
Why Israel loses the PR war‏

Israel’s PR strategy and what is wrong with it can be identified with two words – “defense only”. We watch with frustration at what can only be identified as ineptitude the way the Israeli government, as well as the Jewish and Christian communities in all parts of the world attempts to deal with what they […]

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Walid lends his support to Stop Mosque in Wisconsin

Friends Walid will be speaking on Sunday March 21st at the First Reformed Church in Oostburg Wisconsin, about 45 minutes north of Milwaukee. This has already stirred up major local controversy with local radio and Fox affiliate reporting on the story. There is much tension in the community and we expect over a thousand people […]

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Walid Shoebat to Speak on Radio Islam

Friends Walid will be a guest on Radio Islam which at 6.05 pm Central Time tomorrow March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) It broadcasts on the internet at and also locally in Chicago on 1450 AM This should be a very interesting dialogue. For those that may miss it, we will post it on web […]

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Walid To Talk on Radio Shows…

Walid will be speaking on the Martin Dzuris Live Radio Talk Show ( 03/15/10 Monday at 6:30 pm est In addition, Walid will be speaking on the Jesse Woodrow show ( He is scheduled to be interviewed on Tuesday, March 16th, 1 PM p.s.t. He will also be speaking on the JB Show Wed ( […]

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Open letter to Charles Krauthammer and Fox News on their all out attack on Geert Wilders.‏

March 9th, 2010 Dear Mr Krauthammer, I usually agree with and highly respect your views and opinions on most matters but on the Islam issue you are DEAD WRONG. This is where I am very well informed and as a result, have obtained a certain level of expertise. I run an organization that deals exclusively […]

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Former terrorist turned Christian commends servicemen and women at local church

ORIGINAL ARTICLE:,0,3756730.story Former terrorist turned Christian commends servicemen and women at local church WTKR-TV3 Virginia Beach, Va. – A former member of a terrorist group converted to Christianity spoke from a Virginia Beach pulpit tonight. Walid Shoebat left his Muslim faith after years of being a known terrorist. “The Quran clearly says this is […]

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New Media Posted on

We are starting to post a series of videos featured on debateTV, starting with a series of the Koran (Quran) view on Christianity. Koran’s Teachings on Christianity ——– Please see our previous blog post for information about our new radio/internet talk show! INTERNET BLOG TALK RADIO, WALID SHOEBAT FOUNDATION

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Shoebat Blog Internet Radio

Ted Shoebat Blog Internet Radio On Patriot Brigade Network, produced by Lan Lamphere8 p.m. EST every Friday hosted by Ted Shoebat, discussing, politics, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and culture UPDATE: WE HAVE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED PLANS FOR THIS TALK SHOW, IN THE MEANTIME, PLEASE VISIT

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CONTACT: For an interview call: Amy Reis or Lynne Campbell of Special Guests at: 630-848-0750. TV inquiries: Jerry McGlothlin, 630-548-9300, [email protected] FORMER MUSLIM TERRORIST PRAYS OVER TROOPS Convert From Islam to Christianity to be Keynote Speaker at Prayer Service in Virginia Beach On March 3rd, former Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat, a convert to Christianity, will […]

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Supporting our troops is Not Just Saying “I Support Our troops”‏

While many people do great work supporting our troops both in a practical sense in providing letters of encouragement, packages and working with support charities like the USO, however most of the public, our leaders, Pastors and Rabbis should hang their heads in shame because they do not support our troops in any way. The […]

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Please send this letter below to your local and national media outlets

Please send this letter below to your local and national media outlets Dear Members of the Media: The Fort Hood Massacre based on all evidence and eyewitness testimony that has been verified, is undoubtebly a “Hate crime” against non Muslims or/and an act of Islamic terror. What we know is that the suspect made extreme […]

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Bad Jews, a Weak America and the Fight for Freedom

Bad Jews, a Weak America and the Fight for Freedom The assassination of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh a key leader in the Hamas an Islamic terror organization whose goal is to murder Jews, Americans and destroy both Israel and America as well as to dominate Europe and the whole world with Islam; we find the good […]

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