We would like to take this opportunity to put all of those people who have been defending Huma Abedin on notice because her stock is dropping. Last year, when Rep. Michele Bachmann sent a letter to the Deputy IG at the State Department, The following Republicans stood against Bachmann and with Abedin:
Senator John McCain (AZ)
Senator Scott Brown (MA)
Senator Marco Rubio (FL)
Speaker John Boehner (OH)
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (WI)
Rep. Mike Simpson (ID)
Rep. Richard Hanna (NY)
Ed Rollins (Bachmann’s former campaign chief)
Rep. Mike Rogers (MI)
Now, even Drudge has as its lead story, a link to an article on The Atlantic:
When Michele Bachmann picked on Huma Abedin a year ago — claiming she had some convoluted connection to the Muslim Brotherhood — there was a rush to defend the longtime Hillary Clinton aide. The Minnesota congresswoman quickly got a scolding from House Speaker John Boehner, Sen. John McCain, House Intelligence Committee chair Mile Rogers. But now that her husband, Anthony Weiner, is running for New York City mayor, the attacks on Abedin aren’t so ridiculous, and Abedin herself is not quite so untouchable. Sen. Chuck Grassley is continuing his investigation into Abedin’s unusual arrangement from June 2012 to February 2013 to work part-time as a consultant to the State Department while working as a consultant to Teneo Holdings, a New York-based strategic advisory group, the New York Daily News’ Dan Friedman reports.
Did you catch that part about a “convoluted connection”? The Atlantic article links to another Atlantic article written almost a year ago. It says, in part:
We picked through a 37-page paper by controversial writer and supposed former Jihadist Walid Shoebat that claims to have all the evidence Bachmann needed to write that letter in confidence. Several conservative sites have quoted Shoebat in their anger at Abedin defenders. (One calls him a “terrorism expert.”)
We presume that the part about putting “terrorism expert” in quotes was intended to be snarky. Yet, it’s the same Atlantic that is today writing that Bachmann’s claims “aren’t so ridiculous”.
Huma “overrated”.
At some point, the truth about Huma’s involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood will be forced to the surface.
We recommend the aforementioned Republicans jump ship now, before it does.
Especially Rubio; he’s already in hot water over his ‘gang of 8’ stance.
Remember this from last year?