U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who has served with honor and distinction, was arrested more than two months ago after accidentally crossing the border into Mexico with three of his legally owned guns. Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter who has the blood of fellow American soldiers on his hands because they were killed in action […]
Tag Archives | state department
Lying State Department Spokesman says Bergdahl not a Deserter
Even the attempt to use legalese doesn’t get State Department spokesman Jen Psaki off the hook on this one. When asked during a press briefing if Bowe Bergdahl is a deserter, Psaki ignored the question while describing how the Obama administration does view Bergdahl – as “a member of the military who was detained while […]
Obama’s Muslim Envoy Caught LYING should now be FIRED
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A decision – not a mistake – made by someone in the U.S. State Department should violently jolt the American people. It was a decision to promote and utilize the deceptive tactic of Muruna, which we explained in great detail at Shoebat.com upon discovering it. A searing, white hot spotlight […]
Obama Embraces and Works With Major Muslim Jihadist Leader And International Drug Trafficker
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection after the Benghazi attacks, the President had embraced Friends of Syria stating that “We organized the Friends of Syria”. Today, the man whom Barack Obama has decided to embrace and elevate has a history that includes international drug trafficking […]
Hillary’s War on Nigerian Women is about Benghazi
By Ben Barrack What Hillary Clinton is attempting to do is – in a word – despicable. A few days after the ‘Smoking gun’ Benghazi email was revealed by Judicial Watch; two days after House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would form a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi; one day before Rep. Trey Gowdy […]
Newly Revealed Evidence Shows That Obama Administration Refused To Call Boko Haram A Terrorist Group
By Theodore Shoebat We now know what the Obama administration refused to call Boko Haram, the Muslim group that is killing more Christians than anyone, a terrorist group. It was Hilary Clinton, when she was running the State Department, who resisted the measure of labeling Boko Haram as a terrorist group. Those who were pushing […]
Distribution List of ‘Smoking Gun’ Benghazi Email Included Muslim Brotherhood AGENT
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The ‘smoking gun’ email that reveals who instructed Susan Rice to blame the Benghazi attack on a video also exposes a recipient named Mehdi K. Alhassani. Alhassani was the leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group and attended the sister mosque of […]
Hillary Clinton’s support for Muslim Brotherhood explains why no one can name her Accomplishments
The short answer to the question about why Obama administration officials and sycophantic left-wing media pundits are having so much difficulty naming Hillary Clinton accomplishments is rather simple. Accomplishments are in the eye of the beholder. As a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Hillary accomplished quite a bit. However, since that doesn’t sell too well, it’s better […]
Hellbent on Blaming Assad for Chemical Attacks
Although State Department spokesman Jen Psaki is clearly hedging her bets when it comes to blaming Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime for the recent chemical attack in Syria, it’s rather obvious where the Obama administration wants to go. At yesterday’s press briefing, Psaki was asked if she’d seen reports of the attack. She acknowledged she had […]
State Dept Spokesman refers to Turkey as ‘Close NATO Ally’ while dismissing claims U.S. Supports Fethullah Gulen
The dynamic that exists between Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who resides in Pennsylvania’s Poconos is enigmatic. Reports that the two men have become bitter adversaries have increased as well. In the wake of Erdogan’s sweeping electoral victories on March 30th, which Shoebat.com predicted accurately, there are news […]
U.S. State Department finds it ‘Shocking’ that Egypt would Execute Terrorists despite admitting that released Terrorist involved in Benghazi attack
At least one former Gitmo detainee has been implicated in the 2012 Benghazi attack that resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. That detainee leads a group that can be found ensconced in Muslim Brotherhood ideology. This week, an Egyptian court sentenced more than 500 members of the Muslim […]
State Dept Spokesman touts ‘Dialogue’ with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
Even Saudi Arabia has identified the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. That doesn’t stop the Obama administration from continuing to engage the group around the world. Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. have never been more powerful or brazen and Egypt’s branch continues to remain in good standing with the U.S. State Department. Here […]
State Caves a bit on Benghazi; still avoids Egypt Link
The State Department has identified Ansar Al-Sharia and its leaders as terrorist organizations and terrorists respectively, something we (and others) demonstrated several months ago. Let’s see, well over a year after the Benghazi attack, State has conceded something that was beyond painstakingly obvious within hours of that attack. There is something else that is quite […]
Iran Nuke Deal brokered by key Benghazi Figure
Man Credited with Negotiating Iran Nuke Deal a key player in Benghazi Cover-up Former Hillary Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan is obviously good at making bad deals. Earlier this year, he was identified as a key State Department figure who worked with the CIA to craft the now infamous Benghazi talking points that […]
Obama is choosing side of Official Terror States
By Ben Barrack The U.S. State Department has a scant four countries on its official list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. In light of the countries that are not on the list (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Venezuela, etc.) we are left only to conclude that all four of these nations essentially constitute America’s […]
Another John Kerry Gaffe over Libya?
Just a few days after U.S. Special Forces captured Abu Anas al Libi in Tripoli, the Prime Minister of Libya was kidnapped and then released after several hours. Once again, the U.S. Secretary of State – in this case, John Kerry – may have demonstrated incompetence relative to Libya. The abductors pointed to Kerry’s comments […]