscles Threatening To Attack U.S. Vessels And Block U.S. Access To Waterways
By Walid Shoebat Remember when the American hostages were formally released into United States custody minutes after the new American president, Ronald Reagan, was sworn into office? Just imagine Trump winning and all this muscle flexing by Iran will cease. Iran has now officially threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to U.S. vessels and allied traffic which […]
More Americans Have Already Flocked In Support For Donald Trump Than Muslims Have Flocked To Worship Allah At Mecca
By Walid Shoebat It is estimated that 2 million Muslim pilgrims flocked to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage to worship Allah. That number (2 million) was the number for only the difference so far in voters who flocked to The Donald over Mitt Romney’s record in 2012. Even democratic strategists realize it; Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton like […]