Tag Archives | Nazi Germany

Albany High School assignment: Think like a Nazi and demonstrate Jews are Evil

Hitler’s propaganda expert Joseph Goebbels argued that the if a lie is repeated often enough, it will be accepted as truth. These days, all anyone has to do to confirm that is watch MSNBC. Goebbels also said the following: “…the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is […]

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Christophobia at Florida Atlantic University: Obama Sycophant requires students to stomp on word “Jesus”

Imagine, if you will, the following scenario: A university professor instructs all of his students to write the word “Muhammad” on a sheet of paper, place that sheet on the ground, and stomp on it. Then imagine that a Muslim student who refused to do so was suspended for not doing so. Then, the student […]

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Why is John Boehner stonewalling… on Benghazi?

Stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally In the game of cricket, the term stonewall means to: play a defensive game, as by persistently blocking the ball instead of batting it for distance and runs. When it comes to getting the truth about the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, the Obama administration […]

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Ode to Weak Leaders whom we can no longer afford to follow

In 1940, as Hitler’s intentions became manifestly apparent, British politicians finally began to realize that Winston Churchill had been right and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had been very, very wrong. Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Leo Amery, who was a British Member of Parliament at the time. Check out what he […]

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Echoes of Nazi Germany: Muslims demand ‘gay’ looking man leave ‘Muslim area’… in London

Isn’t it amazing how the homosexual movement in the West is more antagonistic toward the ‘intolerant Christian right’ which never seems to be caught doing things like this? It’s kind of the same Stockholm Syndrome dynamic that spawns the Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition, isn’t it? Watch as a man in London is harassed by Muslims […]

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Shocker: Yasser Arafat’s PLO successor, head of Palestinian Authority, praises Hitler’s favorite Arab Muslim ally

For years, the west has been told that the Palestinian Authority is much preferable to Hamas, that the former is the lesser of two Islamic movements. The political party that gave rise to the Palestinian Authority – Fatah – recently celebrated its 48th anniversary in Gaza City. Mahmoud Abbas, essentially the successor to Yasser Arafat […]

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Video: Nazi Christmas

Well, how coincidental! What we have been witnessing in America for some time has been the removal of Christ from Christmas by… you guessed it, socialists. This is not unchartered territory. Check this out from the New York Times: 1937 ‘Neo-Pagans’ Target Carols BERLIN — De-Christianization of famous German Christmas hymns, such as “Silent Night, […]

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Michele Bachmann: ‘United States aiding and abetting (Islam’s) goal’

During a radio interview with Jan Markel and co-host Eric Barger, Rep. Michele Bachmann discussed the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda in the United States as well as attempts by Muslim groups to quash dissent. There are several notable excerpts from the interview over at Right Wing Watch, which obviously has a problem with Bachmann’s take but […]

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Germany conducts Raids on Salafists; bans one Salafist group

The primary difference between the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood is that the former is far more open and honest than the latter but both seek the same ends. When it comes to developments in Germany, the Brotherhood is likely shaking it’s head at the Salafists and muttering something about ‘we told you so’. Via […]

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Etiam si omnes, ego non

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Can today’s psycho-babbler pastors of ‘easy believism’ like Joel Olsteen be compared to Dietrich Bonhoeffer or the double-minded Rick Warren to Von Galen? Can Joyce Myers be compared to Hans Scholl? When will today’s pastors of these “fallen away” Super-Churches who focus on self-esteem and nonsense withstand the onslaught of evil? To these […]

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Report: 58% of Turks Religious Bigots

Imagine if 58% of Germans didn’t want to live among Jews and 40% of them didn’t want to live among Christians in post-Nazi Germany. Now, replace the word “Germans” with “Turks” in post-Armenian genocide Turkey. Via Times.am (h/t Free Republic): Today head of the Armenian science department of “Noravanq” educational foundation, expert on Turkey Alistakes […]

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Why the Latest Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks Have No Chance

The preliminary peace talks between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Amman were suspended. Here’s why. When it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, rule #1 is that the core issue regarding the conflict is not about land. Newt Gingrich touched on this when he said that the Palestinians are “an invented people.” […]

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Hollywood Actor who played Oskar Schindler considers converting to Islam

Hollywood actor Liam Neeson, who ironically played the role of Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List, is giving serious consideration to abandoning Catholicism for Islam. We’re not sure what he thinks about Oskar Schindler or if he knows that the Nazis allied with Islamic leaders in WWII, in large part, over a common hatred for the […]

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