Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


Must See Video: Absolutely Uncertain

Be sure to read Walid’s article and extensive report on the background of the man behind Innocence of Muslims. Click here for the article Click here for the full report ——————– This video is narrated by a Jewish woman who voted for Barack Obama in 2008. She explains why she will not be doing so […]

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Video: Islamists Attack Christians In Syria

By Theodore Shoebat The Jihadist motives of the Syrian revolution are revealing themselves more and more every day. Just yesterday it was reported that the Christian village of Rablah has been taken hostage; the perpetuators involved are Lebanese Islamists from a terrorist group called Ahmad Ammoun. As I said yesterday, these thugs will be found […]

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Even Liberals Recognize Obama as a ‘Black Muslim’

Keith Davies Just headlined in the mainstream media is Madonna’s official endorsement of President Obama’s second term at a concert in Washington, D.C. last night. Despite her Kabala interests and so-called support of Israel, she has no problem with Obama’s anti-Israel actions in the recent few weeks and years. What was even more interesting was […]

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Video: CNN does it again; runs interference for CAIR

The pre-recorded interview Pamela Geller gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett, host of Out Front, was supposed to provide viewers with information about Geller’s anti-Jihad ad campaign that had been cleared by a federal judge; it includes multiple posters being put up throughout the New York subway system. While it did do that, the interview also […]

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Al Jazeera: Libya’s former rebels now finding Security work

There is a narrative that has taken root among the defenders of Libya’s new government. Such people insist that Libya escaped the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood by voting a moderate and secular government into power. According to Al-Jazeera, the security vacuum in that country is being filled by many of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels. […]

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Is there a Huma Abedin connection to Hillary Clinton’s celebration of Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11?

There were two people introduced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton inside the Ben Franklin room at a Muslim Eid dinner on September 13th, two days after Muslims attacked two U.S. Embassies and killed four Americans. One of the two people Hillary celebrated Eid with was Libya’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ali Sulaiman Aujali. The […]

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Do Embassy Attacks bolster Bachmann’s case?

In the wake of the Islamic attacks on U.S. Embassies in Cairo, Benghazi, and elsewhere continue to reveal lapses in both judgment and security on the part of the State Department, perhaps it’s time to revisit the concerns of Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), et. al. about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Though there […]

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Egypt’s BEARD DAY: Friday Demonstrations In Support of Bearded Officers

Walid Shoebat You read that right. According to Arabic sources, the demonstrations sparked by The Egyptian Salafists planed for Friday 14th, 2012 seem to have transferred away from being about the film that insulted Prophet Muhammad and toward enforcing the rights of police officers and military to grow beards. Yep. Egyptian Salafists, of the party […]

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Hillary Clinton wastes no time… Celebrates Muslim Holiday two days after 9/11 Attacks with man who supported Scotland’s release of Lockerbie Bomber

Two days after an act of war was committed against the United States in both Egypt and Libya, on sovereign American territory, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the Ben Franklin Room in Washington, D.C., celebrating the end of Ramadan (Eid Mubarak). With her was Ali Sulaiman Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to the United States, […]

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Huma Abedin Defender Alert: CAIR Attorney in South Florida

His name is Wilfredo Amr Ruiz. In addition to being Legal Counsel for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in South Florida, Ruiz is also a writer for the Huffington Post. He has written about Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin and guess whose side he’s taking? Before we get to that, […]

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It’s really hard NOT to call this guy a Doofus

Last month, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) stood by Michele Bachmann, et. al. at a town hall when he was asked to chime in about the Huma Abedin controversy. King responded by saying that Abedin – Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor – has distinct Muslim Brotherhood ties. Recently and to his credit, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, […]

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Video from Libya: ‘Don’t Shoot us! We were sent by Mursi’

There have been questions raised about whether the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya was done in conjunction with the attacks on the Embassy in Cairo. This video brings us closer to answering that question. In fact, it not only points to the same attackers but possibly to Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi himself. Fast […]

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Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC): Walid Shoebat is not qualified to speak about Islam

Be sure to read our recent report, 9/11: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes ———————– With pleasure, we announce that I have made it onto the list of the top 25 most unqualified individuals to speak on the subject of Islam. For this, we will link to the research MPAC posted and advertise their findings […]

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Keith Ellison’s latest attempt at Islamophobia-baiting

Perhaps the most prescient statement from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) in the video clip below comes at the end, where he says that those who attempt to divide the United States along religious lines “will fail eventually”. The truth is that dividing America along religious lines is exactly what Muslim groups in America seek to […]

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