A regular reader and commenter at Shoebat.com informed us that he attended the South Carolina Tea Party this past January to seek out Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) specifically. He did this after seeing how Gohmert grilled former FBI Director Robert Mueller about the Boston Marathon bombings. Here is what our reader told us about his […]
Tag Archives | IRS
Lois Lerner Caught Granting Muslim Brotherhood front groups Tax Exempt status as far back as BUSH ADMINISTRATION
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** One of the reasons Republicans like Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania won’t come forward with the truth about Malik Obama’s tax exempt status and Lois Lerner’s role in it likely has to do with what she was permitted to do when a Republican president was in office. […]
Republican Congressman VIOLATES his Oath at IRS Hearing
On today’s Ben Barrack show… Segment 1: How CGI – the company that built the notorious Obamacare website – is connected to the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks. Also, the administration was flat-busted recruiting escorts for the illegal alien children invasion. How does this provide further evidence that the Obama administration […]
Congressman gives IRS Commissioner Free Pass on Malik Obama
House Ways and Means Committee member Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) blew a golden opportunity with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen today. When given his time to ask questions of Koskinen, Kelly should have asked why the brother of the President received expeditious and illegal 501(c)(3) status from Lois Lerner in 2011 and why this was done […]
Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Last summer when CNN reporter Arwa Damon interviewed Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspect behind Benghazi attacks (whom Obama just arrested) was freely roaming the streets in Libya without any concern for being picked up. Now the timing of the news of his arrest should be cause for […]
‘Lost’ Emails between Lois Lerner and White House may be about Obama’s Brother
By Ben Barrack Was there any email correspondence between the White House and former IRS Tax Exempt Director Lois Lerner relative to Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF)? If so, when would it have taken place? Could it have been any time between January 2009 – April of 2011? The reason that should be […]
George Clooney Can’t Handle the Truth about Obama and Sudan
By Ben Barrack Earlier this week, Theodore wrote an article in response to actor George Clooney’s article with John Predergast about the mass genocide of Christians and Muslims in Sudan at the hands of Omar al-Bashir. It’s good that Clooney is concerned about al-Bashir’s atrocities but he doesn’t seem to understand that by supporting Obama, […]
Obama using Alinsky to Trap himself
On Today’s show… We’ve been told that Barack Obama is a master at the Saul Alinsky strategy. Alinsky’s son David said, “Obama learned his lesson well” during the Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign. All that may be true but as someone who dedicated his seminal work to Lucier, the strategy necessarily must have inherent flaws. We’re […]
Benghazi, IRS about Subverting First Amendment; Fast and Furious about Subverting the Second
By Ben Barrack Since being first inaugurated, Barack Obama’s administration has been both desperate and hard at work in its attempts to dismantle the U.S. Constitution. If there were two amendments they’d like to see either compromised or removed altogether, there is no doubt that the first and second would be the top two. This […]
IRS Gives Tax Exempt Status to Major Muslim Terrorist Groups with Clinton Ties
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The former Chairman of perhaps the most notorious mosque in the U.S. sits on the Board of an organization that has received 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Bassam Estwani, who led the Dar al-Hijrah mosque for years prior to 9/11 and who welcomed Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf […]
Will Congressman Fail to Act after being Labeled a Racist by Attorney General?
One day after a heated exchange with a U.S. Congressman, Attorney General Eric Holder made it clear he thought Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was racist. Holder made the comments at a National Action Network (NAN) event. The NAN was founded and is led by race baiter (racist) and former “fat rat” Al Sharpton. Holder was […]
House Ways and Means Committee Identifies Three Crimes Committed by Lois Lerner
The House Ways and Means Committee will be sending a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder this week, the POLITICO reported. According to the report, the Committee has identified “three crimes relating to the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups”. Perhaps Lerner’s most significant transgression doesn’t involve unfavorable treatment of conservative groups at all but the […]
U.S. Congressman Compromised by Muslim Brotherhood
Had the Muslim Brotherhood been identified as a terrorist organization (even Saudi Arabia has done this) and enemy of the U.S. after the 9/11 attacks, any Congressman caught aiding or accepting money from said group would be guilty of treason. Last October, Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) defended Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood at a House Foreign Affairs […]

Muslim Convicted of Aiding Anwar al-Awlaki associate and Terror suspect, now works for IRS
On Today’s Barrack show… Former IRS official Lois Lerner granted an interview to the Department of Justice in the last six months but has twice refused to tell the House Oversight Committee what she knows. Why would Lerner talk to the one entity that can prosecute her and refuse to talk to the one entity […]

The Cure for ‘Lois Lerner Syndrome’
By Sadek Raouf Ebeid, MD Egyptian Air Force Officer / U.S. Physician Any observer to the recent theatrical events in the US congress can only lament the state of this nation and the U.S. Congress has so far failed to reveal the truth to itself or the American people. The facts remain that Lois Lerner […]
ACLJ’s Jordan Sekulow dips toe in the water of Malik Obama scandal
Not sure how we missed this story from a week ago but better late than never… Familiar face, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), is an attorney who is representing 41 individuals in the IRS targeting scandal. His son Jordan Sekulow is the Executive Director of the ACLJ. At the […]