There was a time when no one thought the “Baghdad Bob” schtick would get old. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, it’s as worn out as Light My Fire by the Doors. The latest incarnation comes from State Department spokesman Jen Psaki who, in response to a question about putting what’s going on in Iraq […]
Tag Archives | iraq
Muslims Take Christian Man, And Slaughter Him Right In Front Of His Son
By Theodore Shoebat With the takeover of Mosul in Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Christians are being butchered at random. In just one incident, they took a Christian man and murdered him right in front of his son. They then kidnapped his son and did not release him until […]
Prophecy is Being Fulfilled, The Antichrist is Arising as Iran Moves into Iraq
When Iraq faded from the collective consciousness and few were paying attention to it we wrote: “Iraq will weaken as a result of America’s exit to simply be devoured by Iran.” (Article by Walid Shoebat written in 2012 for Jewish Voice Ministries) And now that Iraq is under the radar again as Mosul, Iraq’s SECOND […]

Bush DID Lie about Iraq and 9/11
By Ben Barrack In 2003, I believed President George W. Bush and was not at all equipped to come to an educated conclusion myself about going into Iraq. I chose to believe the Republican narrative and was in full support of ‘Shock and Awe’, a name given to the operation that sought the removal of […]
George Clooney Stands Up Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat George Clooney is standing up against the current Islamic genocide of Christians by Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim ruler of North Sudan. In a newly written article, George Clooney and John Prendergast both reveal how Bashir is killing Christians and even other Muslims: If you care about religious persecution, Sudan is attacking Muslims […]
Antichrist Turkey using Water as a Chemical Weapon
Water is a chemical weapon when it is withheld from people. Preventing thousands of people from having access to is chemical warfare. When Sarin gas killed people in Syria last year, it was the presence of the chemical that caused deaths. When people are murdered with thirst, they end up just as dead due to […]
Muslims Crucify Two People, And Mockingly Say, “become new false jesus.”
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat Muslims are crucifying more and more people, in a demonic rage for the sake of Islam. They are making crucifixion common place in their methods of killing, as is attested by recently released photos from the village of Raqqa in Syria: On top of the crucified, the killers put […]
House Intel Chairman Expresses Concern over al-Qaeda in Syria; Fails to mention Turkey’s Role
During a radio interview, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers was asked about the recent chemical attack in Syria. The interviewer seemed convinced the attack came from Bashar al-Assad, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, much of it chronicled by As part of his response, Rogers rightfully brought up the “huge and growing […]
Muslims Want To Make Christians Into History
Posted by Theodore Shoebat The ultimate plan of true and authentic Muslims to obliterate Christianity; to make it into history. The following video reflects this goal. It talks about how many Christians in Iraq currently believe that the jihadists want to drive them into non-existance. An excerpt from the video states: The ancient Iraqi Christian […]
Muslims Raiding and Seizing Christian Homes; Owners have no Recourse
Imagine leaving your home to go to work only to come home to find it seized by Muslims who threaten to kidnap you or your family members if you file a complaint. Those threats are viewed as legitimate because the courts charged with meting out justice don’t do their jobs. Welcome to how Christians are […]

Muslims Execute Christian Professor In His Car
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian medical school professor named Adison Karkha was found murdered in his car today. According to the agency LANA, he was stopped and executed on his way to work. According to Libyan military officers, jihadists in Libya have intensified their presence, which means that more Christian blood will be being shed. […]
Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Man Finds Bible With Pages Covered In Christian Blood
By Theodore Shoebat Michael Coren, of the Sun News, interviewed a Christian who had great experience with Christian persecution in the Middle East to discuss the persecution taking place against Christians in Iraq. The Christian brought a Bible that survived an attack by Muslims on the Our Lady of Salvation Syriac Catholic Cathedral in Baghdad. […]

Schizophrenia: McCain, Graham oppose al-Qaeda in Iraq
Senators John McCain (RINO-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) are publicly chastising Barack Obama over Al-Qaeda’s takeover of Fallujah in Iraq. This is quite curious considering both McCain and Graham supported al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria, not to mention their work as Obama emissaries to Egypt in August to negotiate for the release of leaders from […]
Prince Charles: Christianity Is Beginning “to disappear”
By Theodore Shoebat The killing of Christians is getting so bad that even Prince Charles is speaking about it, he fears that Christianity is beginning “to disappear”. At this point, he is more righteous than Obama, or most of American politicians in this regard. Prince Charles made some important and revealing statements on the current […]
Did Paul Bremer learn nothing from Iraq?
A disturbing trend relative to the Bush administration’s decisions after the 9/11 attacks continues as another representative from that administration is calling for the removal of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad so that Muslim Brotherhood rebels can fill the void, a position fervently shared by Saudi Arabia. L. Paul Bremer, who was tasked with leading the effort […]