By Walid Shoebat And Ben Barrack US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities last year by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran. The strength of the leaked report also relies on the confirmed history of the United States thwarting a previous effort when Former US […]
Tag Archives | prophecy
Obama, the anti semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News
Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011. Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States. Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles […]
Prophecy Unfolding on future Turkish Invasion of Egypt
Report today from Israel Nationals News Daniel 11: 43 – 45 43 He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. 44 But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he […]
ISIS Declares That They Will Invade Jerusalem, The Vatican, And Spain, And Destroy the Christian Cross.
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat ISIS has declared in a very recent video that their forces plan on invading Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Spain. The video begins with a presentation of ancient Rome, and the black flag of ISIS replacing a Roman statue, accentuating their aspiration to invade the city, and then […]
The Antichrist Nation is not ROME but TURKEY. Get ready for the End Times.
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Many students of Bible Prophecy insist that the Antichrist stems from a revived Roman Empire centered in Rome, a model that positions the end-times beast kingdom in Europe. But current news out of the Middle East provides some damning evidence that debunks such theory. The “Europe” model for an Antichrist kingdom became prominent during […]
Retired General and Fox News Guest uses Shoebat Research and then Dismisses it
General Tom McInerney (Ret.) appeared on a Fox News segment with Megyn Kelly and made a shocking claim after initially seeming to agree with something has been saying for years, that the Islamic Caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire will be re-established in Turkey. After predicting that the Caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi […]
Is The Emerging Caliph In Iraq The Antichrist?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Regarding Al-Baghdadi, who claimed the Islamic Caliphate in Iraq, who is he and is he the Antichrist? Does he fit the bill of the awaited Mahdi and the last Caliph of Islam? I have had inquiries. Ok, here is what we think. Al-Baghdadi was born in Samarra, a largely Sunni […]
Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled And Iraq Is Breaking Into Three Provinces
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Several years ago we predicted: “Expect the bear (Iran) to consume three ribs, which may be the splintering of Iraq into three sectors.” (God’s War on Terror, Page 325) Today, this just came out from the Daily Beast “Turkey Gives Up On Unified Iraq” stating that Turkey claims that since […]
Prophecy is Being Fulfilled, The Antichrist is Arising as Iran Moves into Iraq
When Iraq faded from the collective consciousness and few were paying attention to it we wrote: “Iraq will weaken as a result of America’s exit to simply be devoured by Iran.” (Article by Walid Shoebat written in 2012 for Jewish Voice Ministries) And now that Iraq is under the radar again as Mosul, Iraq’s SECOND […]
The Islamic Antichrist System is Forming as Iran and Turkey Are Already Uniting
The so-called “Iran experts” and “Turkey experts”, including all the U.S. government officials, both right and left, with their propaganda machine pitting Sunnis against Shiites, and also saying that Iran is growing increasingly unstable and that Erdogan was on his way out, were all wrong and we who study our Bibles are RIGHT. This observation […]
The West Is Turning Crusader, And Christians Will Soon Take Up Arms To Destroy The Armies Of The Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Last week news flashes globally gave some shock therapy to decades of prophecy hype as Europeans across the continent expressed through voting a desire to dismantle the European Union altogether. So if the European Union will be no more and Europe is turning right, what will happen now to the […]

Arabia is Mystery Babylon, Janet Parshall discusses prophecy with Walid Shoebat
Walid appeared on In The Market with Janet Parshall to talk about why Saudi Arabia – not Europe – is Mystery Babylon. For some background on the specific topic during this portion of the interview, check out Walid’s article, Muslims Rebuild The Tower Of Babel (Shocking Research!) Islam, not Europe, is on the rise in […]
Mindless Muslim Mob Goes Crazy and Starts Killing People At Random (Video)
Here is a video of Muslims, who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, murder various people at random in Sidi Gaber, Egypt. According to one source, the Muslim Brotherhood just decided to kill random people. Notice how the crowd looks completely mindless, even when they are dead bodies on the floor. This video shows that […]
Walid predicts the destruction of Saudi Arabia by Iran on CBN in 2012
Walid’s last and best interview on CBN in 2012 in which he predicted the near future some of which has already happened i.e the civil war in Egypt. Via CBN: Learn about what is happening in front of your eyes by acquiring “God’s War on Terror and End Times package for only $79.95 normally 109.95”.
Vitriolic ‘Christians’ should look in the Mirror and open their Bibles
By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) I had originally decided on this writing after a particularly vitriolic encounter by two posters on the site engaging in disgusting disrespect and name calling for all Protestants and all Catholics covering hundreds of post. It absolutely dishonored Christ. But I have learned to let some time […]
Joel Rosenberg Targets Russia based on Fictional, Biblical Interpretation
By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) I don’t too often oppose individuals. I normally don’t even open missives from friends regarding the utterances of author Joel C. Rosenberg. I have a dislike for the Christian writers who send their messages in their fictional formats, knowing their readers understand the writing as absolute truth. […]