Archive | 2012


President of the Supreme Judicial Council In Egypt Demands Implementation of Sharia

By Theodore Shoebat Everyday Egypt is getting closer and closer into becoming Sharia state, and it is an obligation for us to search out the signs which is foreshadow the future Islamic government of Egypt, and any other country of the world. This further reveals the coming full-scale persecution and massacre of the Coptic Christians […]

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Video: CNN does it again; runs interference for CAIR

The pre-recorded interview Pamela Geller gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett, host of Out Front, was supposed to provide viewers with information about Geller’s anti-Jihad ad campaign that had been cleared by a federal judge; it includes multiple posters being put up throughout the New York subway system. While it did do that, the interview also […]

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Explosive Report Hors d’oeuvre…

While this isn’t the explosive report we have been promising you, here is something to chew on in the meantime. We find the information posted at Atlas Shrugs to be consistent with what we will be publishing. The man portrayed as perhaps the biggest victim in the whole anti-Muhammad film controversy has been the producer, […]

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Contact in Pakistan relays new details of attack on Church

The following is an account from our contact in Pakistan: More than 7000 fanatics entered the Church compound in Mardan. They were carrying petrol. Right after entering the premises, they started beating a Christian. Afterward, they burned St. Paul’s Lutheran church, St. Paul’s school building, the house of Principal of St. Paul High School as […]

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Explosive Report Update…

Ok, ok, ok…. We apologize and take full responsibility for not coughing up the goods yet. The report is actually done but there have been some interested – and well known sites – who have taken notice. Somewhat begrudgingly – mostly because of what we’ve been promising to our readers – we have decided to […]

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Mohamed ElBaradei’s Party Demands Sharia In Egypt

By Theodore Shoebat Mohamed ElBaradei has been seen as the face of the Egyptian revolution, and also as a major moderate voice. He is even a Nobel Peace Prize winner. During the revolution he had given us words which could only appease modern ears, such as this: The priority for me is to — is […]

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Video Shows Eltayeb Mustafa’s Support For Embassy Riot

By Theodore Shoebat A video released this week shows Sudanese rioters in a rage against the Western embassies which they attacked. The first man that appears expresses his contempt for any security for the American embassy in Sudan: The security is suppose to be protecting the people, not the American embassy, because the people are […]

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New Jersey Governor may owe those ‘Crazies’ an apology

An Imam that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has repeatedly defended appears to be calling for a little bit of sharia law in the U.S. because of the recent anti-Muhammad film. Christie has expressed a bizarre level of support for Imam Mohammad Qatanani, who is an associate of and has been defended by a man […]

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Video: David Horowitz calls Huma Abedin a ‘Muslim Brotherhood operative’ on Fox News; Megyn Kelly shuts him down

This interview between Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly and David Horowitz started out by discussing Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the anti-Muhammad film, and his being interrogated by police. However, that’s not the point of this post. Pay particular attention beginning at the 2:25 mark. This is where Horowitz refers to Hillary Clinton’s Deputy […]

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What does Samuel Adams Say?

“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!” Whom could we be referring to here? “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when […]

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About that Explosive Report…

…It’s still coming. We just ran into a few of those pesky unforeseen circumstances. In the interim, we humbly ask for your patience… **UPDATE** We again apologize for the delay but there were some individuals who make up the ‘Powers that be’ who asked for us to delay publishing this report until the afternoon of […]

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