Whether its leaders realize it or not, Wake Forest University is laying the groundwork for Hillary Clinton’s stated techniques for implementing the Istanbul Process, which seeks to eliminate criticism of Islam. Beginning this school year, Wake Forest is encouraging students to anonymously “report bias” according to a letter on the school’s website that includes instructions […]
Tag Archives | turkey
Antichrist Turkish Minister Said “Christianity Is No Longer A Religion”
Turkish Environment and Urbanism Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar is claiming that Christianity is no longer a religion but a culture. Conversely, this anti-christian Turk thinks Islam is a religion of peace that the world wishes to corrupt and turn into a culture as well. Via Hurriyet Daily News: “The biggest three countries in the world are […]
It’s Only Homeland Blood that will awaken the American people
by Keith Davies political commentator for www.Shoebat.com The news bulletins are reporting on the beheadings of American journalists, which has caught at least some attention of the public, but only those Americans who choose to be informed about what is going on the world. We have witnessed the apathy of the public as a whole […]
U.S. Congress Declares that Antichrist Erdogan is a Jew Hater
A bipartisan resolution that seeks to condemn the rise of anti-Semitism around the globe also calls out Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by name. The resolution, authored by Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Peter Roskam (R-IL) represents an unusual move from a Congress that has been generally reluctant to acknowledge some ugly truths about Turkey. […]
U.S. Alliance with Qatar is INSANE and of ANTICHRIST
Imagine if you will a scenario taking place in the mid-1930’s in which the U.S. considers Nazi Germany an ally. The Nazis are investing in the U.S. and elected politicians in the U.S. are facilitating the activity with the help of lobbyists. As the Nazis are slaughtering Jews, U.S. politicians are looking the other way […]
Evidence: Hillary Clinton at WAR with FIRST AMENDMENT and not TERRORISM
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Explosive information previously available is being incorporated into our case that the Obama administration was indeed involved in the production and promotion of the video that has become known as “Innocence of Muslims” blamed for the attacks in Benghazi. This information also breathes new life into the […]
U.S. State Department Official Gives Keynote Speech at Forum Hosted by Terror State
Anne Patterson, the woman who served as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt during the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Mursi last year recently gave the keynote address at an event sponsored by a country that is a chief supporter and financier of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum is co-sponsored […]
Obama Admits he has ‘(No) Strategy’ to deal with ISIS as Terror Chatter Increases on eve of 9/11
When asked about how he plans to confront ISIS in Syria, President Barack Obama made a stunning admission saying, “We don’t have a strategy yet”. He said this at a time when the intelligence community is reporting a “significant increase” in terror chatter as the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches. Reasons why Obama has […]
What Rand Paul Missed in Criticizing Hillary – HUMA!
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took a lot of heat from Republicans and some conservatives over his comments about Hillary Clinton being a ‘war hawk’. The implication was that Paul was placing himself to the left of Hillary when it comes to a tough foreign policy in much the same way that his father Ron […]
Saudis Seeking Jewish Protection from Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, and Iran
After financing anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood terrorism around the world for decades, the Saudis are now seeking to normalize relations with Israel. In a clear gesture of self-preservation in the face of growing threats from the Brotherhood, Iran, and Turkey, the Saudis are seeking a rather unique alliance. This is obviously not about a change of […]
U.S. Sending Weapons to NATO ‘Ally’ (Turkey) Caught Harboring Hamas Leaders and Aligning with Iran
The Obama administration is sending weapons to Turkey, which is now openly harboring leaders of a U.S. State Department designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in Hamas. In addition to that, as Shoebat.com has reported [here and here], Turkey is solidifying its alliance with Iran, one of only four countries on the U.S. State Department list […]
Obama’s Pentagon Admits it Wants to Grow ‘Military to Military Relationship’ with Country that Supports Terrorists like the ones that Hit Pentagon
If there are two nations the U.S. continues to align with for seemingly very inexplicable reasons, they are Turkey and Qatar. Both of these nations support Hamas. Yet, when asked about concerns over Qatar’s support for terrorism in the context of the U.S. partnering with that nation, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby deferred […]
Obama Going Out of His way to Avoid Public Alliance with Bashar al-Assad to Defeat ISIS
The Obama administration is going out of its way to avoid any kind of public admission that it is working with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to fight ISIS. In reality, the implementation of any serious strategy to defeat ISIS in Syria will require the U.S. to work with Assad. In the case of not just Obama […]
Egypt Trying to Clean up Obama’s Mess in Libya
The NATO operation responsible for removing Muammar Gadhafi has quite predictably proved to be a disaster. It paved the way for the Benghazi attacks as well as the recent fall of Tripoli to Islamists and total lawlessness in that country. As Islamists were in the process of taking Tripoli, they were having to deal with […]
Obama is Blowing Dog Whistle to the Caliphate Crowd
After making an incredibly interesting observation that Barack Obama prefers to identify the group in Iraq and Syria as “ISIL” instead of “ISIS”, Fiscal Times author Liz Peek proceeded to bungle the explanation for why. She wasn’t entirely wrong but avoided the truth because it is apparently so hard for people – including her – […]
U.S. about to Formally Align with Bashar al-Assad against ISIS and Politicians just can’t admit they were WRONG
Politicians just hate to admit they were wrong. Exactly one year ago today, they were clamoring for Barack Obama to launch air strikes on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in response to the chemical attack. Now it appears that the U.S. is considering a covert alliance with Assad to fight ISIS. It no doubt pains the likes […]