After State Department spokesman Marie Harf embarrassed herself by suggesting that ISIS terrorists needed jobs to prevent them from becoming terrorists, she doubled down, as reported but she also did something unbelievably egregious. While appearing on Morning Joe, Harf invoked the name Joseph Kony as an example of a Christian terrorist. Doing so was […]
Tag Archives | Mike Kelly
MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in the Case of Barack Obama and his Muslim Brother Malik
There has been a major breakthrough in the case of Malik Obama. It may also help to explain why members of Congress, mainstream media, and shockingly, even the attorneys for Tea Party groups targeted by the IRS have chosen to ignore the earth-shattering scandal involving the President’s eldest brother. This new discovery reveals a mosaic […]
If Obama and Holder have Blood of NYPD Cops on their Hands, So Do 535 Members of Congress
Many are making the argument that the blood of NYPD police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were murdered execution-style by a Muslim, is on the hands of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Mayor Bill de Blasio and race hustler Al Sharpton. The NYPD itself is making no bones about blaming de […]
Lawsuit Naming Malik Obama as Defendant Cites Shoebat Research
Citing a violation of RICO Statutes (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations), a lawsuit has been filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Named defendants include Barack Obama, Malik Obama, Hillary Clinton and Hamas. At issue is a claim by the plaintiffs – led by Larry Klayman – that the defendants committed […]
Attorney for Tea Party Group Caught Suppressing Evidence of Islamic Terror Funding in Client’s Battle with IRS
In True the Vote (TTV) v. IRS, the crux of the case involves the targeting of conservative groups for increased scrutiny and undue harassment while simultaneously delaying the issuance of tax-exempt status for years. TTV’s attorney Cleta Mitchell is suppressing evidence that would help her client. We know because we walked her office through it […]
Accessory to Terror Funding Lois Lerner calls Conservatives ‘A**holes’ who are worse than ‘Terrorists’
In a shocking revelation, emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner show that she once referred to patriotic Americans as “assholes” and likened them to “terrorists”. The thickly-laden irony is that Lerner’s signature is at the bottom of the 501(c)(3) approval letters for at least one terrorist front group (CAIR), a highly questionable Muslim organization […]
Rush Limbaugh admits he’s not Critical of Islam because of CAIR
While doing a segment on his radio show yesterday about polygamy in the Obama family, Rush Limbaugh inadvertently made a disturbing admission. When given the opportunity to explain the source of polygamy in the Obama family, Limbaugh said, “it’s not Kenya” (rightly implying that it’s Islam). He then said this: “If I tell you what […]
Michele Bachmann on Right Side of History as she Introduces Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Bill
By Ben Barrack U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and seven other congressmen have formally introduced a bill that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and impose sanctions on its supporters in the U.S. Though the chances of the bill passing with a Democrat majority in the Senate and Barack Obama as […]
Congressman HUGS IRS Commissioner instead of asking him about Malik Obama and Lois Lerner
It was brought to our attention that at the June 20th House Ways and Means Committee hearing last week, Rep. Mike Kelly hugged IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. We didn’t see video footage of it until it played as B-roll during a Fox News segment on the Kelly File last night as Megyn Kelly was interviewing […]
Executive Director in Obamas’ Lois Lerner Approved Terrorist Empire REVEALED as a U.S. Intelligence Agent
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In a stunning discovery, the Executive Director listed on the 990-EZ for the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), which was approved by the IRS’s Lois Lerner, is Ray Baysden, a former U.S. intelligence agent. Baysden, who knows the Obama family, is a former State Department employee who […]
Another Congressman Acknowledges our Claims about Malik Obama are “All True”
A regular reader and commenter at informed us that he attended the South Carolina Tea Party this past January to seek out Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) specifically. He did this after seeing how Gohmert grilled former FBI Director Robert Mueller about the Boston Marathon bombings. Here is what our reader told us about his […]
Republican Congressman VIOLATES his Oath at IRS Hearing
On today’s Ben Barrack show… Segment 1: How CGI – the company that built the notorious Obamacare website – is connected to the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks. Also, the administration was flat-busted recruiting escorts for the illegal alien children invasion. How does this provide further evidence that the Obama administration […]
Congressman gives IRS Commissioner Free Pass on Malik Obama
House Ways and Means Committee member Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) blew a golden opportunity with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen today. When given his time to ask questions of Koskinen, Kelly should have asked why the brother of the President received expeditious and illegal 501(c)(3) status from Lois Lerner in 2011 and why this was done […]
‘Lost’ Emails between Lois Lerner and White House may be about Obama’s Brother
By Ben Barrack Was there any email correspondence between the White House and former IRS Tax Exempt Director Lois Lerner relative to Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF)? If so, when would it have taken place? Could it have been any time between January 2009 – April of 2011? The reason that should be […]

Why Rep. Kelly Sucks
This we know. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, has both admitted to knowing the details about the claims against Barack Obama’s half-brother and has said those claims are “spot on”. Now, with the leaking of official Egyptian government documents, we appear to learn more about why Egypt […]
Rep. Mike Kelly knows about Malik Obama / IRS scandal
Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) sits on the House Ways and Means Committee. As such, he is quite familiar with the IRS scandals. Today, while doing a Radio Town Hall on News Talk 790 WPIC, which broadcasts from his district, Kelly appeared on the Ron Errett show. During his town hall, Kelly received a call from […]