Archive | January, 2014

Muslims Take Christian Out Of Car After Finding Cross, And Behead Him

Two Christian men, Firas Nader, 29, and Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, were driving one day in Syria, from Homs to the Christian village of Marmarita, when five armed Muslims intercepted their vehicle and opened fire, severely injuring Firas. When the gunmen approached the car, they saw that Fadi was wearing a cross and so, in […]

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Muslims Commence Systematic Slaughter Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim fundamentalists of Nigeria have been incessantly killing Christians; it is systematic and consistent. What we are seeing is a holocaust being done right before our eyes, and while we say that “never again” will a holocaust happen, it is being organized and executed in the midst of this so called […]

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Senate Committee Confirms Egyptian tie to Benghazi

By Ben Barrack There is a very distinct reason why any Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 is extremely important. That reason is simple. The parent organization of all Sunni Islamic terror groups – including al-Qaeda and Ansar Al-Sharia – was the official governing body of Egypt at the time, led by President […]

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Christian Militants Pick Up Guns To Fight Off Islamic Invaders

By Theodore Shoebat Christian militants have arisen and, with weapons in hand, have with faith strived to compel “to flight the armies of the aliens.” (Hebrews 11:34) Ravenous waves of Muslim aggregates, are wandering into the lands of Christian villages that lie in Lebanon and border on Syria. Many of these Muslim invaders avoid the […]

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Benghazi a pre-planned Movie Narrative?

Thanks to declassified documents from testimony given by military officials to the House Armed Services Committee, we now know that the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC) was identified as a terrorist attack within minutes. We also know that then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey were both […]

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A nice interlude from the Mess

While the Arab world along with their propagandists strive to destroy Israel and the Jews, here we see young Israeli music students entertaining the sick and their relatives at one of the world’s finest hospitals. Yet, you can scour the whole internet and you will not be able to find any comparable hospital or talent […]

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Muslim Woman Murders Mentally Challenged Daughter

By Theodore Shoebat A Palestinian Muslim woman has turned herself in to police, for beating and then hanging her mentally challenged daughter after finding out that she was pregnant, in an “honor” killing. The victim’s father and brother have disappeared since the murder, and the Palestinian Authority have commenced a manhunt. Amal Al Juabah, the […]

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Human Sacrifice Caught On Film

Posted by Theodore Shoebat When Muslims behead people, they believe that the blood of the victim appeases Allah, and thus they see it as propitiatory act. It is, therefore, an Islamic human sacrifice. For more on Islamic sacrifice, please see my latest article on this subject, here. Here is a video showing this evil:

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Spineless ‘Conservative’ Congressman Mike Kelly

Elected Republican officials – including Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) – have in their possession evidence that former IRS official Lois Lerner aided and abetted an enemy combatant who also happens to be the half-brother of President Barack Obama. In a radio town hall last summer, Kelly said the claims were “spot on”. However, Kelly, who […]

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Republicans must make Obama’s Job Harder

“I want to be really clear about this. I’m not here tonight to bash President Obama. That’s not my intent and serving in office right now is not to make President Obama’s job harder; it’s to try (to) improve Americans’ lives.” – Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) The inherent paradox of that statement is that for […]

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Christian Woman Beaten So Badly Her Uterus Hangs Out Of Her Body

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian woman in the African nation of Eritrea was arrested and placed in a prison camp, where she was beaten and abused so severely that her uterus protruded and was found hanging outside of her body. The persecution is being done by the Eritrean government, and it is quite horrifying. A […]

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Muslims Want To Destroy Christian Civilization

By Theodore Shoebat We are currently trying to rescue 630 families in Iraq through our contact Sister Hatune Dogan. In order to accomplish this laborious endeavor, its going to cost $1300 to rescue each family. We cannot do this without you. Please remember your brethren and donate to save these poor and helpless saints. To […]

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Benghazi Blood on hands of Bush and Obama

By Ben Barrack Closing the Gitmo detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has always been a top priority for Barack Obama. Within hours of his first inauguration, he signed an Executive Order in an attempt to close it within one year. Barely more than one year prior to signing that order, Abu Sufian bin Qumu […]

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