SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat True liberty is not what is found on a piece of paper, written by idealists who think themselves enlightened, but on the hearts of men, inscribed with the eternal pen, and instilling the glorious laws of Heaven. For the holy David writes, “And I will walk at liberty: for I […]
Tag Archives | islamism
Muslims Slice the Neck Of A Female Dentist Off, For Treating Men’s Dental Problems.
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Rui Diab, from Deir Zoor, a dentist in Syria was killed by ISIS Muslims for a very strange reason. She was missing for a few days, and then her father began to ask she went. He later learned that she was in an ISIS center. When the […]
Muslims “boast and gloat about the necessity of killing Christians”
By Theodore Shoebat A Chaldean Christian named Ben Kalasho is working to shut down ISIS recruitment online. He has managed to have several ISIS Instagram and Facebook accounts terminated. In talking about the depravity of these accounts, Ben said that ISIS would “boast and gloat about the necessity of killing Christians”, and also said that […]
Persecuted Christian Woman Sends Out This Message To America: “Please, tell the world what is happening… Please tell the world we just want to go home. We just want to live, we just want to be safe.”
By Theodore Shoebat An elderly Christian woman, named Munira Aziz, who fled her village when ISIS took over, had this message for America: Please, tell the world what is happening… Please tell the world we just want to go home. We just want to live, we just want to be safe. The rest of her […]
Muslims Take Numerous Christian Men, Chop Their Heads Off And Place Their Heads On Display
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims entered a Christian village in Iraq, chopped off their heads, and placed their heads on display on the hoods of cars. The murders of these Christians was recounted by a Christian woman of their village, and can be heard on this video: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE […]
Muslims Charge Into Hospital And Murder Sixteen People
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Central Africa charged into a hospital and opened fire, killing sixteen people, including three humanitarians working for the medical charity, Doctors Without Borders. The Muslim killers were members of the jihadist group, Seleka, against which many Central African Christians took up arms and fought. For ten months the Seleka ruled […]
Muslims Kill Christians, Christians Respond With These Words: “Our Blood Will Speak about Christ”
Christians in North Nigeria are being slaughtered by Muslims on a daily basis. A minister in Nigeria, named Rev. Pona, revealed to an interviewer: We are seeking the face of God in this situation… Brethren are being killed all over the state. Thousands of homes have been destroyed. Our churches have not been spared. We […]
Muslim Security Guard Asks Christian Man To Convert To Islam, The Christian Refuses And The Muslim Shoots Him In The Head
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man named Sunny was shot in the head on April 16th by a Muslim security guard named Umer Farooq. The two were both employees at a bank, with the Muslim being a security guard and the Christian a sweeper. Umer kept pushing Sunny to convert Islam, by telling him that […]
Muslims Butcher Thirty Christians, And Injure 300 More Christians
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim Chadians from the Chad peacekeeping force in Central Africa, opened fire in a Christian neighborhood in Bangui, killing thirty and injuring 300 people. According to the UN’s human rights arm spokesman Rupert Colville, they “opened fire on the population without any provocation”. He continued on to say: As panic-stricken people fled […]
Sharia Law Is Coming To Persecute Christians All Over The World
By Theodore Shoebat Sharia law is coming over Christians all over the world, be it in Syria or in Libya, Pakistan or Afghanistan, and if the Muslims and their sympathizers have their way, in America and the rest of the Western world. But I believe we need to rephrase our use of the term “Sharia […]

Muslims Execute Christian Professor In His Car
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian medical school professor named Adison Karkha was found murdered in his car today. According to the agency LANA, he was stopped and executed on his way to work. According to Libyan military officers, jihadists in Libya have intensified their presence, which means that more Christian blood will be being shed. […]
While Obama Helps Jihadists, He Kills Christians
By The Persecuted Christian As we have already pointed out in part 1 that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East is accelerating and nobody is paying attention. The rise in Islamic militancy is a byproduct of the Arab Spring and Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world are facing threats that until now, are […]
Muslims Massacre Poor Farmer Families In Cold Blood (Absolutely Horrific)
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this absolutely disturbing video showing Muslims massacring poor farmer families in their barn, including children. This type of violence is happening to Christians every day, and it is incumbent of us to work hard to rescue them. PLEASE DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, IRAQ, AND PAKISTAN
Exclusive By Walid Shoebat How can I bring reconciliation between people who say they all love the Bible? My dream is to reconcile the People of the Good Book while keeping the spirit of discussion in ironing out their differences. My dream is to help my fellow Christian Arab to see that his enemy is […]
Christians Are Being Murdered, But We Are All Going To Rescue Them
Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian And Theodore Shoebat The Holy Cross lies upon the highest summit, and from under the earth springs up the thorny vines whose roots are settled into the parched sands of the forests of the abyss. They seek to kill the sheep who, hurdled together and plunged into the deepest fear, […]
What’s Really Going On with Obama’s Threats Against Israel?
Exclusive By Walid Shoebat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House and President Barack Obama’s ‘warning’ that his country could face a bleak future -— one of international isolation and demographic disaster -— if he refuses to endorse a U.S.-drafted framework agreement for peace with the Palestinians. Such threats, we believe, will […]