Tag Archives | syria

Muslims Impose Taxes And Sharia On Christians

By Theodore Shoebat In the Syrian city of Raqqa, Muslims, who are a part of the jihadist group The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have imposed taxation on the Christians living there. Its called Jizya, a taxed imposed on non-Muslims in Sharia code, and it is a part of the Pact of […]

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Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]

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Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat

Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]

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Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles

By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]

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Persecuted Syrian Christian Rips Senator John McCain

By Anonymous Note: The following article is written by a Syrian Christain victim of jihadist persecution whom Rescue Christians helped to escape. For various reasons, the identity of this individual cannot be revealed at this time. A chameleon can adapt to almost any environment. It can blend in and has the ability to change as […]

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McCain sucks up to Anderson Cooper over Pro-Jihadist Coverage

Yeah, we know, there’s plenty of evidence that Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) supports Jihadists – to include his decision to hire Elizabeth O’Bagy and embrace Mouaz Moustafa – but he’s so invested in that position that he’s willing to suck up to Anderson Cooper. Via Washington Free Beacon: Note in the video that McCain says […]

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Mentor of Muslim who Beheaded British Soldier admits to sending Jihadists to Syria

Anjem Choudary, the deputy of Omar Bakri, is a Muslim preacher in the U.K. who was also a mentor to Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded British soldier – Lee Rigby – on a British street in broad daylight. Choudary later praised Adebolajo publicly. In the video below, while talking to Bakri – who sits […]

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Muslims Promote Antichrist One-World Religion In Brutal Plan To Kill Christians

By Theodore Shoebat There are two kingdoms, one of pure light and the other of pure darkness, and as all of humanity bears witness, the glimmering brilliance of the dawn’s awakening foretells which one shall gain the victory, with the borders of Heaven meeting and giving comfort to the miserable earth. Amongst the ranks of […]

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American Government Plan Will Lead To The Annihilation Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat It has been pointed out many times by the superficial media, that the Syrian Islamic uprising began with “pro democracy” movements. Well, through detailed documentation, it will be found that the Islamic invasion of Syria was actually planned years ago, in great part, by the American government. This unraveling also reveals that […]

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Obama’s Brother Works With Muslim Who Murdered Christian Man

By Theodore Shoebat It has been proven, on the Shoebat website, many a time that Obama’s Brother, Malik Obama, works with Omar al-Bashir, the Muslim dictator of North Sudan. Well today it was reported that Omar al-Bashir bombed a Christian area in the South Kordofan state, in which they dropped three bombs on Damardago village; […]

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Jihadists Slaughter man’s family as he’s working in another Country

Imagine working in a country far away from your village. While you’re gone, your home country becomes infested with Jihadists who are slaughtering innocent Christians like yourself. Worries for the safety of your father and your sister, who remained behind, dominate your mind. It’s bad enough that these atrocities take place throughout your country but […]

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Muslims Carry Box And Say It Has Cake, But What Was Found Inside Of It Will Disturb You

By Theodore Shoebat Two Armenian Christians from Aleppo were kidnapped by Muslim fighters from a bus. When the jihadists returned to the bus, they were carrying a box in which, they said, had cakes. But when the box was opened, the severed heads of the two Christians were found. Riad Jarjour, a Presbyterian pastor from […]

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John McCain Chooses Jihad; Yells at Syrian Christians

Who better to explain what’s going on in Syria these days than the victims of the Jihadists? You can put Syrian Christians at the top of the list. Christian leaders from that country recently paid a visit to Capitol Hill and none other than Jihad-apologist, Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) apparently gave the clergy a dress […]

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Obama and John McCain’s proposed rulers for Syria

Zahran Alloush is a Syrian Jihadist who also happens to be a military commander for the Islamic Front there. In this interview, he shows his gentle side. Shortly after trashing the idea of Democracy for Syria, he says: “The state that we strive to establish will emerge from the will of our people, who want […]

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