Tag Archives | Great Britain


Leftist Celebrity Photographer learns a tough Lesson

Her name is Cinnamon Heathcote-Drury and she’s a celebrity photographer who attempted to help a Muslim woman empty her shopping cart. Via the Daily Mail: She had been to see a friend and was on her way home to Kensington when she decided to pop into the store for some groceries at about 2pm. She […]

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Outrage: English Social Services seeks to Seize Newborn Baby because Mother is anti-Islam

Her name is Toni McLeod; she’s pregnant and her husband is fight for Great Britain in Afghanistan. At one time (no longer), she was a member of the anti-Islamic group known as the English Defence League (EDL). It is that prior membership that has caught the attention of British Social Services, who say that McLeod […]

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British Prime Minister: Qur’an is an “Accursed book”

Sir Winston Churchill was not the only British Prime Minister who despised Islam. Four time British Prime Minister William Gladstone (last term ended in 1894) was not a fan either. Via Jihad Watch: William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an […]

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Video: Muslim Scholar explains why Stealth Political Jihad is the best course for Muslims

It is important to understand that in Islam, all lands are Muslim lands. It’s just that some of these lands are currently controlled by Infidels. This is how Islam’s practitioners see the world. For you leftists in the West who like to run interference for Islamists, that means your country. This Muslim scholar named Haitham […]

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Huffington Post hires Muslim who thinks they’re animals

Imagine an employer hiring someone who thinks his future bosses and co-workers are “animals” that are “mentally inferior” to him. Can you imagine the degree of self-loathing that must require on the part of the hiring manager? Now, imagine what’s going through the mind of the mentally superior subordinate as he starts his new job. […]

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Pregnant Woman Killed by Jinn and Daily Mail’s Abortion Inconsistency

In 2009, a pregnant woman died in her bed. Her husband and his family were in the house at the time. The prosecution insists that Nalia Mumtaz was smothered by her husband, Mohammed Mumtaz. The defense has a rather interesting defense. Via the Daily Mail: A pregnant wife was smothered to death by her husband, […]

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Muslim Street Preacher in London gets Catholic to convert to Islam

Watch as Damian the Catholic runs into a Muslim street preacher in London and is persuaded to convert to Islam, which he does by uttering just a few words. The bad news for Damian is that if he decides to recant, he’s an instant apostate guilty of a sin worthy of death. At the 5:30 […]

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Video: Anti-Islam protest in Luton, England on May 5

Some might remember that earlier this month, we posted a video of a young British woman named Stacy Dooley, who was shocked to find that Muslims had practically taken over her hometown of Luton, England. It appears that Ms. Dooley is not the only person who has noticed the changes in Luton. On May 5, […]

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Why are Jewish leaders ignoring the lessons of History?

When Walid first began speaking out, we begged Jewish leaders and institutions to help sponsor and promote his speeches at Universities. A standard answer we received in response was something like, “Mr. Shoebat does not believe in a two-state solution, which is the policy of the Israeli government.” They refused to support our efforts; that […]

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Video: Woman returns to British hometown; sees it overrun by Islamists

This brave and patriotic woman’s name is Stacy Dooley. She is originally from Luton, Great Britain but has since moved away. Here is video of her after returning home to see Islamists marching in the street. To her credit, Dooley is not the least bit intimidated when confronting the marchers. Also making an appearance in […]

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Video: Former London Mayor wants to make the city a “Beacon” of Islam

His name is Ken Livingstone and he has already served two terms as Mayor of London, with the second term ending in 2008. Well, he’s running again and he’s decided that the best path to victory involves turning London into a “beacon” of Islam. Livingstone did everything short of promise to turn Big Ben into […]

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Identifying Terrorist links is now Racist

Imagine a scenario in which an employee is fired from a pharmacy because it’s discovered that he has close links to two drug dealers who have plans to rob a drug store. Then, after being fired, the employee accuses the pharmacy of racism. Imagine no more. Just replace “drug store” with “airline,” “drug store robbery” […]

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