In a video uploaded to YouTube last April (posted below and in Arabic), a Muslim who has been featured recently in a Dallas Morning News article in his capacity as a moderate Muslim judge, appears to be anything but moderate. In the video, that judge – Taher el-Badawi – makes it clear who he supports […]
Tag Archives | glenn beck
Gullible Glenn Beck Helping Hillary Clinton get Elected
Talk show host Glenn Beck is apparently trying to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential run. During a segment on his program, Beck said he spoke to a “friend” of his who relayed a conversation he’d had with “Hillary people”. According to Beck’s account, his friend said the “Hillary people” think ‘the right is so stupid’ because […]
What Americans Can Learn From Russia
By Theodore Shoebat Russia has placed the Russian Orthodox Church with the government, and this of course has received the outcry of westerners, from both liberal and conservative persuasions, and even amongst Evangelicals. In America, any thought of allowing Christianity to influence policy is interrupted with exasperating objections. And if one were to express opinions […]
True Christianity Is Not Empty And Cheap Grace, But Warfare
By Theodore Shoebat In the life of every Christian, there are two stages, fighting and suffering. In many cases, the latter ends in death. We see this in all of the prophets, and most beautifully in that man Who was more than a prophet–Christ. When reading the Bible, and the history of the Church, what […]
Religious Liberty Leads To Tyranny
By Theodore Shoebat All of civilization, came as a result of religious intolerance. When the Hebrews invaded Canaan, they overthrew the high places, for which children were burnt alive, toppled down the gods for which the heathens ate human flesh and indulged in the greatest violence, and placed the banner of Yahweh over the vanquished […]
The US Constitution Is Not Inspired By God
By Theodore Shoebat Don’t get me wrong, some of the best Christians I know are Americans, and some of the best supporters of our Rescue Christians organization, are Americans. With that said, I will show as to why I conclude that the US Constitution is not inspired by God. Over these recent years I have […]
Audio: Walid and Theodore Shoebat interview with Rick Wiles of Trunews about Glenn Beck
Rick Wiles of Trunews interviews Walid and Theodore about their work on Glenn Beck:
We were Wrong about Glenn Beck
Walid Shoebat Dear Fredrick Murphy, I want to thank you for pointing out what I did not know about Glenn Beck and that he “publicly says he believes Jesus Christ is his savior”. Thank you also for clarifying that his non-belief in the Trinity is a non-issue and should not be exposed. You are right. […]
Audio: Gohmert on Fire, implies Muslim Brotherhood is influencing Obama administration’s response to Boston Bombings
Not sure who was interviewing Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) in this clip, but the congressman from Texas is on fire over the Obama administration’s handling of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s interrogation. In particular, Gohmert is audibly outraged that Tsarnaev was mirandized before critical information could be obtained from him. At one point, Gohmert does seem to imply […]
The Boston Bombings: Inside the Shocking Web of Terror Training
By Walid Shoebat As the DHS tells us that Abdulrahman Al-Harbi is innocent, very interesting discoveries await to be revealed. The Saudi national has a current friendship with someone named Ibrahim al-Ghamdi. We researched the name Ibrahim Al-Ghamdi from Arabic sources and found links in which one named Ibrahim Al-Ghamdi posted a terrorist training video. […]
Video: O’Reilly gives Beck opportunity to make the case against Al-Harbi (Saudi national)
Earlier this week, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly challenged CAIR’s Nihad Awad to the point of getting the CAIR leader to show a few of his true colors – and we lauded O’Reilly for it. The next step O’Reilly needs to take is exploring the connection between Islamic terrorists in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia’s […]
Video: Glenn Beck reveals his information on Alharbi
Last Friday, Glenn Beck issued the U.S. Government an ultimatum – tell the American truth about Abdulrahman Al-Harbi, the Saudi national who went from suspect to person of interest to witness to victim all in less than 24 hours after the Boston marathon bombings. While issuing that ultimatum, Beck said Al-Harbi was a ‘bad, bad, […]

Video: Glenn Beck gives Feds ultimatum; says Alharbi is a ‘bad, bad, bad’ man
While one of the two Chechen suspects in the Boston marathon bombings dead and the other on the loose, Glenn Beck issued the U.S. Government an ultimatum – come clean or we’ll expose the truth. Beck hinted at what he is prepared to reveal when he referred to Saudi national Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi […]
Leftist Naomi Wolf who referred to Bagram Air Base as a ‘Concentration Camp’ in talks with Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera America is apparently in discussions with Naomi Wolf, a far left female writer for the left-wing publication that is The Guardian. Last year, Wolf suggested that the reason the Muslim world was so hypersensitive about Qur’an burnings in Afghanistan was because… wait for it… the Bagram Air Base met the criteria for a […]
Morsi, The Common Tyrant
By Theodore Shoebat Muhammad Morsi is right now doing what any tyrant would do: use the emotions of the people to comply with what you want. In his address to to the senate, Morsi blamed the decrease in tourism (from which Egypt’s economy thrives) on his opposition, who “violated the peacefulness of politics”. This accusation […]

Huma Abedin’s Defenders Outed
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Much has happened since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney fired off those five letters to various Inspectors General back on June 13th. Based on all that has transpired to this point, we thought it a worthy endeavor to chronicle the individuals / entities […]