There are no fewer than two former U.S. military pilots in the U.S. Congress who couldn’t be more wrong about America’s enemies. One is Senator John McCain, who blindly supports Syria’s rebels and the Muslim Brotherhood. The other is Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) who, despite his obvious intelligence and patriotism does not have the eyes to see the real enemy.

Rep. Kinzinger (holding water bottle) seated next to SETF’s Moustafa. Seen in far left is SETF Field Director Razan Shalab Al-Sham.
As is the case with McCain, Kinzinger appears to have been charmed and taken in by the exact same executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) McCain traveled to Syria with last year – Mouaz Moustafa. An article by Josh Rogin at the Daily Beast that focuses on the proximity of rebel camps to ISIS camps and the subsequent risk that comes with such an arrangement, includes the following excerpt:
Last week, Moustafa’s group brought a delegation of congressmen and congressional staffers who support arming the Free Syrian Army to the Turkey-Syria border and met with leaders of over a dozen Free Syrian Army brigades in the Turkish border city of Gaziantep.
After meeting with the rebel brigade leaders, Republican lawmaker Adam Kinzinger told The Daily Beast that the U.S. must speed up the training and equipping of the Free Syrian Army brigades that have been vetted.
Rogin refers to another group to which Moustafa belongs – United for a Free Syria (UFS). Dr. Yahya Basha, who sits on the Board of the SETF is listed as Chairman of the Board of UFS. As has reported, Basha has extensive connections to Muslim Brotherhood front groups and was once the President of the now defunct American Muslim Council, founded by convicted terrorist Abdurahman Alamoudi.
A CNN news report posted to Kinzinger’s website is not only unflattering but makes the Congressman look foolish. While in Turkey to argue for arming the moderate Syrian rebels, Kinzinger is asked if the U.S. can trust the rebels it is arming. Shockingly, Kinzinger essentially says he doesn’t know even though he voted to arm them:
One of the people interviewed for the report is Khalid Saleh of the National Coalition for Syria (NCS), also known as the Syrian Opposition Coalition. has already more than sufficiently exposed this coalition as a deceptive group.
The coalition was once led by Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib Alhassani, a pro-Turkey Muslim Brotherhood member who aligned with Osama bin Laden during Operation Desert Storm. Another figure that keeps popping up when talking about the Syrian opposition is former Dar al-Hijrah mosque chairman Bassam Estwani, who is a student of the virulently anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Estwani also sits on the board – with Basha – of the same SETF led by Moustafa. Here is a photo of Moustafa, Al-Khatib, and Estwani in Cairo, Egypt in 2012:

SETF Executive Director Mouaz Moustafa (far left), al-Khatib (second from left) and Estwani (far right) in Cairo.
Perhaps even more shocking is one of al-Khatib’s successors as President of the coalition. His name is Ahmad Jarba. As has detailed, Jarba’s history is more shocking than is al-Khatib’s. It involves a career in drug trafficking that required him to rely on relationships he’d established inside Syrian embassies when he was arrested, to get released.
Moreover, Jarba hired quite the interesting figure as his Public Relations specialist. It was a woman named Medea Daghestani, who in August of 2012 was caught in a Skype sex scandal with a Syrian opposition commander named Abdulrazaq Tlass, as reported. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Daghestani a few months earlier in Istanbul. has also reported on the significant evidence that Daghestani is a Turkish spy.
Last year, another man with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood became the Prime Minister of the Syrian Opposition. His name is Ghassan Hitto from Texas. He held the position for approximately four months.
In 2002, Hitto was the Vice-President of Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR in Dallas-Fort Worth as reported.
Today, the New York Times reports he resides in Turkey, not Texas:
Mr. Hitto, who had spent most of his life in the United States, had taken on the task of forming an alternative government to that of President Bashar al-Assad.
He lasted less than four months in the position, but he has yet to return to Texas. Since July, when the interim government collapsed amid vicious infighting, pushing out his successor, he has continued plotting how to fortify the opposition from the now permanent home in Istanbul that he shares with his newly relocated wife.
Kinzinger and McCain, two men who’ve served in the U.S. military as pilots are failing to do what all military guys must do in order to win – identify the enemy.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post referred to McCain as an Air Force pilot. As commenters rightly point out, McCain was actually a Navy Aviator.