In the wake of the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is seeking to take a major step in Muslim progressivism. Almost singularly focused, the OIC has been attempting to criminalize criticism of Islam for years; it’s what they did in the wake of the 2005 Danish […]
Tag Archives | turkey
One World Leader in Paris Rally Compares Another World Leader in Paris Rally to the Terrorists who Killed Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists
Anti-Islamization Party Leader Marine le Pen of France expressed her anger at being banned from the January 11th rally but she may start seeing it as a blessing in disguise. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu attended the rally and joined other world leaders in the front row by locking arms. Joining him in that row […]
After Marching in Paris Rally, Turkey’s Prime Minister says His Country ‘Do(es) not allow any insult to the prophet’
When Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu marched in the January 11th rally in Paris, both his appearance in it as well as the decision by France to welcome him was awkward at best. Davutoglu is beginning to reveal why. During a trip to Belgium on another diplomatic offensive – to make Turkey part of the […]
Parisien Muslims: “The Jews carried out the Paris attacks to make the Muslims Look Bad”
Did not take long before the Jews get blamed for killing each other in some sort of Zionist conspiracy, despite the fact that Al Qaeda in Yemen have taken responsibility. Here is an unusual unbiased report on this issue from msnbc The sad fact is that most Europeans are either afraid of the Muslims or […]
Muslim World’s Support for Paris Terrorists Reveals True Islamic Agenda – BLASPHEMY LAWS
As people get lost in debates about what percentage of Muslims are terrorists, they often overlook the percentage of Muslims who support Islamic terrorism. An extremely significant percentage does. In fact, in Pakistan, where anti-Islamic speech is attacked by rabid mobs, many Muslims believe the terrorists in Paris acted on their behalf when they murdered […]
Pro-Hitler, Muslim President of Turkey Upset that Israeli PM Has Problem with Muslim Terrorists
The complete irrationality of pro-Hitler Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan relative to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to attend a rally in response to a Muslim terror attack is stunning. As it turns out, Erdogan, who refuses to acknowledge the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks, wants Netanyahu to admit to “massacr(ing)” Palestinian […]
German Anti-Islam Protests Grow While German Chancellor Goes to Bed with Turkey
As the world and world leaders focused on a sham rally in Paris, tens of thousands of German nationals rallied in Dresden to protest the Islamization of their country as well as multiculturalism. Pitting herself against these protesters is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who also participated in the Paris rally while standing shoulder to shoulder […]
French President Bans Leader of Anti-Islam Party from Sham Rally in Paris but Welcomes Prime Minister of Turkey, Which Harbors Muslim Terrorists
Those inclined to feel good about the massive world leader rally in Paris in response to the terror attacks should think again. French President Francois Hollande permitted Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to participate while also banning the National Front Party (NFP) leader Marine le Pen, despite her party representing 25% of a French voting […]
Before Carrying out Islamic Terror attacks in Paris, Muslim Attacker Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Caliph
Before taking part in the Muslim terrorist attacks in France, Amedy Coulibaly made a video and pledged that what he was about to do would be done on behalf of ISIS and as an expression of support for Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a PhD in Islamic Studies. In the video, Coulibaly is seen […]
Girlfriend of Muslim Terrorist in Paris Able to Travel to Syria through Turkey
While Hayat Boumeddiene, the girlfriend of one of the Muslim terrorist attackers in Paris, is believed to have traveled to Turkey and then onto Syria before the attacks, Turkey’s decision not to pick her up should raise questions. One day prior to the attacks, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech in which he […]
Slaughter of 12 French People by Muslims Provoked by Antichrist Nation of Turkey AND Hillary Clinton
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE While the investigation into the Muslim terror attack goes on in France, where 12 were gunned down by terrorists using AK47s and pump action shotguns, few are focusing on the truly big guns at play. The agenda behind those big guns is intimidation to stop free speech. […]
After Terrorist State Pledges to Deport Terrorists, Those Terrorists Say They’re Not Going Anywhere
Before the year ended, it was learned that Qatar had pledged to deport Hamas terrorists to Turkey, including Khaled Meshaal as part of its effort to ease relations with Egypt and other Arab Gulf states, as reported. Qatar has made such empty promises before, as it did after the overthrow of Mursi as President […]
Five Years After Obama Speech in Cairo, Egypt’s Muslim President Gives Speech at same University To UNDO the Damage
In 2009, Barack Obama kicked off his pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda with a speech at al-Azhar University in Cairo. More than five years later, that country’s Muslim president Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi spoke at that University and in many ways attempted to undo the damage. The irony is that the Muslim President of Egypt sounded far […]
China Inching Closer to Civil War with Turkey-Backed Muslims
Tensions between the Chinese government and the Turkey-supported Uyghurs in the country’s northwest province of Xinjiang are definitely escalating. The government wants to crackdown on what it sees as a source of terrorism and separatism; the Turkish-speaking Muslim Uyghurs are pushing back. Often lost on all of this is Turkey’s tacit but strong support for […]
As NATO ‘Ally’ Turkey Snuggles Even More Closely with Islamic Terrorist Organization, State Dept Spokesman Tongue-Tied
The latest version of the U.S. State Department ventriloquist dummy – perhaps just temporary and giving Jen Psaki and Marie Harf time to recuperate from lying on a daily basis – is Jeff Rathke. This week, he’s found himself in the very difficult position of having to respond to questions about why NATO ‘ally’ Turkey […]
Muslim Terrorist Country Angers Muslim Brotherhood by Easing Relations with Ex-Muslim Terrorist Country
Qatar has been a safe haven for Muslim Brotherhood leaders for years. As such, it has had common cause with Turkey in seeing the Muslim Brotherhood regain control of Egypt since the ouster of Mohammed Mursi in 2013. So, how does one explain Qatar’s sudden shift toward an effort to ease relations with Egypt, currently […]