Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry informing him that the Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to interview four State Department officials with information about the situation in Benghazi prior to and shortly after the attacks. At least three of these four officials […]
Archive | June 25, 2013
Chuck Schumer gets in touch with his inner Feisal Abdul Rauf
This weekend, during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Senate ‘Gang of 8’ member Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told viewers that if House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) didn’t play ball and pass an immigration reform bill that there would be consequences. Via National Review: Schumer told Candy Crowley on CNN’s State […]

Erdogan: Forerunner of Antichrist?
By Walid Shoebat As a rule, we do thorough research before incorporating that research into our reports. In this case, I thought I’d let others do the talking when it comes to Turkey’s Primer Minister. Via Hurriyet: “President Erdogan made a speech at the Erzurum Meeting which he titled ‘Respect for Natianol Will’. In it, […]
The 9/11 Hijackers, Visas, and the ‘Gang of 8’ Bill
When it came to maintaining legal visa status, the 9/11 hijackers were rather sloppy. Many violated the terms of their visas and some illegally overstayed them. Despite this, they were successful. Nearly twelve years later, defenders of the ‘Gang of 8’ immigration bill moving through the Congressional sausage grinder, refer to bringing 11 million Mexicans […]
Vatican as the Harlot of Babylon: Debunked
By Theodore Shoebat Is the Vatican the Hatlot of Babylon? Where did this idea originate from? Most will be shocked to find that some of the greatest enemies of Christianity were the ones who developed or supported this idea: Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism; Muhammad, founder of Islam; John Huss, founder of the Hussites; and […]
Entebbe: The Price of Freedom
First published June 25th last year By Keith Davies Next week, on July 4th, we celebrate America’s 237th birthday but 37 years ago, on our 200th birthday, we had something more to add to our celebration of freedom. Our Bicentennial was also the day that Israel rescued 105 hostages that were held by Arab, German […]