For two decades we have argued that the likelihood of Turkey joining the E.U is slim for the simple reason that John in Revelation never saw a European nation, but a Leopard (Greco/Turkey) and a Bear (Persia/Iran) united in their evil. (See Revelation 13, Zechariah 9) If our interpretation is correct, Turkey cannot join and […]
Tag Archives | france
Obamas Share Boko Haram’s Agenda to Eradicate Christian Education
By Walid Shoebat, Theodore Shoebat, and Ben Barrack **Shoebat Exclusive** Few pay attention to the common agendas shared by Boko Haram (the terrorist group that has kidnapped over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls) and the non-profit organizations ran by the Obama family. The primary goals of both is to eradicate western education in Africa; the evidence is overwhelming. To the […]
France Continues to Wake Up while Great Britain Still Comatose
In France, a man was convicted for performing the Nazi salute in front of a Synagogue while in the UK, the grandson of the man who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that allied with the Nazis in WWII, serves as a government adviser. to the British government. If Cameron would like some advice on […]
Le Pen on Muslim Children in France: Let them eat Pork!
Earlier this week, reported on the success of the right-wing National Front in France’s municipal elections. It didn’t take long for Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Party to fire her first post-election salvo. In all 11 towns where her National Front was victorious, Le Pen pledged that no schools would be serving […]

Socialism takes a Beating in French Elections; Party of Geert Wilders Ally Wins Big
In French elections this weekend, the socialists took a beating. The party of Marine Le Pen, a strong ally of Geert Wilders, administered it. A major plank in the platform of what the Associated Press refers to as the ‘the anti-immigration far right’ was to prevent a Muslim takeover of their country. The election became […]
Soup Nazi finds new Gig in France
An elderly French woman had an encounter with a cafe’ Nazi who bears a striking resemblance to the infamous Soup Nazi. While donning a patriotic t-shirt that featured her country’s flag in an outline of France, the woman was told she wouldn’t be served because the waiter is ‘for the Arabs’. On her way out, […]
Is Sending a Ham to a Mosque a bigger hate crime than Murdering innocent Jews?
When is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist denounce the persecution of Jews and Christians as hate crimes? While you’re mulling that one over, when is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist refer to receiving a ham in the mail as a hate crime? Hint: the answer […]
Barbaric Boko Haram warns against using force to rescue Hostages
This post is an update to this story. As Nigeria’s Boko Haram indiscriminately slaughters innocent people and destroys Christian churches, it warns authorities not to attempt to rescue the family of seven French hostages (four children) that the group kidnapped in nearby Cameroon last month. Boko Haram’s reason for kidnapping an innocent family? Well, the […]
Kidnapped French family (including four children) in danger of being murdered by group claiming to be Boko Haram
A French family consisting of four children was kidnapped in norther Cameroon, close to that country’s border with Nigeria. The kidnappers are demanding the release of militants being held in those two countries. Via Reuters: French ministers said they believed the three adults and four children seized in Cameroon’s far north near the Nigerian border […]
Video: Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood’s founder playing the Islamophobia card on France
His name is Tariq Ramadan and he is the grandson of Hasan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Tariq had been banned from entry into the United States until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed papers that lifted that ban in 2009 (Huma Abedin’s influence on Hillary is of significance for obvious reasons). Ramadan […]
Video: French march against Sharia; liberal media ignores, citing Racism
Some may remember one of our earlier posts about a French youth movement known as Generation Identitaire. We posted a YouTube video released by the group, though it’s no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Brothers. Nonetheless, the group, which is demanding that France retain its culture and wants to stop the […]
Must-see Video: French youth has had enough
French citizens disheartened by the election of the far left Francois Hollande should take heart in this French youth movement. These young people are wide awake. Via Generation Identitaire: h/t GWP
Father of Toulouse Jihadists sues French Government for killing his son
This one gets filed in the ‘unmitigated gall’ department. Via BBC: The father of Mohamed Merah, the Islamist gunman killed by French police after shooting seven people, has formally sued over his son’s “murder”. A lawyer for Mohamed Benalel Merah, who lives in Algeria, said the suit was against those “who gave the orders at […]
Anti-Semitic Attacks skyrocket in France
Is it any coincidence that anti-Semitism is on the rise in France at a time when the newly elected French president – Francois Hollande – captured an overwhelming majority of the anti-Semite vote? Via IPT: Three Jews were attacked Saturday night in Southeast France by 10 men wielding a hammer and an iron bar. Two […]
Report: New French President has banned consumption of Pork in Government Offices
This is a new report translated from a French website but if true, it’s not surprising. We will monitor to confirm or deny its authenticity. Via BNI: Effective immediately, the new French head of state never again will allow pork to pass his lips…or the lips of his staff, other government officials, or foreign guests. […]
Hamas calls for new French President to visit Gaza
Considering that French president-elect Francois Hollande garnered a vast majority of the Muslim vote in his race with Nicolas Sarkozy, he is beholden to Islamist to some degree. Hamas certainly seems to think so. Via ynet: Hamas has urged france’s president-elect, Francois Hollande, to visit the Gaza Strip and “correct” French policy towards the Palestinians. […]