Tag Archives | turkey

ISIS Outsourcing of Dirty Deeds to Turkish Gangs Raises New Security Concern for U.S. Military Personnel

As a NATO ‘ally’, Turkey is home to thousands of U.S. servicemen and women. Turkey has also become home to an increasing number of ISIS terrorists. Couple those two realities with a recent ISIS kidnapping plot, that involved ISIS contracting Turkish gang members and there is certainly cause for increased vigilance and security precautions to […]

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Muslim Tartars in Crimea Given January 1 Deadline to Turn Over Islamic Materials

Under Ukrainian rule, Crimea’s Muslim Tartars (Turkish Muslims who reside in Russian territories) were permitted to possess Muslim literature. Now that Crmea is under Russian control… er.. not so much. Beginning on January 1, banned Islamic literature in Crimea is set to be confiscated: The authorities of Crimea (now Russian) have given Muslims three months […]

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CNN Finally Noticing Cozy Relationship between Turkey and ISIS

Turkey’s support for and welcoming of ISIS fighters within its borders is not new. Shoebat.com has reported on it almost daily for months now. In fact, when Shoebat.com reported on the human slaughterhouses in Syria run by ISIS (Da’ish) last March, the chilling comparisons between ISIS and what the Turks did to the Armenians was […]

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China Will Have to Fight Muslims to Avoid Losing Part of its Country to Caliphate

The Xinjiang province in northwestern China is home to the Muslim Uyghurs that have been responsible for terror attacks against China. The leader of ISIS – Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – has made it clear that he wants the Uyghurs to join his self-declared Caliphate, as Shoebat.com has reported. Now an al-Qaeda magazine is calling for […]

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U.S. Aiding ISIS

If you need evidence that simply throwing money at a problem is not only unproductive but counter-productive, just take a look at Syria. Humanitarian aid designated for ISIS victims is actually going to… ISIS instead. While the report from the Daily Beast’s Jamie Dettmer focuses exclusively on ISIS confiscation of non-lethal aid, is it really […]

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U.S. NATO ‘Ally’ Turkey Making its Support for ISIS Blatantly Obvious

It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Turkey’s current government – headed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan – seeks a Caliphate, is in league with the Muslim Brotherhood, and supports ISIS. Despite this, the mainstream media and western politicians continue to allow Turkey to fly under the radar. Now we have another […]

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Saudi Arabia is Being Surrounded by its Enemies as ISIS makes Gains

As ISIS continues its conquest of territory with the help of Turkey, it’s having the effect of surrounding Saudi Arabia in Alamo-esque fashion. To say the Saudis are looking over their shoulder would be an understatement. Their heads are on a collective swivel. In his now infamous speech that included the lie, “ISIL is not […]

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Obama Choosing his Islamic Roots over his Marxist Ones in Syria

Is Obama a Marxist or a Muslim? It’s a question that has been debated since he burst onto the national scene. On one hand, he was born to a Muslim father and attended Islamic schools as a child. On the other hand, he was mentored for years as a young boy by Communist Party USA […]

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As ISIS Getting Closer to Baghdad, Obama Administration Officials Sounding like ‘Baghdad Bob’

Watching this almost makes you feel bad for Defense Department Spokesman John Kirby, who was asked to respond to claims by Senator John McCain that ISIS is winning the fight against the U.S.-led coalition. McCain’s schizophrenic ideas that removing Bashar al-Assad from power would actually make the fight easier aside, Kirby takes a while to […]

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Liberal Atheist Critic of Islam Falling Right into a Muslim Trap

When atheist author Sam Harris appeared with atheist comedian Bill Maher opposite Hollywood actor Ben Affleck, Harris articulated near perfectly the separation between Islamic terrorists and political Islamists. The former aspires for Islamic conquest through acts of terrorism and the latter aspires to the same conquest by operating through existing political systems. That’s what makes […]

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Propaganda Wars and Deceit between ISIS and Turkey Heat Up

Turkey wants Syria’s Bashar al-Assad gone. It wants the U.S. to help do it. A majority of U.S. politicians shockingly seem to want to oblige but generating the political will for this least advisable option has been difficult. Instead of getting the message, they just keep pressing. As the propaganda wars between ISIS and Turkey […]

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Obama Administration Wants To Hang Syria’s President By Seizing Opportunity to Capitalize on Muslim War Crimes Propaganda

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The State Department alleges it has obtained 27,000 photographs showing the emaciated, bruised and burned bodies of Syrian torture victims by using gruesome images that a top official told Yahoo News constitute “smoking gun” evidence that Obama wants to use for the purpose of bringing war-crimes charges against the […]

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Turkey Bombing Kurds, not ISIS

As the world wonders why Turkey is standing down and allowing ISIS fighters to continue their reign of terror in the Syrian border town of Kobane, Turkey is actually bombing Kurds according to the UK Telegraph. In reality, this is not new. As Shoebat.com reported, Turkey has been demonstrating animosity toward and a lack of […]

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ISIS Continues to Prove it’s Islamic and Muslims Who Say it Isn’t Continue to be Revealed as Liars

Self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been making things difficult for stealth Muslim Brotherhood groups and leaders. Attempts by Barack Obama to insist that a group with “Islamic State” in its name is “not Islamic” and the PhD in Islamic studies hanging on al-Baghdadi’s wall […]

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Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder the latest to say Islamic State is not Islamic (Agrees with Obama)

Gee, why would Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, echo the same sentiment as Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Muslim Brotherhood front groups when it comes to ISIS? Yes, Ramadan is the latest to insist that the Islamic State – founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a […]

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White House Began Working Toward Islamic Caliphate Long Before Obama Became President (Busting the Myth Of The Most Peaceful Brand Of Islam)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Beneath the stealth of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the west is an even more sinister and insidious level of deception that involves Sufi Islam and a brand of it known as the Naqshbandi Order. It is this order that the Brotherhood’s agents ultimately serve when they infiltrate […]

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