First of all, everyone knows that John Boehner is an emotional creature; he can’t stop crying. We also know that as Speaker of the House, he’s expected to have a professional working relationship with the President. Such relationships, as they mature, take on an increasingly personal aspect, like golfing. Boehner is said to be a […]
Tag Archives | syria
Syria and CIA Director’s alleged conversion to Islam
Last February, during an interview with Tom Trento, John Guandolo claimed that he personally knows two people who witnessed current CIA Director John Brennan convert to Islam in the 1990’s while stationed in Saudi Arabia. We posted the interview at the time but in light of the allegations made by Yossef Bodansky and Dale Gavlak […]

Boehner again proves Cowardly and Worthless
Do you remember how tough Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) talked when he was in the minority? Well, ever since kicking off his tenure as majority leader after the 2010 elections with a series of good cries, he has caved on every single issue brought before him. In the case of Syria, Boehner has decided to […]
Obama an Accessory to War Crimes in Syria?
Talk show host Rush Limbaugh spent a significant amount of time on his show today entertaining the notion that the Syrian rebels may have been behind the Chemical weapons attack on August 21st. In particular, he referenced an article by Yossef Bodansky, which indicates that in addition to the rebels using Chemical weapons against their […]
Karl Rove siding with Muslim Brotherhood in Syria
By Ben Barrack In a letter to President Barack Obama, former George W. Bush adviser and painfully ubiquitous media pundit Karl Rove is one of seventy-four signatories who are calling for a bombing campaign against the Assad regime in Syria. Based on how politically connected Rove is now and how much access he had to […]
Saudi Connection to Chechen Terrorists in Syria?
By Ben Barrack If a recent article by the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is accurate, the Saudi intelligence chief is able to turn Chechen terrorists on and off. Not only were the Boston Marathon bombers both Chechen but at least two Saudis were injured in the blast – Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi and Nura Al-Ajjaji. By far, […]
Video: Turkey providing Al-Qaeda supplies at Border?
Note: if anyone knows how to speak Dutch and is willing to transcribe the audio in this video report by Bram Vermeulen, please send us a note. There doesn’t appear to be a corresponding news article so translation of the video is needed. A short description of the video in text form we were able […]
Nothing New Under the Sun in Kosovo and Syria
That which hath been is that which shall be, And that which hath been done is that which shall be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) In 1998 through 2002, I was writing for a site called Police News Network (PNN). Bill […]

Today’s Barrack Show
On Today’s Ben Barrack show, Barrack played back and analyzed an exchange between ‘Ben in Hermitage’ and Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) during a radio town hall. During this call, Kelly was asked about the IRS scandal that involves Malik Obama’s work with the government of Sudan. Kelly admitted to knowing about the scandal and said […]
Daily Kos pulls article implicating Syrian Rebels
On August 29th, Dale Gavlak published a very damning piece that implicated the Syrian rebels in the Chemical weapons attack in Syria on August 21st. We reported on Gavlak’s article yesterday. So did the far left-wing Daily Kos. Today, Markos Moulitas and the boys appear to have taken it down: Yesterday afternoon, Secretary of State […]
Obama gets Cold Feet
By Keith Davies The president’s conspiracy to scapegoat Assad and use a “little” war to distract the media and American people away from the scandals that plague his administration has failed miserably, thank G-d! Based on yesterday’s press conference and John Kerry’s blustering warpath speech, today’s events are stunning. Obama’s bluster and bluff is incredulous. […]
Attacking Syria in response to Video
By Ben Barrack When then UN Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows after the Benghazi attack and blamed a video, it gave legitimacy to an absurd charge. Egyptian Salafists wanted to use it to attack free speech and the Obama administration didn’t want the American people to know that it was a […]
Who’s the Bigger Cowboy now?
By Keith Davies Dale Gavlak, an establishment journalist from the bullpen of the Associated Press, The BBC and NPR has confirmed our findings that it was the Rebels who perpetrated the Chemical Weapons attacks. She also confirms that the source of these weapons was Saudi Arabia as one of the videos we posted demonstrated. Here […]
AP Reporter: Syrian Rebels behind Chemical attack
Associated Press reporter Dale Gavlak is reporting that Syrian rebels, armed with chemical agents from Saudi Arabia, were responsible for the August 21st Chemical weapons attack. Gavlak has also written for the BBC, Salon, and others. Here is what she reports at Mint Press: As the machinery for a U.S.-led military intervention in Syria gathers […]
Conspiracy and Truth are upside down
By Keith Davies Last night (August 28th 2013) on The O’Reilly factor – during the no spin zone – Bill bloviated that on the Internet, there are conspiracy theories about the rebels in Syria conducting the chemical attacks. Now Bill, let me ask you a simple question: After Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal […]
The Great Syrian distraction (from Egypt)?
The Obama administration is losing the battle over Syria before firing a shot. As it dithers on what to do, Egypt appears to be continuing the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. If directing everyone’s attention away from Egypt and toward Syria was by design, it may be having an effect similar to directing everyone’s attention […]