Tag Archives | jerusalem

People Say That Christianity Is Not Political, But Is This True?

By Theodore Shoebat If I were the devil, I would tell people that it is more civil and fashionable to keep Christianity away from politics. If I were the devil, I would tell Christians to relax, be themselves, and restrict their Faith only within the sphere of social life, and not within government. If I […]

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Nazi Flag flying over Palestinian Village shouldn’t come as a Shock but does

With this post comes another reference to what should be common knowledge but is continuously ignored – Islamic fundamentalists and Nazis are like-minded. That a Nazi flag would be flying over a Palestinian village near a Mosque should actually be less shocking than the fact that so many are shocked by it. Via The Blaze: […]

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News Media Lies by Omission

The current successor to Hajj Amin al-Husseini – the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who allied with Hitler in World War II – was recently detained by Israeli police. The reason had to do with attacks on tourists. To read the AP’s account of the incident, the concerns of the Palestinian President and Secretary of State […]

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State Department: Assad responsible for rise of Al-Qaeda in Syria

What does the State Department do when forced to acknowledge the reality that rebel forces in Syria are made up of Al-Qaeda? It blames Bashar Al-Assad for creating an environment that could be exploited. Gee, isn’t that what the DOJ did with Fast and Furious and the gun control agenda? The video below is truly […]

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Mahmoud Abbas exhorts the masses: Jerusalem is Palestine’s ‘Eternal Captial’

It would appear that Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA) is a little too frisky over the recent U.N. decision to grant Palestine ‘nonmember observer status’ as a state. Via INN: PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas Sunday promised someday the PA flag would fly over “Jerusalem, eternal capital of the state of Palestine.” Thousands […]

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Thumb, meet Nose: Israel approves Jerusalem home construction right after Palestine recognized by U.N.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a significant hit in the polls when he agreed to the cease-fire with Hamas. Israel’s decision to approve construction of thousands of homes in Jerusalem so soon after the U.N. vote to recognize Palestine may just get him back in some good graces with some of those disenchanted Israelis. […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan calls Israel a ‘terrorist state’; State Department spokesman refuses to condemn

Hours after Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan referred to Israel as a ‘terrorist state’, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland was confronted by fiery AP reporter Matt Lee, who has had more than a few run-ins with Nuland over matters relative to State’s policies toward Israel. First, what Erdogan said via Reuters: “Those who associate […]

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Half of Democratic Delegates anti-God and anti-Israel?

It’s more than safe to say that well more than one-third of Democratic Party delegates are both godless and reject Jerusalem as being the capital of Israel. The video below will clearly demonstrate that. First, this all started when it was learned that the Democrats took out of the Party platform any reference to ‘God’ […]

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Is this why Democratic Party platform no longer acknowledges Jerusalem as Capital of Israel?

The 2012 Democratic Party platform is on full display this week and one of the most glaring omissions is verbiage that identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Could the increase in the number of Muslim delegates at the Democratic National Convention have anything to do with it? Via Newsmax: A record number of Muslim […]

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Video: Egyptian Commentators debate Mursi’s Vision for Egypt

The impetus for this debate was the speech given by Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi at a presidential campaign rally for presumptive presidential-elect Mohammed Mursi, back on May 1st. In that speech, Higazi said that if elected, Mursi would make Jerusalem the capital of an Islamic Caliphate. Mursi didn’t utter the words but he certainly seemed […]

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Barack Obama keeps US Embassy in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem

To be fair, both of Barack Obama’s presidential predecessors (George W. Bush and Bill Clinton) did what Obama did this month; all signed waivers that kept the United States’ Israeli Embassy in Tel Aviv instead of where it should belong – Jerusalem. Nonetheless, in light of the Obama administration’s consistent mistreatment of Israel, his signature […]

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Video: Cleric says Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Presidential candidate will make Jerusalem the Caliphate Capital

If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you’re familiar with the name Muhammad Mursi. He is a leader with the Muslim Brotherhood; his wife is a leader with the female version – the Muslim Sisterhood. Mursi has the support of Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi, who says that if elected, Mursi will liberate Jerusalem and […]

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Why are Jewish leaders ignoring the lessons of History?

When Walid first began speaking out, we begged Jewish leaders and institutions to help sponsor and promote his speeches at Universities. A standard answer we received in response was something like, “Mr. Shoebat does not believe in a two-state solution, which is the policy of the Israeli government.” They refused to support our efforts; that […]

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Video: Obama State Department refuses to identify Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

The video exchange below is jaw-dropping enough but the Right Scoop has posted an interesting juxtaposition that makes it even more disturbing. First, here is an exchange between a member of the press and State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. Via Right Scoop: Contrast that with Obama Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan who, while speaking to […]

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Hamas gives Murderer of Seven Children her own Talk Show

I know what you’re thinking… If Eliot Spitzer can get his own television show in the wake of resigning from his position as Governor of New York due to his role in a prostitution ring, why can’t a child murderer get her own show? This is what we call a ‘malleable moral standard.’ Via Arutz […]

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