Tag Archives | syria

BARRACK-AST: Ex-CIA Operative SHOCKED that ISIS taking over in Libya

On today’s BARRACK-AST: ISIS is taking over Libya and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which supported the NATO mission to overthrow Gadhafi, is suddenly concerned. Europe is also suddenly very concerned about Libya being taken over by ISIS. As was the case with the UNSC, NATO signed off on the plan to take out […]

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Obama Says Latest Beheading By ISIS Not Done By Muslims

The latest westerner to be beheaded by ISIS was a man named Peter Kassig who, after converting to Islam while in captivity, became Abdul-Rahman Kassig. In a statement, President Barack Obama kept up his ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ meme while insisting that Kassig’s murderers were not Islamic, despite the group’s leader having a PhD in […]

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U.S. State Department BUSTED Pushing FAKE Propaganda

Last week a video purporting to show a young Syrian boy braving bullets being fired at him by the Assad regime, in order to rescue a girl younger than him. It went viral. On one hand, here was a young Syrian boy displaying tremendous courage. On the other hand, the Assad regime was seen as […]

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ISIS Begins Invasion of Saudi Arabia

ISIS has already begun its invasion of Egypt and Libya as Shoebat.com has reported. Its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is now calling for an invasion of Saudi Arabia. Yet, Turkey continues to do very little in the fight against ISIS. The BBC reports: In a 17-minute audio message, purportedly from its elusive leader Abu Bakr […]

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BARRACK-AST: Stupid People Defend Man Who Calls Them Stupid

On Today’s Barrack-AST: Jonathan Gruber is widely regarded as an Obamacare architect. He has been caught on video several times admitting that deceit had to be used in order to get the law past the American people. In making his case, Gruber insisted that the American people are stupid. However, the people he must have […]

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Muslim ALLAH Worshipped and Praised SUPREME on U.S. House Floor (Shocking Video Must Watch)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** To all who get excited at the Republican victory, watch your idol-kings and your high-priests in their cathedrals, all burn incense to Ba’al, they all bow at the sound of the name of Allah, they all sleep with Islam, the harlot of Arabia. All your choicest American […]

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State Dept Spokesman FLAILS When Asked About ISIS Strategy

State Department spokesman Jen Psaki is insisting that the solution to the situation in Syria is “political” and not “military”. She also struggled to explain why the administration is not doing a formal review of its current strategy in that country (h/t WFB): When it comes to Syria, the U.S. has few options. The worst […]

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Obama Seeks To Remove Assad As Way To Defeat ISIS

If there is one entity inside Syria that has the best chance and greatest incentive to defeat ISIS, it’s the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Yet, the Obama administration is actually considering a strategy beginning with the premise that if Assad is overthrown, ISIS will go away. People with questions about this insanely illogical contention are […]

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Trafficking ISIS Fighters Disguised as Refugees INTO Western Countries

A western reporter in Istanbul has reported that he spoke with a man who claims to have been in the business of smuggling ISIS fighters – disguised as refugees – out of Turkey for three years. Their destination? Western countries: Extremist fighters have been brought into mainland Europe, hidden amid boatloads of Syrian refugees, according […]

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Turkey’s Partner ISIS Already Invading Egypt and Libya

The prediction that Turkey will invade Egypt has been put forth at Shoebat.com for quite some time now. With news that ISIS is taking root in Egypt, that invasion may have already begun. It’s fascinating to watch the pseudo-intellectual western media outlets, those paragons of smart, suddenly discover what has been obvious to many laypersons […]

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Three Years After Cheering Rise of Muslim Brotherhood, Doofus John McCain Wonders Why ‘Radical Islam’ On the Rise

Like an arsonist who sets a fire and wonders why the building burned down, Senator John McCain is all of a sudden bemoaning the rise of ‘radical Islam’. With little due respect, Senator… Duh! During an appearance on Fox & Friends, McCain appears ignorant to the fact that he has been a key player in […]

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Patriotic Newscasters Call For Terrorist Blood To Run In The Streets Over Deaths Of Soldiers

The video below is SHOCKING to watch but potentially even more so because of what it portends. It is a compilation of Egyptian newscasters reacting to the deaths of dozens of their country’s soldiers in the Sinai last month, at the hands of terrorists. While there are several different newscasters, the sentiment of each is […]

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Obama Facilitating Stealth Dealings between Turkey and Iran on ISIS

Barack Obama sent a letter of appeasement to Iran’s Ayatollah regarding ISIS, a supposed common enemy. Yet, as Shoebat.com reported, Turkey – a NATO ally of the U.S. – is aligned with ISIS. This would mean that Obama is engaging Iran, one of only four officially designated State Sponsors of Terrorism, to help fight an […]

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Presidents of U.S. and Muslim Turkey Both Bullies Who Want To Be Seen as Victims

Bullies hate to be seen for what they are. When that begins to happen, they will actually play the victim card. In a statement that reveals a stunning level of projection, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdgoan is accusing ‘international media’ of waging a ‘psychological war’, also known as PSYOPs against Turkey. In so doing, he […]

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Obama’s Syria Strategy Predictably Failing as ‘Moderate’ Muslim Rebels Fleeing FROM and Defecting TO Terrorists

Those so-called ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels are reportedly either running from or defecting to terrorists. The news is coming from the left-wing Washington Post of all places: The Obama administration’s Syria strategy suffered a major setback Sunday after fighters linked to al-Qaeda routed U.S.-backed rebels from their main northern strongholds, capturing significant quantities of weaponry, triggering […]

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NATO’s Muslim Problem Child Turkey Is Putting Member States In Greater Danger

Russia is again saber rattling with NATO. Nuclear bombers were picked up flying in significant numbers near European air space according to the Washington Free Beacon. This is clearly meant as a warning to not just Europe and the U.S. but the larger NATO that includes Turkey, which is rapidly becoming toxic to other member […]

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