Ynet News Hamas leaders are facing criticism inside and outside of Gaza for enjoying a comfortable lifestyle while Gazans suffer. Hamas leaders have been often seen in recent days talking about the suffering of the residents of Gaza. But while most Palestinians are faced with shortages and restrictions on movement in the Gaza Strip, this […]
Tag Archives | gaza
Self Hating Jew: Leader of the British Labour Party Joins the Israel Bashers
by Keith Davies political commentator Ed Miliband is the Labour leader, the opposition party in Britain and would be the prime minister of UK if Labour wins the next general election. He is also Jewish and another embarrassment to what it is to be a Jew. The first High Commisioner of Palestine was Sir Herbert […]
Obama Adviser who Sent ‘Smoking Gun’ Email to Muslim Agent defends Terrorist Organization
White House Deputy adviser Ben Rhodes is running interference for Hamas while attempting to be neutral in the terrorist organization’s fight with Israel. Rhodes, who sent the ‘smoking gun’ email instructing Susan Rice to blame the ‘Innocence of Muslims’ video for the Benghazi attacks, now says Israel ‘can do more’ to prevent Palestinian deaths over […]
A fake atrocity video from Gaza
From Thomas Wictor Hooray for Pallywood! If you’re unfamiliar with the term, Pallywood refers to the fraudulent videos that the Palestinians and their supporters put out to try and convince the world that Israel is the new Third Reich. Today the International Solidarity Movement released the most blatantly phony footage I’ve ever seen. A child […]
Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge
Report from Israellycool Some of the claims I am seeing online include how the vast majority of Gazans killed are civilians, and how Israel is deliberately targeting them. Regarding the latter, we all know this is nonsense – if Israel wanted to kill civilians it would carpet bomb Gaza. It is precisely because we want […]
Prime Minister of Antichrist Turkey no longer talking to Obama because of Syria and Gaza
Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frustrated with Barack Obama. The two men used to talk directly and frequently but such discussions apparently stopped this past February. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has stopped talking to US President Barack Obama on the phone, amid growing strains between Ankara and Washington over […]
Sympathy for Hamas is Sympathy for the Devil
The Obama administration is showing sympathy for the devil by showing sympathy for Palestinians while holding Israel responsible for deaths caused by Hamas. There is a despicably concerted effort on the part of Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to clamor for a ceasefire in the name of moral equivalency. Israel has provided […]
Obama Commits Blood Libel by Blaming Israel for Palestinian Deaths
Often times, what’s NOT said says everything you need to know. Such was the case during a Barack Obama news conference earlier today. While announcing that Secretary of State John Kerry would be traveling to the region to help negotiate a ceasefire, Obama clearly implied that Israel was completely responsible for all Palestinian civilian deaths. […]
John Kerry and State Dept Caught Revealing Pro-Hamas Bias
Secretary of State John Kerry and his Under Secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs have both unintentionally revealed their pro-Hamas / anti-Israel position. During an appearance on a Sunday show, Kerry was caught on an open mic mocking Israel’s attempt to avoid civilian casualties with its strikes in Gaza. Here he is clearly impugning […]
Nazi-Loving Prime Minister of Antichrist Turkey Compares Israel to Hitler
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is officially a schizophrenic projectionist. In objecting to Israel’s eradication of Hamas rats, Erdogan suggested that Israel is worse than Hitler. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel on Saturday of having “surpassed Hitler in barbarism” through its attacks on Gaza, but warned Turks against taking out their anger […]
Jewish Comedian Jon Stewart Mocks Israel and Defends Palestinians over Gaza
Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart is a liberal Jew who would rather mock Israel in its fight with Hamas than support Israel. As is far too often the case, most liberal Jews don’t like Israel very much; a majority of them voted for Barack Obama… twice. Israel has gone to great lengths to give Palestinians who […]
Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas Seeks Help from Antichrist Turkey
Hamas isn’t just finding an unsympathetic ear from Egypt in its fight with Israel. Egypt is telling the Muslim Brotherhood front group to go pound sand. This is not sitting well with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As Israel is stepping up its ground offensive in Gaza, Hamas is increasingly finding itself lacking the […]
Palestinian Media Release Video Debunking The Claim that “Israelis Target Civilians in Gaza”
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Palestinian National Agency aired a videoclip warning Gaza terrorists showing what to do when Israelis bomb their houses in the Gaza Strip telling the residents in the home to clear the house as soon as Israelis send a warning with a sound missile, that as soon as they hear […]
Pro-Hamas Protester in Atlanta gets in Face of Pro-Israel Bystander and Tells him ‘Respect Yourself’
While filming a pro-Hamas protest in Atlanta – YES, ATLANTA – “Chad” was approached by an elderly Muslim man who saw him from the marching gaggle of protesters who apparently approve of terrorism. Shockingly, the man began pointing his finger in Chad’s face and telling him “F**K You and Israel” before ordering Chad to ‘respect […]
Hamas Caught using Photo from Hollywood Horror Film to Libel Israel
There is so much wrong with this, it’s difficult to know where to begin. The desperation of Hamas is becoming increasingly apparent when it takes a screen shot from a 2009 Hollywood horror film (Final Destination 4) and blames the Jews for the pseudo-carnage while portraying it as real. Just when you thought Pallywood couldn’t […]
Hamas Orders Civilians to Stay in Homes Israel Warned would be Bombed
Hamas spokesman Ami Abu Zuhri defended the use of civilians as human shields. In a rant rife with twisted logic, Zuhri likened what’s going on in Gaza today with what happened in Algerian in the 1940’s. Zuhri then confessed that Hamas is “leading (Palestinians) to death” before catching himself and switched to “confrontation”. According to […]