By Ben Barrack Chuck Todd goes under the Bus after White House Trial Balloon goes up in Flames To Swift-Boat: American political jargon that is used as a strong pejorative description of some kind of attack that the speaker considers unfair or untrue—for example, an ad hominem attack or a smear campaign. MSNBC’s Chuck Todd […]
Tag Archives | MSNBC
Even MSNBC RIPS Bergdahl’s Taliban Father
This exchange between MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, other panelists, and MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd is instructive on several levels. First, the dysfunctional mentality of the left – that judgment is bad – is on full display. Todd is nearly apoplectic when Scarborough makes a statement of fact relative to Bob Bergdahl’s history of consorting with […]
Barack Obama IS a Muslim (No Joke)
Ain’t it funny that the only time the left-wing kooks are actually right about something is when they think they’re using satire? In this example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and a two-person panel are discussing the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls when Howard Fineman sarcastically says that conservatives believe the reason Hillary went so soft on terrorism is […]
MSNBC’s Liberals having real problem with Benghazi
Is there a scandal out there that’s too big for the mainstream media to ignore? If so, Benghazi may be in the running thanks to the ‘smoking gun’ email released earlier this week. Two excerpts from two separate MSNBC (Obama’s ventriloquist dummy network) coupled with an irritated Nancy Pelosi show that Benghazi ain’t going away. […]

Scarborough rips… Jay Carney?… on IRS Scandal?
Joe Scarborough long ago crossed over to the dark side of liberalism. His liberal co-host Mika Brzezinski has, no doubt, had a lot of influence on him. That he works for the White House ventriloquist dummy known as MSNBC definitely has something to do with it too. That said, he is capable of having moments […]
Video: Omar al-Bashir’s namesake – Martin Bashir – plays race card on IRS Scandal while Barack Obama’s brother working for government that has Slaughtered Millions of… blacks
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir is actually playing the race card with the IRS scandal. According to Bashir, those who raise legitimate concerns about the IRS’ treatment of conservative groups are racists who just want to get a “Black Man” out of the “White House”. Lost on Martin Bashir is the treatment received by the brother of […]
Video: MSNBC Panel actually talks ‘Impeachment’ over Benghazi
Don’t look now but a major hole has just been blown through the Benghazi stonewall. Perhaps that’s the reason for the smoke in the White House press room. These two events actually occurred on the same morning. Oh, the irony. h/t GWP
Video: Liberal Reporter on MSNBC says Democrats want her to undermine Whistleblower Testimony
Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, said that he would not tolerate the intimidation of Benghazi whistleblowers. Keep in mind, however, that Cummings is a registered socialist and socialists lie. Via Fox News: Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., top Democrat on the oversight committee, said Wednesday that Republicans are using the witnesses’ […]
Video: MSNBC’s Chuck Todd calls Benghazi a ‘Conspiracy Theory’
The White House ventriloquist dummies over at MSNBC are in full-time damage control mode over Benghazi. The ‘conspiracy theory card’ is now officially in the deck thanks to Chuck Todd whose chin-beard coincidentally resembles a ventriloquist dummy’s mouth. …or is that a conspiracy theory? Liars and covering for liars. There ain’t much difference at this […]
Video: Race-Obsessed MSNBC Host says sealed Borders cause Islamic Terrorism
MSNBC’s Toure’ is now on record as making the argument that Islamic terrorism in the U.S. is caused by closed borders. Aside from the obvious response to this absurdity, how would Toure’ know? They haven’t been closed since before he was born. Besides, the Tsarnaev brothers – along with their pack of lone wolves – […]
Saudi National in Colorado Prison may have himself a Bank Account problem
We’re beginning to learn some details about why there has been renewed interest in a Saudi national serving an 8 years-to-life prison sentence in Colorado for enslaving and sexually assaulting an Indonesian minor. Some of those details appear to involve Homaidan al-Turki’s large bank account, coupled with large purchases at the prison canteen that couldn’t […]
Video: Keith Ellison vs. Peter King debate targeting Muslim communities
Rep. Keith Ellison is connected to Hamas and by extension – the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Muslim Brotherhood groups in America don’t want to achieve their objectives through terrorism. They want to do so through politics. The schism that exists between Al-Qaeda and CAIR for example, is not all that dissimilar from the […]
Chris Matthews ‘Evolves’ on Dhimmitude (2001 – 2013)
On April 25, 2013, at the opening of the George W. Bush library, MSNBC host Chris Matthews blamed America for Jihadists like the Tsarnaevs murdering Americans. To watch the video at RCP, click here but this is perhaps the most relevant excerpt: “…if we don’t stop killings Arabs on international television one of these days […]
‘Devout’ and ‘Committed’ ‘Christian’ Martin Bashir runs interference for Islam in wake of Boston bombings
Aside from CurrentTV Al Jazeera Muslim Brotherhood television, perhaps there is no cable television news network that injects as many lies into its broadcasts as does MSNBC. Perhaps no better example can be found in its handling of the Trayvon Martin case. One of the hosts on this network – Martin Bashir – is a […]
Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: Susan Rice’s talking points on Benghazi were ‘accurate’
With the onset of YouTube, we’ve become somewhat desensitized to what used to be considered incredible videos. The bar is raised on a near daily basis now. However, the level of absurdity displayed by Time Magazine’s Joe Klein in the clip below from his appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe hits the mark. This excerpt from […]
Video: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow doesn’t know what started fighting in Gaza
Israel reached its breaking point after years of Hamas rockets being fired into its civilian neighborhoods. It responded with a precision strike that killed the Hamas Military Commander. Yet, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow behaves as if Israel’s assassination of a terrorist organization’s leader is responsible for the fighting. Flat. Out. Lie. h/t WZ