Archive | May, 2012


Video: Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff calls anti-Muslim Military course “Objectionable”

It’s important to remember that when men like Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, express a formal position, he is expressing Barack Obama’s position and not necessarily his own. Nonetheless, self-declared Islamic enemies of the United States – who have declared war on us through both violent and political jihad – […]

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Rescue Christians saves two more Pakistani families this month

Two weeks ago we rescued one family from a blasphemy case and they now have been relocated within Pakistan, to a safe house. Today, we rescued a Christian family of seven who have been indentured in slavery for nearly twenty years. Twenty years ago the mother of the family had been diagnosed with cancer and […]

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Duh. Egypt holds less favorable opinion of U.S. now than before Arab Spring

In our ‘you don’t say’ post of the day, the Muslim outreach by the Barack Obama administration seems to be having an effect directly opposite to that championed by its proponents. Via NBC News: The United States has given billions of dollars to Egypt in recent decades, but research published Tuesday by a major think […]

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University of Central Arkansas teacher says she Apologized to Saudi students on her own

We received an email from the University of Central Arkansas teacher at the center of this story, which originated from a report from a website called Emirates 24/7. Emirates 24/7 reported that several Saudi students took offense to a photo that the teacher “liked” on facebook and went to her superiors to demand an apology, […]

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Rep. Louie Gohmert presses FBI Director on the purging of training documents

At a House Judiciary committee hearing, FBI Director Robert Mueller fielded questions about the purging of training materials that related directly to counter-terrorism efforts. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) pressed Mueller on the issue. In particular, Ghomert wanted to know why seemingly innocuous statements that included the words, “Jihad” and “Islam” were removed. He also wanted […]

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Members of Movement for abolition of Slavery in Mauritania arrested

It’s times like these when pseudo-human rights groups in the West are exposed for what they truly are – ideologues who have no real interest in human rights. If they did, they would be confronting the issue of slavery and the persecution of minorities, not in the United States but in Islamic countries. Imagine a […]

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9/11 Truther and Suicide Bomber apologist dies, CAIR Eulogizes

Ghazi Y. Khankan has died. Not only was he a 9/11 Truther and reportedly a defender of suicide bombers, but he was also a Director with CAIR-NY. Consequently, CAIR has seen fit to extend its sympathies. Via PR Newswire: The board and staff of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today offered sincere condolences to […]

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Hamas calls for new French President to visit Gaza

Considering that French president-elect Francois Hollande garnered a vast majority of the Muslim vote in his race with Nicolas Sarkozy, he is beholden to Islamist to some degree. Hamas certainly seems to think so. Via ynet: Hamas has urged france’s president-elect, Francois Hollande, to visit the Gaza Strip and “correct” French policy towards the Palestinians. […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Presidential candidate vows to implement Sharia Law

Yesterday, we posted a video of Mohamed Mursi sitting behind an Islamic cleric, nodding as that cleric pledged that Mursi would make Jerusalem the Caliphate capital. Today, let there be no doubt that Mursi may as well have said the words himself. Via Ahram Online: Egyptian presidential contender Mohamed Mursi on Monday announced his intention […]

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Shocker: One of Al-Awlaki’s last writings exposes more Mainstream Media Lies

One of the mainstream liberal media memes when it comes to Anwar al-Awlaki, the man who inspired the Fort Hood jihadist, the underwear bomber, and the Times Square bomber was that he didn’t radicalize until after 9/11 because of – wait for it – Islamophobia. As the guy said in Independence Day, that’s not entirely […]

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Video: Cleric says Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Presidential candidate will make Jerusalem the Caliphate Capital

If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you’re familiar with the name Muhammad Mursi. He is a leader with the Muslim Brotherhood; his wife is a leader with the female version – the Muslim Sisterhood. Mursi has the support of Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi, who says that if elected, Mursi will liberate Jerusalem and […]

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Report: University of Central Arkansas jumps head-first into the Dhimmi Pool

Creeping Sharia just started moving a little faster in the United States. A teacher at the University of Central Arkansas was forced to apologize to her Saudi students for offending them with a photo that she liked. Via Emirates 24/7 (h/t Weasel Zippers): A female university teacher in the United States had to apologise to […]

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Glenn Beck: ‘We’re all Catholics now.’

This is a very compelling video from Glenn Beck. In it, he references a trip he took to the Vatican and discussions he had with Cardinals. According to Beck, those Cardinals understand that the world is moving toward a spiritual war between good and evil and that the Pope has appointed six very socially conservative […]

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Paging John McCain… (again)… Muslim Brotherhood now most powerful Syrian opposition group

This is a bit of a continuation from yesterday’s post, where Republican Senator and self-identified “maverick,” John McCain, insisted that the U.S. arm the Syrian rebels because they’re a “repudiation of Al-Qaeda.” Reuters is now reporting that the Muslim Brotherhood – the umbrella under which al-Qaeda resides – is the most dominant group among the […]

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Police does Muslim Brotherhood’s Bidding in Michigan

CAIR – an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood – apparently didn’t like an event designed to promote the U.S. Constitution on American soil and was successful in its attempts to get police to shut it down. Via TMLC, h/t BNI: In the middle of an event to extol the virtues of the U.S. Constitution and […]

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John McCain demands U.S. Arm Al-Qaeda; says doing so is a “repudiation of Al-Qaeda”

Christians are facing persecution all across the Middle East as a direct result of the “Arab Spring” and Senator John McCain is demonstrating no concern for them while simultaneously demanding that the United States arm the Syrian rebels Al-Qaeda, who have incidentally been persecuting Christians themselves. Via the Boston Globe: Republican Senator John McCain of […]

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