Tag Archives | state department

Benghazi just got closer to Hillary Clinton

Back on October 10, 2012, State Department Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy testified in front of the House Oversight Committee about the attacks in Benghazi one month earlier, on 9/11/12. Now an internal memo from 2011 that shows Kennedy signed off on the staffing levels at the Special Mission Compound (SMC) where Ambassador Christopher Stevens was […]

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Memo to John Kerry: Anthony Weiner says ‘willing to answer any’ of Grassley’s questions about Huma Abedin

This is a bit of an update to a story we posted the other day about Senator Charles Grassley’s letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, in which Grassley wants answers to questions Huma Abedin’s work as a “special government employee”. Anthony Weiner, who is running for Mayor of New York says there should be […]

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Interesting Date on Letter about Huma Abedin sent by U.S. Senator to John Kerry

Huma Abedin skipped town in the same month that the Heat was on last year and a U.S. Senator may be on to her (if so, his way of letting her know is absolutely brilliant). The date of a letter sent by U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), to Secretary of State John Kerry about Huma […]

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Were Benghazi Talking Points given to the AP on the night of the attack?

By Ben Barrack We now know five things unequivocally. First, Hillary Clinton issued a statement about the Benghazi attack prior to 10:42pm EST on 9/11/12. We know this because an AP report published at that time made reference to it. We also know that Hillary and Barack Obama had a phone conversation at approximately 10:00pm […]

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Andrew McCarthy picks up on New York Times article on Huma Abedin

Andrew McCarthy has an interesting take on the New York Times article that headlines former Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton – Huma Abedin. The Times piece headlines Abedin’s moonlighting as a consultant while still at the State Department. As McCarthy points out, the Times has no interest in Abedin’s work with the IMMA […]

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Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Huma Abedin vindicated by… the New York Times?

It would appear that John McCain, John Boehner, Marco Rubio, Ed Rollins, and a handful of other Republicans owe Rep. Michele Bachmann an apology for defending Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff last year after a letter sent by Bachmann and five other congressmen identified Abedin as having familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Why […]

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Did Huma Abedin ‘quietly’ step down as Deputy Chief of Staff in same month Bachmann letter sent to IG?

The title of a New York Times article by Raymond Hernandez reads, “Weiner’s Wife Didn’t Disclose Consulting Work She Did While Serving in State Dept.”. However, the headline for another story pops up in the eighth paragraph when a potentially very interesting claim is made. Take note of when Abedin allegedly stepped down as Deputy […]

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Gaffney: it ‘strains credulity’ that Huma Abedin not involved with Benghazi Cover-up

In an article written by the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney, he zeroes in on the women involved in the Benghazi cover-up. In it, Gaffney rightfully identifies Beth Jones, Cheryl Mills, Victoria Nuland, and even Hillary Clinton as women who’ve taken heat. Conspicuously absent is Hillary’s Muslim Deputy. Via the Washington Times: Then, there’s […]

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Do Benghazi emails released by White House contradict Hillary’s January testimony?

By Ben Barrack Problems continue to be mounting for the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. When the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes identified former State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland as being involved in the altering of Benghazi talking points, the mouthpiece for Hillary was implicated. Now that the White House has released more emails, it […]

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Where was Hillary’s Muslim Deputy when Benghazi talking points were being altered?

By Ben Barrack At the time of the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi, one of Hillary Clinton’s deputies was a woman named Huma Abedin. To this point, Abedin’s name has not been introduced into the scandal publicly. However, at the May 8th Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy referred to an email sent by Beth Jones, […]

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What Benghazi Whistle-blower has in common with Station Wagon filled with Nuns

The Democratic defenders of the Obama administration stonewall have been taking political shrapnel all week; it’s even been coming from the liberal media in some cases. The spinning that has been increasingly difficult for the Democrats just got tougher. Gregory Hicks – the Benghazi whistle-blower whom the Democrats have accused of coming forward because he […]

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Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Implicated in the altering of Benghazi talking points

Should Vice President Joe Biden fire his National Security Adviser or risk drawing the White House further into the Benghazi cover-up? When the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi went down, a man named Jake Sullivan was a Deputy Chief of Staff to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We now know that Sullivan was intimately involved […]

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Audio: Hillary Clinton Ventriloquist Dummy Victoria Nuland Lied one day after Susan Rice did

We now know that the State Department was far more responsive to Benghazi talking points it didn’t like than it was to attacks on American installations in Benghazi that resulted in the murders of four people, three days earlier. We also know that State Department / Hillary Clinton spokesman Victoria Nuland was very involved in […]

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Liberal Media: Hillary’s Ventriloquist Dummy acted alone

Last week, we wrote about Stephen Hayes’ revelations that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland sent and received emails having to do with the altering of Benghazi talking points. These emails were sent / received on September 14th and perhaps the 15th, before UN Ambassador Susan Rice lied on five Sunday talk shows on the 16th. […]

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