Tag Archives | cnn


Will Mainstream Media exploit Mormon attempts to Baptize Islam’s Prophet?

Back in 2007 – 2008, conservative media outlets were angered that the mainstream media did not report on the connections Barack Obama had to Jeremiah Wright, the Trinity United Church of Christ, and Black Liberation Theology. Assertions that these revelations were relevant fell on deaf ears. News that Wright published the manifesto of Hamas leader […]

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Shocker: CNN Proudly reports Muslim Brotherhood group putting Smiley face on Sharia

CNN is reporting that the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has launched a campaign to change negative perceptions about Sharia law. What CNN is NOT reporting is that the ICNA is a Muslim Brotherhood group and was outed as such when a Muslim Brotherhood document penned in 1991 was introduced into evidence in the […]

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Video: Muslim Judge in Pennsylvania interviewed by CNN Reporter

I guess you could consider this Part 3 of the story about the infidel assault victim in Pennsylvania. Here are links to Part 1 and Part 2. In short, an atheist dressed as a Muhammad Zombie on Halloween was assaulted by a Muslim bystander; the case wound up in front of a Muslim judge named […]

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CNN playing Word Omission Games in Honor Killing case

CNN is apparently willing to include the words “honor killing” and “conservative Afghan” in its news reports but is unwilling to say that the honor killing was mandated by Islamic teachings or even mention that the murderers were Muslims. Instead, the word “conservative” has the effect of comparing such nasty people with the Christian right […]

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Like CNN, New York Times in bed with Terrorists

We’ve already presented evidence that shows CNN has collaborated with CAIR. Now, it looks like the New York Times can stake the same claim. For starters, any news outlet that begins with the premise that CAIR is a credible source should be granted no credibility itself. CAIR is a front group for Hamas and an […]

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Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Defends Walid Against CNN and CAIR

Click here for the audio interview: http://shoebat.org/audio/ct110726.php Vic Eliason host of Crosstalk on a Christian syndicated radio talk show on ninety one stations across the USA gives voice to Walid. Vic and Walid exposes CNN and CAIR on a most comprehensive interview yet.

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A 180 on Anderson Cooper 360: CNN’s Agenda-Driven Journalism Against Walid Shoebat Exposed

In 8 minute video report exposing the lies and slander of CNN, as well as the unprofessional unbalanced report. Watch out for a much greater response to the CNN hatchet job over next few months. We will keep you posted! A 180 on Anderson Cooper 360: CNN’s Agenda-Driven Journalism Against Walid Shoebat Exposed CNN has […]

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CNN Propaganda for Gaza Flotilla

Click here for the video clip: http://shoebat.org/videos/flotillaGreece.php CNN Propaganda for Gaza Flotilla Here is SUN news in Canada reporting in the Gaza Flotilla incident. They are using the CNN reporter Phil Black who is on board with the activists, how interesting, and supporting the “Audacity for Hope” boat along with the self hating Jews who […]

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CNN’s 2-part CAIR-sponsored attack on Walid Shoebat

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE: http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/2011/07/16/cnns-2-part-cair-sponsored-attack-on-walid-shoebat/ CNN’s 2-part CAIR-sponsored attack on Walid Shoebat Posted: July 16, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam | Filed under: CAIR Nazis | 17 Comments » Walid Shoebat spoke at a Department of Homeland Security event in Rapid City South Dakota on May 11th. It was not promoted outside […]

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CNN Poof Cooper Anderson Does a Hit-Job on Walid Shoebat

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE, THIS FOLLOWING IS POSTED SIMPLY FOR ARCHIVE PURPOSES: http://sheikyermami.com/2011/07/17/cnn-poof-cooper-anderson-does-a-hit-job-on-walid-shoebat/ by sheikyermami on July 17, 2011 Cooper in Lala-land: [UPDATED!] CNN’s 2-part CAIR-sponsored attack on Walid Shoebat Is CNN now doing the bidding of this terror front organization? The circumstantial evidence is strong. In Hamastan they would kill […]

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Click Here To View The Original Article: http://bob-mitchell.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-defense-of-walid-shoebat.html Friends, We have seen in previous comments the report regarding the “investigation” CNN carried out on former terrorist Walid Shoebat. As I stated in my last comment (under the post “Mark of the Beast) it could well be an attack of the enemy to discredit him and […]

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CNN’s ‘gotcha’ hatchet-job on terrorism fighter

CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=322481 By Bob Unruh © 2011 WND The “gotcha” reporting of the Anderson Cooper program on CNN may have backfired, as a ministry organization in the United States now is going public with a long list of accusations that the AC360 employees lied about their “investigations” and actually used […]

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