Tag Archives | Barack Obama

Canadian Writer Says ISIS Spreading ‘Ideological Ebola’

In an interview with Ezra Levant of Sun News, Canadian writer Mark Steyn spoke about the weak response of western governments to the rise of ISIS, which he said is spreading a kind of “ideological Ebola”. Steyn rightly contends that there is an unwillingness on the part of western leaders to confront the problem or […]

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Explosive Questions Raised About ISIS and Benghazi When Reading Between the Lines of David Petraeus Interview

A lot happened during David Petraeus’ 14-month tenure as CIA Director that began in September of 2011. Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a controversial drone attack that month; Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in October; U.S. troops were completely pulled out of Iraq in December; logistics of an alleged operation run out of […]

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Assad Regime Shows Obama how to Conduct Air Strikes on ISIS (and maybe even some of those ‘Moderate’ Rebels)

As evidence comes in that U.S. humanitarian aid and now U.S. weapons are ending up in the hands of ISIS (how did YOUR Congressman and Senators vote), the Assad regime has had a surge in airstrikes. To be precise, 200 strikes in less than two days. The Syrian air force carried out more than 200 […]

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Operation Fast and FurISIS

In operation Fast and Furious, officials in the Obama administration intentionally allowed high powered weapons to be taken into Mexico and given to drug cartels that used those guns to kill an untold number of innocent people. Last month, both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate voted to allow high powered weapons to be airdropped […]

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Obama Rebuked by Prominent Pastor who Concedes Islamic State IS Islamic

Prominent Christian pastor Reverend Franklin Graham essentially discarded Barack Obama’s contention that “ISIL is not Islamic” when the former took to facebook and implied that ISIL / ISIS / Islamic State / Da’ish is simply following the dictates of the Qur’an. In his post, Graham honed in on Islamic State’s enslavement and treatment of Yazidi […]

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Obama Virus Infects Two Mainstream Media Celebrities

When you’re afflicted with the Obama virus, the first symptom is stupidity. In particular, when Obama puts forth an argument that makes no sense, it is the media’s job to challenge the argument. Mainstream media figures, however, have long ago contracted the Obama virus and now the full blown condition of parroting and defending those […]

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Obama Wants More Ebola in the U.S.

Barack Obama has already suggested that he will not impose a travel ban from infected countries by using convoluted logic to make the case. Now he may to be targeting Ebola-infected, non-American citizens for transport to the United States. Taking those two realities together, it can be concluded that Obama wants more Ebola in the […]

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Obama a Muslim Propagandist

There is a video floating around that shows Barack Obama referring to the United States as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world’ based on the number of Muslims in America. Well, yes, he did say it but at least one site is promoting it as something Obama said recently. He did not; […]

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Obama Caught by Twitter Using Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Tactic while Describing ISIS as ‘Not Islamic’

Exactly one month ago, Barack Obama stood in front of the American people and told them a bald-faced lie when he said, “ISIL is not Islamic”. He said this not because it was true but because stealth Muslim Brotherhood agents in the U.S. needed him to say it. Just five days prior to his speech, […]

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Geert Wilders calls out Obama as one of ‘Gullible Souls’ and ‘False Guides’ on ISIS

It’s been some time since we hear from Dutch politician Geert Wilders but he’s back. In the video below, he was speaking to Dutch Parliament and referred to anyone who maintains that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam as ‘gullible souls’ in a clear reference to Barack Obama, whom he later named as a […]

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Michael Savage Talks Turkey With Walid Shoebat

Though Walid’s recent interview with Michael Savage involved a discussion about current events and ISIS, you’ll definitely find the map below helpful as you listen. We are truly witnessing a major geopolitical chess match and Walid ties it all together. As the U.S. launches air strikes on ISIS and Syria, something much bigger is taking […]

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Obama Praises Deputy to Muslim Brotherhood’s Spiritual Leader AND says ‘Islam Teaches peace’ all in same UN Speech

At a time when the U.S. is battling the most savage of Islamic enemies yet in ISIS, Barack Obama delivered a speech at the United Nations and praised Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, a deputy to Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Bayyah is a confirmed supporter of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), so designated […]

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U.S. Begins Bombing ISIS in Syria while Assad Bombing ‘Moderate’ Rebels U.S. Voted to Arm

The optics of an admission that the U.S. and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad are actually fighting the same enemy in ISIS continues to remain awkward for the Obama administration. Nonetheless, without Assad’s approval, the U.S. has begun launching air strikes on ISIS in Syria days after it was reported that Assad is actually bombing the so-called […]

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Syria is Creating Schizophrenic U.S. Senators

Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) yesterday called out three former Senators while grilling one of them – Secretary of State John Kerry – at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. The other two were President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, though he neglected to include Kerry’s predecessor Hillary Clinton or wackobird John McCain. The […]

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John Kerry Schooled on Islamic Terrorism by Egyptian Counterpart

Secretary of State John Kerry was in Egypt this weekend and received a bit of an education from his counterpart – Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri – on the issue of terror groups; it’s a point we’ve been making for a long time. To focus on al-Qaeda or ISIS specifically is like focusing on a small […]

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If ISIS Shot at U.S. Planes, would Obama Blame Assad?

Would the Obama administration blame the Assad regime if ISIS shot at U.S. planes in Syria? Without the help of credible reports – one by Yossef Bodansky and the other by Seymour Hersh – that last year’s chemical attack in Syria was actually caused by Turkey and carried out by rebels so that Obama could […]

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