While reporting from Gaza, MSNBC correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin was asked by Andrea Mitchell about claims that Hamas was intentionally firing missiles from civilian locations. Mohyeldin, who has a history of reporting for the Muslim Brotherhood’s media arm Al Jazeera as well as CNN, didn’t flinch as he issued a bald-faced lie in support of Hamas: […]
Tag Archives | gaza
Pallywood Strikes Again with ‘Foot Soldier’
You can always tell when those Palestinians are desperate. They use the Pallywood card like the left in America uses the race card. It’s sure to come out when it’s the last card to play. The Palestinians’ latest attempt at blood libel brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘foot soldier’. Time to tweet […]
Neo-Nazis in Germany Compare Jews to… NAZIS
Neo-Nazis have assembled in Germany to express their support for the Palestinians in Gaza by likening Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler and Jews to Nazis. This clearly represents an unidentified psychological defense mechanism that is some kind of hyper-mutation of projection but it’s so bizarre that psychologists who study it may need […]
Hamas Takes out Power Plant… in Gaza
The good news for Hamas is that they just took out a power plant run by the Israelis. The bad news for Hamas is that the power plant is in Gaza and provides electricity for the Palestinians. As if the Palestinians didn’t have enough problems in having to deal with the ‘Iron Dome’, which is […]
‘Iron Dome’ in Action
Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ is quickly becoming the difference maker in the fighting between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The objective of this game-changer is defensive and intended to neutralize rockets before they hit their target (when talking about Palestinian ‘targets’, the term is used loosely because Palestinian rockets have no targets). Unfortunately, the ‘ID’ is […]
Pro-Palestinian Racists with Judeo-Phobia attack Synagogues
We’re constantly told that Islam is a religion of peace and that extremists shouldn’t be lumped in with the ‘moderates’. Keep that in mind as you digest this latest bit of news out of Paris, France. Unhinged, Pro-Palestinian protesters racist rioters targeted synagogues… in PARIS, France in response to Israel’s attacks on Hamas in Gaza. […]

State Dept Spokesman calls Hamas Liars
Despite an admission by the most liberal mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have formed a new unity government, State Department spokesman Jen Psaki said Hamas has no influence over the Palestinian Authority. In response to a question about the Obama administration’s […]
Gaza Girls High School named after Female Terrorist, Murderer
Imagine a high school named after Charles Manson (we’d suggest one named after Bernadine Dohrn but sadly, that doesn’t seem all that far-fetched today; Bernadine and the Palestinians are pretty tight too). In this video, teachers and students who attend the Dalal Mughrabi School in Gaza, extol the virtues of their school’s namesake, who just […]
Israel Strikes Gaza Then God Chimes In
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) An Israeli airstrike in the southeast Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning killed three terrorists who fired a mortar at its soldiers patrolling near the border, hours after a pilotless Israeli surveillance drone crashed nearby. Fawzi Barhoum, the official spokseperson for Hamas warned Israel in a press statement today, “from committing […]
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Video: Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi visits Gaza, granted Palestinian Citizenship
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi recently went to Gaza and met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. During that meeting, Haniyeh granted Qaradawi Palestinian citizenship and presented him with a signed passport. Note that it was Al-Jazeera that aired this meeting (Al-Gore’s Al-Jazeera). Via MEMRI: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who […]
Paging CAIR… Hamas dragging people off streets, forcibly shaving their heads
Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) in Gaza is now pulling people off the streets to have their heads forcibly shaved if the hair style does not meet Hamas standards. We are still awaiting condemnation from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Via The Blaze: Palestinians in Gaza are reporting that over the past few days, young men […]
King Erdogan?
Last month, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan for hurting Turkey’s fist with Israel’s face, it wasn’t surprising but it was disappointing. Ryan Mauro has an interesting take on what it all means. We’re getting closer, folks. Crowning Erdogan as the New King of Islamists h/t BG
Former Israeli Foreign Minister: Apology to Turkey a ‘serious mistake’
Israel’s former Foreign Minister has some strong words in opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the latter’s apology to Turkey for how it handled the Gaza flotilla in 2010. It’s quite hard to argue with his logic. Via Times of Israel: Former foreign minister Avigdor Liberman slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday for […]
Washington Post found to be complicit in another Pallywood incident
Pallywood is all about creating a theater of conflict in which Palestinians are portrayed as victims and Israelis as murderous oppressors. The goal of the Pallywood culture is to push a political agenda by either misrepresenting events or staging them altogether. We now have confirmation that the death of the 11 month-old infant son of […]
Shocker: Yasser Arafat’s PLO successor, head of Palestinian Authority, praises Hitler’s favorite Arab Muslim ally
For years, the west has been told that the Palestinian Authority is much preferable to Hamas, that the former is the lesser of two Islamic movements. The political party that gave rise to the Palestinian Authority – Fatah – recently celebrated its 48th anniversary in Gaza City. Mahmoud Abbas, essentially the successor to Yasser Arafat […]